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以太坊的流動性重新抵押敘事已獲得關注,因為它使用戶能夠透過不活躍的代幣獲得獎勵。本指南介紹了液體重新抵押,解釋了液體抵押和液體重新抵押之間的區別,以及 EigenLayer、Renzo 協議和主動驗證服務 (AVS) 的作用。它還提供了使用 Renzo 協議重新抵押的分步指南,包括有關 REZ 代幣、團隊、投資者和幣安 Launchpool 參與的資訊。
Navigating the Nexus of Liquid Staking and Liquid Restaking: A Comprehensive Guide to Renzo Protocol
探討流動性質押和液體再質押的關係:Renzo 協議綜合指南
The Ethereum ecosystem has been abuzz with transformative narratives over the years, and liquid restaking has emerged as a concept worthy of deep exploration. The subtle distinction between liquid staking and liquid restaking can initially puzzle even seasoned crypto enthusiasts. This guide endeavors to elucidate these concepts and provide a comprehensive understanding of Renzo Protocol, a key player in the liquid restaking landscape.
多年來,以太坊生態系統一直充滿變革性的敘事,而流動性重新抵押已成為一個值得深入探索的概念。流動性質押和流動性重新質押之間的微妙區別最初甚至會讓經驗豐富的加密貨幣愛好者感到困惑。本指南致力於闡明這些概念,並提供對 Renzo Protocol(液體重新抵押領域的關鍵參與者)的全面了解。
Deciphering Liquid Staking and Liquid Restaking
At the core of både liquid staking and liquid restaking lies the concept of staking. Staking involves depositing tokens, such as Ethereum (ETH), into a protocol, which in turn uses the staked assets to validate and secure a blockchain network. In exchange for providing this service, stakers earn rewards in the form of interest.
både 流動性質押和流動性再質押的核心在於質押的概念。質押涉及將以太坊 (ETH) 等代幣存入協議,協議又使用質押資產來驗證和保護區塊鏈網路。作為提供這項服務的交換,質押者以利息的形式獲得獎勵。
Liquid Staking Tokens (LSTs)
Liquid 質押代幣(LST)
In liquid staking, users deposit ETH into protocols like Rocket Pool, Lido, and Binance ETH. These protocols mint synthetic representations of the staked ETH, known as liquid staking tokens (LSTs). While the primary purpose of the staked ETH remains to bolster Ethereum's security, LSTs can be utilized for various DeFi initiatives.
在流動質押中,用戶將 ETH 存入 Rocket Pool、Lido 和 Binance ETH 等協議中。這些協議鑄造了質押 ETH 的合成表示,稱為流動性質押代幣 (LST)。雖然質押 ETH 的主要目的仍然是增強以太坊的安全性,但 LST 可用於各種 DeFi 計劃。
Liquid Restaking Tokens (LRTs)
With liquid restaking, the staked ETH is deployed to enhance the security of external systems, such as oracle networks and rollups. Users receive synthetic tokens called liquid restaking tokens (LRTs), just as in liquid staking. However, the purpose of the LRTs differs from that of LSTs.
透過流動性重新質押,質押的 ETH 被部署來增強外部系統的安全性,例如預言機網路和 Rollups。用戶收到稱為流動性重新抵押代幣(LRT)的合成代幣,就像流動性抵押一樣。然而,輕軌的目的與 LST 的目的不同。
EigenLayer: The Foundation of Liquid Restaking
EigenLayer serves as the foundational protocol for LRTs. It introduced restaking as a primitive, allowing users to repurpose their staked ETH within the Ethereum network. EigenLayer allows users to grant more enforcement rights on their staked ETH, empowering the protocol to restake the ETH on other applications.
EigenLayer 是 LRT 的基礎協定。它引入了重新抵押作為一種原語,允許用戶在以太坊網路中重新調整其抵押的 ETH 的用途。 EigenLayer 允許用戶對其質押的 ETH 授予更多執行權,從而使協議能夠在其他應用程式上重新質押 ETH。
Actively Validated Services (AVS): Applications Enhanced by EigenLayer
主動驗證服務 (AVS):EigenLayer 增強的應用程式
AVS encompasses a wide array of systems that require distributed validation, including sidechains, bridges, and oracle networks. By restaking their ETH on EigenLayer, users contribute to the security of these applications. Understanding AVSs is crucial to grasp the significance of Renzo Protocol.
AVS 包含大量需要分散式驗證的系統,包括側鏈、橋接器和預言機網路。透過在 EigenLayer 上重新抵押他們的 ETH,用戶可以為這些應用程式的安全做出貢獻。了解 AVS 對於理解 Renzo 協議的重要性至關重要。
Renzo Protocol: Streamlining Staking Strategies
Renzo 協議:簡化質押策略
Renzo Protocol is a platform built upon EigenLayer that simplifies the process of restaking. Renzo employs a combination of operator nodes and smart contracts to provide users with the most optimal risk-reward restaking strategy. The platform manages the complex decision-making involved in selecting AVSs, ensuring users secure the best risk-to-reward ratio.
