
OG Fan Token is set to host a live stream on December 19th at 14:00 UTC. The event will include giveaways, cooperative gaming sessions, and more.
OG Fan Token 將於世界標準時間 12 月 19 日 14:00 舉行直播。活動將包括贈品、合作遊戲環節等。
OG Fan Token holders will also be able to participate in a unique gaming experience, where they can team up with OG players in cooperative gaming sessions. This presents an exciting opportunity for fans to interact with their favorite players and experience the thrill of gaming together. Throughout the stream, there will be giveaways and other surprises for viewers to enjoy.
OG Fan Token 持有者也將能夠參與獨特的遊戲體驗,他們可以在合作遊戲會話中與 OG 玩家組隊。這為粉絲提供了一個令人興奮的機會,可以與他們最喜歡的玩家互動,並一起體驗遊戲的快感。在整個直播過程中,將會有贈品和其他驚喜供觀眾享受。
Don't miss out on the OG Fan Token live stream on December 19th at 14:00 UTC for an entertaining and engaging event.
不要錯過 12 月 19 日 14:00 UTC 的 OG Fan Token 直播,這是一場有趣且引人入勝的活動。
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