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The recent financial market crash was caused by turmoil in Japan’s stock market and its currency that spilled over into many leading stock exchanges and the global crypto market. Luckily, the markets bounced back fairly quickly, but PEPE is lagging behind, leaving investors to question its relevance and worth. While PEPE is still dropping, a new memecoin project has captured the attention of many.
最近的金融市場崩盤是由日本股市及其貨幣的動盪造成的,這種動盪蔓延到了許多主要證券交易所和全球加密貨幣市場。幸運的是,市場反彈得相當快,但 PEPE 卻落後了,這讓投資者質疑其相關性和價值。雖然 PEPE 仍在下跌,但一個新的 memecoin 項目已經引起了許多人的關注。
The first week of August was not a pleasant one for both the crypto and the stock market. Both markets saw huge price decreases and liquidations, with billions getting erased in a matter of hours.
Luckily, the crash was short-lived as the start of the second week of August saw many stocks and coins bouncing back. While the majority of the crypto market rebounded, PEPE has been stalling, falling by over 30% in just 7 days. Even though it started to make back what it lost for a moment, it quickly continued on its downward trend and has yet to stop.
幸運的是,這次崩盤是短暫的,因為八月第二週開始,許多股票和代幣出現反彈。儘管大部分加密貨幣市場都在反彈,但 PEPE 一直停滯不前,在短短 7 天內下跌了 30% 以上。儘管它開始挽回一時的損失,但它很快就繼續下跌,而且還沒有停止。
The bright side is that PEPE still has a huge market presence, so there’s still some hope for the coin. However, as newer and more interesting players emerge on the market, PEPE might not be strong enough to hold on.
好的一面是 PEPE 仍然擁有龐大的市場份額,因此該代幣仍有一些希望。然而,隨著市場上出現更新、更有趣的參與者,PEPE 可能不足以堅持下去。
Now, PEPE is hovering near its key resistance levels and has entered a consolidation phase. And since it is consolidating in the red, there might be more downturns to come for the token.
According to @docXBT, a crypto expert and analyst, the consolation that we’re currently seeing with PEPE could potentially lead to a breakout for the token. In his tweet on August 7, the expert showed that he anticipated a further downward trend for the coin before an imminent breakout.
據加密專家兼分析師 @docXBT 稱,我們目前在 PEPE 上看到的安慰可能會導致該代幣的突破。該專家在 8 月 7 日的推文中表示,他預計該代幣在即將突破之前將進一步下跌。
If we look at his chart, he outlines the possibility of PEPE reaching its 2023 ATH before it rallies again, and he even states that PEPE could flip SHIB in the months to come. Other crypto experts like @MichaelXBT agree with the thought that PEPE needs to consolidate longer to break out, but whether it will flip SHIB remains to be seen.
如果我們看一下他的圖表,他概述了 PEPE 在再次反彈之前達到 2023 年 ATH 的可能性,他甚至表示 PEPE 可能會在未來幾個月內翻轉 SHIB。 @MichaelXBT 等其他加密貨幣專家也同意 PEPE 需要更長時間的整合才能爆發的觀點,但它是否會翻轉 SHIB 還有待觀察。
At the moment, PEPE has an RSI that shows it is oversold, which should be a good sign for the token. However, PEPE’s MACD is still bearish and signals that there’s still intense selling pressure for the coin. Thus, with somewhat opposing signs, traders are waiting to see how PEPE moves in the coming weeks to draw their longer-term expectations.
目前,PEPE 的 RSI 顯示其超賣,這對該代幣來說應該是一個好兆頭。然而,PEPE 的 MACD 仍然看跌,表明該代幣仍然存在巨大的拋售壓力。因此,儘管存在一些相反的跡象,交易員正在等待 PEPE 在未來幾週內的走勢,以得出他們的長期預期。
With so much uncertainty and volatility, the upcoming days are crucial for the future of PEPE. If PEPE continues to trade in the red, crypto experts say that further price decreases are in store for the token, and vice versa. So, they recommend caution and patience.
