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本週 NFT 銷量暴跌 7.07%

2024/10/28 00:08

在經歷了最近推出的 ApeChain 區塊鏈網路等因素推動的短暫而強勁的市場反彈之後,不可替代代幣市場再次短暫休息。

本週 NFT 銷量暴跌 7.07%

The non-fungible token market has seen a slight decline this week after experiencing a brief rally fueled by the recent launch of the ApeChain blockchain network, among other factors.

不可替代代幣市場在經歷了最近推出的 ApeChain 區塊鏈網路等因素推動下的短暫上漲後,本週略有下跌。

ApeChain, an Ethereum layer 3 blockchain network built on the Arbitrum layer-two scaling solution, was launched last week and quickly became a hot topic within the NFT community. However, this excitement seems to have had a limited impact on overall NFT sales, which have declined by 7.07% in the past week.

ApeChain 是一個基於 Arbitrum 二層擴容解決方案構建的以太坊三層區塊鏈網絡,於上週推出,並迅速成為 NFT 社群的熱門話題。然而,這種興奮似乎對 NFT 整體銷量的影響有限,過去一周 NFT 銷量下降了 7.07%。

According to data compiled by, a renowned crypto market data aggregator and an on-chain multi-chain non-fungible token explorer, the global non-fungible token market has seen a slight decrease in trading sales volume this week.


In the past seven days, the NFT market has recorded a trading sales volume of $88 million, which marks a 7.07% drop compared to the previous week.


Despite this decline, the number of investors buying this NFT dip has increased slightly this week. In the past seven days, the global NFT market has seen more than 700,000 collectors purchasing NFTs. During this period, nearly 400,000 collectors have sold their NFTs, pushing the number of NFT transactions above 1.6 million.

儘管出現這種下降,但本週買入 NFT 下跌的投資者數量略有增加。過去7天,全球NFT市場已有超過70萬收藏家購買NFT。在此期間,近 40 萬收藏家出售了他們的 NFT,使 NFT 交易數量超過 160 萬筆。

NFT transactions have reduced by 23% this week compared to the past week.

本週 NFT 交易量較上週減少了 23%。

Ethereum, the blockchain network known for hosting the majority of blue-chip non-fungible token collections like Bored Ape Yacht Club, Azuki, and Mutant Ape, is this week’s top-traded blockchain network in the NFT market. In the past seven days, the Ethereum-based NFT series have amassed a trading sales volume of $30 million. Ethereum NFT sales volume has plunged 5.28% this week from the past week.

以太坊是一個以託管大多數藍籌不可替代代幣集合而聞名的區塊鏈網絡,例如 Bored Ape Yacht Club、Azuki 和 Mutant Ape,它是本週 NFT 市場上交易量最大的區塊鏈網絡。在過去的7天裡,以以太坊為基礎的NFT系列已經累積了3000萬美元的交易額。本週以太坊 NFT 銷量較上週暴跌 5.28%。

Solana, a public, open-source blockchain that supports smart contracts, including non-fungible tokens and a variety of decentralized applications, is this week’s second most-traded blockchain network in the NFT ecosystem. In the past seven days, the Solana-based NFT collections have amassed a trading sales volume of $19 million, representing a 24% surge from the past week.

Solana 是一個公共開源區塊鏈,支援智慧合約,包括不可替代的代幣和各種去中心化應用程序,是本週 NFT 生態系統中交易量第二大的區塊鏈網路。在過去的 7 天裡,基於 Solana 的 NFT 集合的交易額已達到 1900 萬美元,比過去一周激增 24%。

Bitcoin, the blockchain network renowned in the global NFT market for hosting Ordinals, Runes, and BRC-20 non-fungible token collections, is this week’s third most-traded blockchain network in the NFT ecosystem. In the past seven days, the Bitcoin-based NFT collections have recorded a sales volume of $13 million. During this time, the trading sales volume of Bitcoin NFTs has dropped by 36% from the past week.

