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現代藝術博物館 (MoMA) 的 Web3 助理 Madeleine Pierpont 認為,NFT 重新激發了人們對藝術產業的興趣,並激起了人們對數位藝術的好奇心。儘管圍繞「NFT」的定義一直存在爭論,並且在彌合加密藝術界與公眾之間的差距方面面臨挑戰,但 Pierpont 強調 NFT 在連接藝術家和收藏家、培育社區和提高藝術透明度方面的變革潛力市場。
NFTs: An Integral Aspect of Art History, Embracing Digital Innovation
As the world of art continues to evolve, the role of NFTs (non-fungible tokens) as a revolutionary force in the industry becomes increasingly evident. Despite initial skepticism and resistance from the general public, NFTs have permeated the art landscape, gaining acceptance and recognition from renowned institutions such as the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA).
隨著藝術世界的不斷發展,NFT(不可替代代幣)作為產業革命力量的作用變得越來越明顯。儘管最初受到公眾的懷疑和抵制,NFT 已經滲透到藝術領域,並獲得了現代藝術博物館 (MoMA) 等知名機構的接受和認可。
Madeleine Pierpont, the Web3 associate at MoMA, serves as a key figure in bridging the gap between traditional art and digital innovation. Pierpont emphasizes the transformative potential of NFTs, stating that they are "already part of art history," challenging the notion that they are merely a passing trend or speculative asset class.
馬德琳皮爾龐特 (Madeleine Pierpont) 是 MoMA 的 Web3 助理,是彌合傳統藝術與數位創新之間差距的關鍵人物。 Pierpont 強調了 NFT 的變革潛力,指出它們“已經是藝術史的一部分”,挑戰了它們只是一種短暫趨勢或投機資產類別的觀念。
The Enduring Significance of NFTs in Art
NFT 在藝術中的持久意義
The integration of NFTs into the art world is a natural progression, considering their inherent versatility and alignment with the fundamental principles of art. NFTs offer a novel medium of expression, enabling artists to explore new dimensions of creativity and connect with audiences in unprecedented ways.
考慮到 NFT 固有的多功能性以及與藝術基本原則的一致性,NFT 融入藝術世界是一個自然的過程。 NFT 提供了一種新穎的表達媒介,使藝術家能夠探索創造力的新維度,並以前所未有的方式與觀眾建立聯繫。
Beyond their artistic value, NFTs also revolutionize the art market by fostering direct connections between creators and patrons, eliminating intermediaries and enhancing transparency. This empowers artists to maintain control over their work, receive fair compensation, and engage with their audience on a more intimate level.
除了藝術價值之外,NFT 還透過促進創作者和贊助人之間的直接聯繫、消除中間商並提高透明度,徹底改變了藝術市場。這使藝術家能夠保持對自己作品的控制,獲得公平的報酬,並與觀眾進行更親密的接觸。
The Intersection of NFTs and Art History
NFT 與藝術史的交叉點
While the term "crypto art" may raise questions about its cohesiveness as a movement, Pierpont argues that the focus should remain on communicating the fundamental concepts of NFTs and blockchain technology in accessible ways. She emphasizes the importance of embracing the term "NFT" due to its widespread recognition, avoiding confusion as the industry matures.
雖然「加密藝術」一詞可能會引發對其作為一場運動的凝聚力的質疑,但皮爾龐特認為,重點應該仍然是以易於理解的方式傳達 NFT 和區塊鏈技術的基本概念。她強調了擁抱「NFT」一詞的重要性,因為它得到了廣泛的認可,避免隨著行業的成熟而產生混亂。
Pierpont acknowledges that some artists and collectors prefer alternative terminology such as "inscriptions." However, she maintains that the term "NFT" serves as a more comprehensive and inclusive descriptor, encompassing the broader spectrum of digital art and its underlying technology.
Financialization and Validation in the NFT Market
NFT 市場的金融化與驗證
The art market has a complex history of financialization, with the interplay of money and art being an unavoidable aspect. Pierpont recognizes this dynamic within the NFT space but contends that financial considerations are not inherently detrimental to the artistic value of NFTs.