由於存在如此多的不確定性和波動性,未來幾天對於 PEPE 的未來至關重要。加密專家表示,如果 PEPE 繼續虧損,該代幣的價格將會進一步下跌,反之亦然。因此,他們建議謹慎和耐心。
But while PEPE investors and traders need to be cautious with their PEPE holdings and plans, a new memecoin project offers the exact opposite – unprecedented growth and stability. Let’s learn more about this newcomer!
但是,儘管 PEPE 投資者和交易者需要對其持有的 PEPE 和計劃保持謹慎,但一個新的 memecoin 專案卻提供了完全相反的結果——前所未有的成長和穩定性。讓我們來詳細了解這位新人吧!
If you want proof of how volatile the crypto market is and how quickly things can change, take a look at Rebel Satoshi’s RECQ token. While PEPE and other, more established memecoins are struggling right now, RECQ, a new player that hasn’t even launched yet, is raking in more and more presale investors as we speak.
如果您想證明加密貨幣市場的波動性以及變化的速度有多快,請查看 Rebel Satoshi 的 RECQ 代幣。雖然 PEPE 和其他更成熟的迷因幣目前正在苦苦掙扎,但 RECQ 作為一個尚未推出的新玩家,正在吸引越來越多的預售投資者。
Even during the bear market conditions we saw, the inflow of capital into RECQ hasn’t stopped, which is why numerous crypto experts believe that not only is RECQ the most promising new memecoin on the market, but it is also an extremely safe bet at these times.
即使在我們看到的熊市條件下,資本流入 RECQ 的腳步也沒有停止,這就是為什麼許多加密貨幣專家認為 RECQ 不僅是市場上最有前途的新模因幣,而且也是一個極其安全的賭注這些時候。
What sets this coin apart is that it’s not just a memecoin, but it also has ambitious goals that go beyond profits and gains!
Lucrative investing opportunities and profitability are two benefits that come right off the bat with Rebel Satoshi. However, that’s not even the beginning!
Rebel Satoshi is much more than a simple memecoin you can make huge gains with, as it offers a sea of benefits to RECQ holders:
Rebel Satoshi 不僅僅是一個可以帶來巨大收益的簡單 memecoin,因為它為 RECQ 持有者提供了大量好處:
* A decentralized community that is open and inclusive. Everyone has a say in the future of the project, and everyone’s contributions are valued.
* 一個開放、包容的去中心化社區。每個人對專案的未來都有發言權,每個人的貢獻都受到重視。
* A strong focus on education and spreading awareness about cryptocurrencies and decentralized technologies. Rebel Satoshi wants everyone to be able to make informed decisions about their finances.
* 高度重視加密貨幣和去中心化技術的教育和宣傳意識。反叛的中本聰希望每個人都能對其財務做出明智的決定。
* A passion for creating a positive and fun environment where everyone can feel at home. Whether you’re a crypto veteran or just starting out, you’re sure to find your place in the Rebel Satoshi community.
* 熱衷於創造一個積極有趣的環境,讓每個人都有賓至如歸的感覺。無論您是加密貨幣老手還是剛起步,您一定會在 Rebel Satoshi 社群中找到自己的位置。
* A commitment to making a difference in the world. A portion of all profits generated by Rebel Satoshi will be donated to charity.
* 致力於改變世界。 Rebel Satoshi 產生的所有利潤的一部分將捐贈給慈善機構。
At the moment, you can buy RECQ tokens for 0.0068, as it is currently in Stage 4 of its public presale. So far, over 590 million RECQ tokens have been sold, and the token has appreciated by
目前,您可以以 0.0068 的價格購買 RECQ 代幣,因為它目前處於公開預售的第四階段。迄今為止,RECQ 代幣已售出超過 5.9 億枚,代幣已升值
所提供的資訊並非交易建議。 kDJ.com對任何基於本文提供的資訊進行的投資不承擔任何責任。加密貨幣波動性較大,建議您充分研究後謹慎投資!
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