比特幣是在全球 NFT 市場中因託管 Ordinals、Runes 和 BRC-20 不可替代代幣集合而聞名的區塊鏈網絡,是本週 NFT 生態系統中交易量第三大的區塊鏈網絡。在過去的 7 天裡,基於比特幣的 NFT 收藏品的銷售額已達到 1,300 萬美元。在此期間,比特幣 NFT 的交易量較過去一周下降了 36%。

The Mythos Chain, a PolkaDot parachain network optimized for in-game assets that power the Mythical Games NFT ecosystem, and Immutable X, an EthereumLayer-2 scaling solution network created to enable instant trade execution, are this week’s fourth and fifth most trade blockchain networks. In the past seven days, the Mythos Chain and Immutable NFTs have amassed a sales volume of $10 million and $3 million, respectively.

Mythos Chain 是一個針對遊戲內資產進行優化的PolkaDot 平行鍊網絡,為Mythical Games NFT 生態系統提供動力,Immutable X 是一個為實現即時交易執行而創建的EthereumLayer-2 擴展解決方案網絡,它們是本週交易量第四和第五的區塊鏈網路。在過去的 7 天裡,Mythos Chain 和 Immutable NFT 的銷售額分別達到了 1,000 萬美元和 300 萬美元。

Top Selling NFTs In The Past 7 Days

過去 7 天內最暢銷的 NFT

1. Froganas NFT Collection

1.Froganas NFT系列

Froganas, a non-fungible token collection by the digital artist Tee featuring a limited edition of 5,555 humanoid frogs exclusively hosted on the Solana blockchain network, is this week’s most-selling NFT collection in the NFT ecosystem. In the past 24 hours, the Froganas NFT collection has recorded a trading sales volume of $5.7 million. During this time, the Froganas NFT trading sales volume has surged by 123% from the past week.

Froganas 是數位藝術家 Tee 創作的不可替代代幣系列,限量版 5,555 隻人形青蛙,獨家託管在 Solana 區塊鏈網絡上,是本週 NFT 生態系統中最暢銷的 NFT 系列。在過去的24小時內,Froganas NFT集合的交易額已達到570萬美元。在此期間,Froganas NFT 交易量較過去一周激增 123%。

2. DMarket NFT Collection

2.DMarket NFT 集合

DMarket, a non-fungible token collection from the virtual asset market platform DMarket hosted exclusively on Mythos Chain, a PolkaDot parachain network optimized for in-game assets that power the Mythical Games ecosystem, is this week’s second most-selling NFT collection. In the past seven days, the DMarket NFT collection has raised a trading sales volume of $4.94 million. DMarket NFT sales have plunged 5.41% this week from the past week.

DMarket 是來自虛擬資產市場平台DMarket 的不可替代代幣集合,專門託管在Mythos Chain 上,Mythos Chain 是一個PolkaDot 平行鍊網絡,針對為Mythical Games 生態系統提供動力的遊戲內資產進行了優化,是本週第二暢銷的NFT 系列。過去 7 天,DMarket NFT 集合的交易金額已達 494 萬美元。 DMarket 本週 NFT 銷量較上週暴跌 5.41%。

3. Guild Of Guardian NFT Collection

3. Guild Of Guardian NFT合集

Guild of Guardian, a non-fungible token collection from Guild of Guardians, a renowned mobile role-playing game that allows players to take their teams of heroes through challenging dungeons to collect resources, is this week’s third most-selling NFT collection. In the past seven days, the Guild of Guardian NFT collection has raised a trading sales volume of $3.0 million, representing a 0.41% spike from the past week.

Guild of Guardians 是來自Guild of Guardians 的不可替代代幣系列,Guild of Guardians 是一款著名的移動角色扮演遊戲,允許玩家帶領自己的英雄團隊穿越具有挑戰性的地下城來收集資源,是本週第三暢銷的NFT 系列。在過去的 7 天裡,Guild of Guardian NFT 集合的交易額增加了 300 萬美元,比過去一周增長了 0.41%。

4. Bored Ape Yacht Club NFT Collection

4. Bored Ape 遊艇俱樂部 NFT 系列

Bored Ape Yacht Club, an all-time top-selling NFT collection from the digital asset firm Yuga Labs that features a limited supply of 1

Bored Ape Yacht Club 是數位資產公司 Yuga Labs 推出的有史以來最暢銷的 NFT 系列,限量供應 1 艘



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