中等教育中央委員會 (CBSE) 發布了有關第八版 Pariksha Pe Charcha (PPC) 的通知。

The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has announced the 8th edition of Pariksha Pe Charcha (PPC) 2025. Interested students from classes 6 to 12, teachers, and parents can participate in an online multiple choice question (MCQ) competition from December 14 to January 14, 2025. The competition will be hosted on the Atal Innovation Mission platform at atinnovateindia1.mygov.in.
中等教育中央委員會 (CBSE) 宣布 2025 年第 8 屆 Pariksha Pe Charcha (PPC)。日期為2025 年1 月14 日。
The 8th edition of Pariksha Pe Charcha (PPC) 2025 will be held in a town hall format at Bharat Mandapam, New Delhi, in January 2025. The event will provide a unique opportunity for students, teachers, and parents to interact directly with the Hon’ble Prime Minister. During the interaction, the Prime Minister will be addressing the queries and concerns raised by the participants.
2025 年第八屆 Pariksha Pe Charcha (PPC) 將於 2025 年 1 月在新德里 Bharat Mandapam 以市政廳形式舉行。在互動過程中,總理將解答與會者提出的疑問與關切。
The winners of Pariksha Pe Charcha 2025 will get a chance to attend the Pariksha Pe Charcha event and interact directly with the Prime Minister. Each winner will also receive a specially designed certificate as a token of appreciation. A select group of students among the winners will get the unique chance to personally pose their questions to the Prime Minister. These participants will also be presented with a digital souvenir, which includes an autographed photograph of the Prime Minister.
2025 年 Pariksha Pe Charcha 的獲勝者將有機會參加 Pariksha Pe Charcha 活動並直接與總理互動。每位獲獎者還將獲得一份特別設計的證書以表謝意。獲獎者中選出的一組學生將獲得獨特的機會親自向總理提出問題。這些參與者還將獲得一份數位紀念品,其中包括總理的親筆簽名照片。
Pariksha Pe Charcha (PPC) is an annual program led by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, where he engages with students, teachers, and parents to address their concerns about exams and education. The initiative aims to alleviate exam stress, promote effective preparation strategies, and encourage a balanced approach to education and personal growth. Participants have the opportunity to share their questions, which the Prime Minister addresses during the session.
Pariksha Pe Charcha (PPC) 是由總理莫迪領導的年度計劃,他與學生、教師和家長合作,解決他們對考試和教育的擔憂。該倡議旨在減輕考試壓力,促進有效的準備策略,並鼓勵平衡的教育和個人成長方法。與會者有機會分享他們的問題,總理在會議中回答這些問題。