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Nuklai 是一個旨在增強人工智慧進步的數據生態系統的第 1 層區塊鏈基礎設施,宣布即將推出代幣生成活動 (TGE) 及其原生代幣 $NAI 的多個清單。知名平台上的首次 DEX 發行(IDO)在幾分鐘內就售罄,顯示出強勁的需求。該代幣將在 Gate.io Startup 和 MEXC 等中心化交易所上市,初始市值目標為 300 萬美元。 Nuklai 的平台將原始數據轉換為“智慧數據”,利用未開發的數據源透過其市場、分散式基礎設施和智慧數據生態系統為下一代人工智慧提供支援。
Nuklai's $NAI Token Launch Exceeds Expectations, Signaling Robust Demand for AI-Empowering Blockchain Infrastructure
Nuklai 的 NAI 代幣發行超出預期,顯示對人工智慧賦能區塊鏈基礎設施的強勁需求
Nuklai, a pioneering Layer 1 blockchain infrastructure tailored for data ecosystems that accelerate AI advancements, has announced the highly anticipated Token Generation Event (TGE) for its native token, $NAI. The Initial DEX Offering (IDO) unfolded on prominent platforms including ChainGPT Pad, Ape Terminal, and WePad, spanning April 15th to 16th.
Nuklai 是專為加速人工智慧進步的數據生態系統量身定制的開創性第一層區塊鏈基礎設施,已宣佈為其原生代幣 $NAI 舉辦備受期待的代幣生成活動 (TGE)。首次 DEX 發行(IDO)於 4 月 15 日至 16 日在 ChainGPT Pad、Ape Terminal 和 WePad 等知名平台上展開。
The remarkable demand for $NAI was evident as the token sold out on ChainGPT in an astounding 20 seconds and on Ape Terminal in an even more rapid 10 minutes. The token is priced at $0.003, targeting an initial market capitalization of $3 million, with a total supply of 10 billion $NAI tokens.
對 $NAI 的巨大需求顯而易見,該代幣在 ChainGPT 上以驚人的 20 秒之內售罄,在 Ape Terminal 上以更快的 10 分鐘售罄。該代幣定價為 0.003 美元,初始市值目標為 300 萬美元,總供應量為 100 億美元 NAI 代幣。
Following the successful IDO, Nuklai is poised to expand its token's reach through strategic partnerships with several centralized exchanges. The token has already commenced trading on Gate.io Startup on April 15th, with an allocation of 13,333,334 $NAI tokens designated for this platform. Additionally, MEXC is set to list the token on April 17th, introducing the $NAI/USDT trading pair.
繼 IDO 成功之後,Nuklai 準備透過與多家中心化交易所建立策略合作夥伴關係來擴大其代幣的覆蓋範圍。該代幣已於 4 月 15 日在 Gate.io Startup 開始交易,為該平台分配了 13,333,334 美元 NAI 代幣。此外,MEXC 將於 4 月 17 日上市該代幣,推出 $NAI/USDT 交易對。
Nuklai stands out as an indispensable infrastructure provider within the blockchain landscape, empowering next-generation AI through its multifaceted marketplace, end-to-end distributed infrastructure, and sophisticated smart data ecosystem. The marketplace serves as a catalyst for unlocking the potential of untapped data, opening up new revenue streams and unifying the fragmented data landscape to streamline processes and forge novel business opportunities.
Nuklai 是區塊鏈領域不可或缺的基礎設施供應商,透過其多層面的市場、端到端分散式基礎設施和複雜的智慧資料生態系統為下一代人工智慧提供支援。市場充當催化劑,釋放未開發數據的潛力,開闢新的收入來源,統一分散的數據格局,以簡化流程並創造新的商機。
The project's remarkable trajectory is reflected in its recent operationalization on the Ape Terminal platform, successfully onboarding over 30 esteemed companies, notably GPU.net and SSA Group. This rapid adoption solidifies Nuklai's position as a leading Layer 1 solution for AI, supported by contributions from 1.5k data professionals, data sourced from 4K VCs and 2.5M organizations, and the strategic acquisition of over 250k GPUs prior to the token's public launch.
該專案的非凡軌跡體現在其最近在 Ape Terminal 平台上的運營,成功吸引了 30 多家知名公司,特別是 GPU.net 和 SSA Group。這種快速採用鞏固了Nuklai 作為領先的人工智慧第1 層解決方案的地位,這得到了1500 名數據專業人員的貢獻、來自4K VC 和250 萬個組織的數據以及在代幣公開發布之前戰略性收購超過250k GPU 的支援。
Nuklai confronts a fundamental challenge that plagues enterprises today: the staggering amounts of dormant data scattered across diverse sources, often created over extended periods. To remain competitive and harness the transformative power of AI for innovation, enterprises require a robust mechanism to aggregate and optimize this data. Nuklai's transformative platform seamlessly converts raw data into what it aptly terms 'smart data'—data standardized in format and imbued with layers of contextualized metadata that enhance its utility in AI applications.
Nuklai 面臨著困擾當今企業的根本性挑戰:數量驚人的休眠資料分散在不同的來源,而且通常是在很長一段時間內創建的。為了保持競爭力並利用人工智慧的變革力量進行創新,企業需要一個強大的機制來匯總和優化這些數據。 Nuklai 的變革性平台將原始數據無縫轉換為「智慧數據」——格式標準化的數據,並充滿了情境化元數據層,增強了其在人工智慧應用中的實用性。
The process employed by Nuklai encompasses three distinct steps:
Nuklai 所採用的流程包括三個不同的步驟:
- Generalization: Enterprise data is meticulously standardized, formatted, and cataloged to establish a uniform foundation.