藝術市場有著複雜的金融化歷史,金錢與藝術的互動是不可避免的一個面向。 Pierpont 認識到 NFT 領域的這種動態,但他認為,財務考量本身並不會損害 NFT 的藝術價值。
She observes that the recent bear market has provided a period of reflection and consolidation, allowing artists to focus on developing their projects and refining their artistic vision. This has led to a shift away from speculative behavior towards a more sustainable and productive ecosystem.
The Role of MoMA in Validating NFT Artists
MoMA 在驗證 NFT 藝術家方面的作用
Pierpont acknowledges the responsibility of institutions like MoMA in shaping art history and validating emerging artists. However, she emphasizes the importance of approaching this task with humility and an open mind. The NFT ecosystem is still in its early stages, and it is premature to attempt to predict which artists will achieve lasting recognition.
皮爾龐特承認現代藝術博物館等機構在塑造藝術史和驗證新興藝術家方面的責任。然而,她強調以謙虛和開放的心態完成這項任務的重要性。 NFT 生態系統仍處於早期階段,嘗試預測哪些藝術家將獲得持久認可還為時過早。
Pierpont's approach involves fostering relationships with artists, understanding their motivations, and exploring innovative ways to contextualize NFT art within the broader museum ecosystem. She recognizes the subjective nature of artistic validation and emphasizes the value of diverse perspectives and ongoing dialogue within the art community.
Pierpont 的方法包括培養與藝術家的關係,了解他們的動機,並探索創新方法,將 NFT 藝術融入更廣泛的博物館生態系統中。她認識到藝術驗證的主觀本質,並強調藝術界內不同觀點和持續對話的價值。
Postcards: An Experiment in Web3 Accessibility
明信片:Web3 可訪問性的實驗
Pierpont's initiatives at MoMA extend beyond exhibitions to include educational and engagement projects such as "Postcards." This initiative aimed to introduce the principles of blockchain technology to a broader audience through a collaborative, accessible experience.
"Postcards" demonstrated the power of blockchain to foster community building and facilitate dialogue. It also highlighted the challenges associated with onboarding new users to Web3 technologies, providing valuable insights for future initiatives.
「明信片」展示了區塊鏈促進社群建立和促進對話的力量。它還強調了與新用戶使用 Web3 技術相關的挑戰,為未來的計劃提供了寶貴的見解。
The Future of NFT Art
NFT 藝術的未來
While the NFT art landscape continues to evolve, Pierpont remains optimistic about its transformative potential. She believes that the most exciting developments lie in the convergence of blockchain technology and the creative process itself, opening up new avenues for artistic expression.
儘管 NFT 藝術格局不斷發展,皮爾龐特仍然對其變革潛力持樂觀態度。她認為,最令人興奮的發展在於區塊鏈技術與創作過程本身的融合,為藝術表達開闢了新的途徑。
Pierpont advocates for the creation of infrastructure and platforms that seamlessly integrate NFTs into the digital and physical art world. She emphasizes the need for solutions that make displaying and interacting with NFTs more user-friendly, enhancing the overall experience for artists and collectors alike.
Pierpont 主張創建基礎設施和平台,將 NFT 無縫整合到數位和實體藝術世界中。她強調需要一種解決方案,使 NFT 的展示和互動更加人性化,從而增強藝術家和收藏家的整體體驗。
The integration of NFTs into the art world marks a significant chapter in art history. As technology and creativity converge, NFTs continue to challenge traditional notions of art, expand the boundaries of artistic expression, and revolutionize the way we engage with and experience art. The contributions of institutions like MoMA, pioneers like Madeleine Pierpont, and the ongoing efforts of artists and enthusiasts will shape the trajectory of NFT art for years to come, leaving an indelible mark on the evolution of art in the digital age.
NFT 融入藝術世界標誌著藝術史上的重要篇章。隨著技術和創造力的融合,NFT 不斷挑戰傳統的藝術觀念,拓展藝術表達的界限,並徹底改變我們參與和體驗藝術的方式。 MoMA 等機構、Madeleine Pierpont 等先驅者的貢獻,以及藝術家和愛好者的持續努力,將塑造未來幾年 NFT 藝術的軌跡,在數位時代的藝術演變中留下不可磨滅的印記。
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