- Contextualization: Internal organizational members and external contributors from Nuklai's thriving community collaborate to enhance the data through contextualization, adding layers of metadata that enrich its value.
- Smart Data Provisioning: Enterprises are provided with deeply contextualized smart data, which serves as the cornerstone for training AI models, unlocking innovation and monetization opportunities.
This comprehensive approach enables the training of large language models (LLMs) and taps into the burgeoning market for AI and LLM smart data training, projected to reach a staggering USD 4.35 billion in 2023.
泛化:企業資料精心標準化、格式化和編目,以建立統一的基礎。以豐富其價值。新興的人工智慧和LLM智慧市場數據培訓預計到 2023 年將達到驚人的 43.5 億美元。
"The prevalent notion that data is the new oil is an understatement; it has become our very oxygen, vital for our existence" asserts Matthijs de Vries, the visionary founder of Nuklai. "Metadata represents the true new oil, but its raw form is akin to crude oil and requires refinement. Nuklai's ecosystem enables community members to contribute to metadata enhancement, unlocking its true value."
Nuklai 富有遠見的創始人 Matthijs de Vries 斷言:「數據是新石油這一流行觀念是輕描淡寫的;它已成為我們的氧氣,對我們的生存至關重要」。 “元數據代表了真正的新石油,但其原始形式類似於原油,需要精煉。Nuklai 的生態系統使社區成員能夠為元數據增強做出貢獻,釋放其真正價值。”
He further elaborates: "Enterprises grapple with the paradox of being data-rich yet insight-poor, burdened by vast reserves of underutilized data. At Nuklai, we tackle this challenge head-on, transforming isolated data into 'smart data'. Nuklai's robust infrastructure encompasses specialized clusters where smart data can seamlessly train AI models, interoperate with other smart data, establish private data networks for sector-specific companies, and unlock new avenues for data source monetization."
The upcoming $NAI token launch marks a pivotal step in Nuklai's mission to revolutionize the utilization of data across industry sectors. With the launch of its proprietary blockchain, Nuklai aims to simplify the process of data sharing, contributor participation, and distributed computing essential for AI training. The network's architecture revolves around a dual-layer design: a settlement layer for data pipelines and transaction execution, complemented by a computing layer dedicated to AI training and data processing. This robust framework is further bolstered by an 'Edit to Earn' (E2E) model, incentivizing continuous smart data development through contributor rewards.
即將推出的 $NAI 代幣標誌著 Nuklai 徹底改變各產業數據利用的使命的關鍵一步。隨著其專有區塊鏈的推出,Nuklai 旨在簡化人工智慧訓練所必需的資料共享、貢獻者參與和分散式運算的過程。此網路的架構圍繞著雙層設計:用於資料管道和交易執行的結算層,輔以專用於人工智慧訓練和資料處理的運算層。這個強大的框架得到了「編輯賺取」(E2E)模型的進一步支持,透過貢獻者獎勵激勵持續的智慧數據開發。
Nuklai has already launched its groundbreaking public campaign, Bitcoin Sentiment Research, offering rewards of up to 1 BTC for individuals who contribute to a crowdsourced dataset by submitting their Bitcoin price predictions over a period of at least five days. The project is planning a large-scale incentivization program, where active users on the network's testnet will be eligible for additional rewards. Users can participate by exploring various functionalities on the testnet, such as creating community datasets and subscribing to different datasets.
Nuklai 已經啟動了其開創性的公共活動“比特幣情緒研究”,為提交至少五天內的比特幣價格預測為眾包數據集做出貢獻的個人提供高達 1 BTC 的獎勵。該項目正在計劃一項大規模的激勵計劃,網路測試網路上的活躍用戶將有資格獲得額外獎勵。使用者可以透過探索測試網路上的各種功能來參與,例如建立社群資料集和訂閱不同的資料集。
Nuklai's market traction has been remarkable even prior to its TGE. The project recently forged a strategic partnership with AI-driven DePIN Brainstems, poised to become the inaugural enterprise builder on the network. Brainstems's esteemed clientele includes industry giants Nestle and Danone, who will soon reap the benefits of the Nuklai ecosystem. The project has also garnered the support of influential thought leaders in the crypto media space, notably CryptoWizard, Cyclop, and the renowned Mitch Kapor, CEO of the blockchain-focused funding database Kapo Capital.
即使在 TGE 之前,Nuklai 的市場吸引力就已經非常顯著。該計畫最近與人工智慧驅動的 DePIN Brainstems 建立了策略合作夥伴關係,準備成為網路上的首個企業建構者。 Brainstems 的尊貴客戶包括產業巨頭雀巢和達能,他們很快就會從 Nuklai 生態系統中獲益。該計畫也獲得了加密媒體領域有影響力的思想領袖的支持,特別是 CryptoWizard、Cyclop 以及著名的區塊鏈融資資料庫 Kapo Capital 執行長米奇·卡普爾 (Mitch Kapor)。
The imminent TGE and exchange listings represent significant milestones in Nuklai's unwavering commitment to building and expanding its ecosystem. The project positions itself at the forefront of the transformative era of data-driven AI systems, poised to revolutionize industries and unlock unprecedented possibilities.
即將到來的 TGE 和交易所上市是 Nuklai 堅定不移地致力於建立和擴展其生態系統的重要里程碑。該計畫將自己置於數據驅動的人工智慧系統變革時代的最前沿,有望徹底改變產業並釋放前所未有的可能性。
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