Renzo Protocol 是一個基於 EigenLayer 構建的平台,可簡化重新抵押的過程。 Renzo採用營運商節點和智慧合約結合的方式,為用戶提供最優的風險回報重質押策略。此平台管理選擇 AVS 所涉及的複雜決策,確保使用者獲得最佳的風險回報比。
ezETH: Renzo Protocol's Liquid Restaking Token
ezETH:Renzo 協議的 Liquid 重新抵押代幣
ezETH represents the user's restaked position within Renzo Protocol. Users can stake native ETH or LSTs, such as wBETH and stETH, to acquire ezETH. It's noteworthy that ezETH is a reward-bearing token, which means its value can appreciate relative to underlying tokens due to its use in AVSs.
ezETH 代表用戶在 Renzo 協議中重新抵押的位置。使用者可以質押原生 ETH 或 LST(例如 wBETH 和 stETH)來取得 ezETH。值得注意的是,ezETH 是一種有獎勵的代幣,這意味著由於其在 AVS 中的使用,其價值相對於基礎代幣會升值。
Restaking with Renzo Protocol: A Step-by-Step Guide
使用 Renzo 協議重新質押:逐步指南
- Acquire ETH or LSTs in a compatible wallet.
- Visit the Renzo Protocol dashboard and connect your wallet.
- Pilih between the various ecosystems and assets supported, including native ETH, wBETH, and stETH.
- Enter the desired staking amount and confirm.
- Confirm the transaction within the interface.
- Verify the transaction from your wallet.
- Monitor your rewards in the Portfolio section.
Understanding ezPoints and their Significance
在相容的錢包中取得ETH 或LST。確認。
Renzo's ezPoints reward users for actively participating in the protocol. Holding ezETH continuously accumulates ezPoints, with higher balances and longer holding periods earning additional points. These points determine the allocation of REZ tokens following the token generation event.
Renzo 的 ezPoints 獎勵積極參與協議的用戶。持有 ezETH 不斷累積 ezPoints,餘額越高、持有時間越長,可獲得額外積分。這些點決定了代幣生成事件之後 REZ 代幣的分配。
REZ Token: Governing the Renzo Protocol
REZ 代幣:管理 Renzo 協議
The REZ token is the governance token for Renzo Protocol. REZ holders can exercise their voting power on crucial protocol matters, including operator whitelisting, AVS selection, risk management frameworks, and treasury allocation.
REZ 代幣是 Renzo 協議的治理代幣。 REZ 持有者可以對關鍵協議事務行使投票權,包括營運商白名單、AVS 選擇、風險管理框架和資金分配。
Tokenomics and Distribution
The total supply of REZ tokens is capped at 10,000,000,000, with an initial circulating supply of 1,150,000,000. Fundraising, the community, core contributors, the foundation, and liquidity provision account for the majority of the distribution.
The Renzo (REZ) Airdrop
A highly anticipated event for the community, the REZ airdrop will distribute 7% of the total supply based on accumulated ezPoints. A snapshot was taken on April 26th, 2024, with the claim date set for April 30th.
REZ 空投是社區備受期待的活動,將根據累積的 ezPoints 分配總供應量的 7%。快照拍攝於 2024 年 4 月 26 日,索賠日期設定為 4 月 30 日。
A Seasoned Team Orchestrating Renzo Protocol
經驗豐富的團隊協調 Renzo 協議
Renzo Protocol's founding team comprises experienced individuals with deep roots in the cryptocurrency industry, including Lucas Kozinski, James Coole, and Kratik Lodha. Their expertise spans lending, tokenization, and financial analytics.
Renzo Protocol 的創始團隊由在加密貨幣行業紮根的經驗豐富的人士組成,包括 Lucas Kozinski、James Coole 和 Kratik Lodha。他們的專業知識涵蓋貸款、代幣化和金融分析。
Prominent Investors Bolstering Renzo Protocol
知名投資者支持 Renzo 協議
Renzo Protocol has secured funding from reputable investors, including Maven11, IOSG Ventures, Binance Labs, and others. This support underscores the project's promising potential.
Renzo Protocol 已獲得信譽良好的投資者的資助,包括 Maven11、IOSG Ventures、Binance Labs 等。這種支持凸顯了該專案的巨大潛力。
Participating in the Binance Launchpool for Renzo Protocol (REZ)
參與 Renzo 協議 (REZ) 的幣安啟動池
The Binance Launchpool campaign for REZ ran until April 30th, with trading commencing on the same day. Users could stake FDUSD or BNB and earn REZ rewards. Staking rewards were calculated hourly, and users could claim their earned REZ once the listing was complete.
REZ 的幣安 Launchpool 活動持續至 4 月 30 日,交易於同一天開始。用戶可以質押 FDUSD 或 BNB 並獲得 REZ 獎勵。質押獎勵按小時計算,一旦上市完成,用戶就可以領取他們賺取的 REZ。
Closing Remarks
Renzo Protocol has gained significant traction in a short span of time, highlighting the burgeoning interest in liquid restaking. The platform offers a user-friendly solution for yield generation on dormant tokens. However, it's crucial for users to conduct thorough research and assess their risk tolerance before making any investment decisions.
Renzo 協議在短時間內獲得了巨大的關注,凸顯了人們對流動性重新抵押的興趣日益濃厚。該平台為休眠代幣的收益產生提供了一個用戶友好的解決方案。然而,用戶在做出任何投資決定之前進行徹底的研究並評估他們的風險承受能力至關重要。
The information provided in this article has been sponsored by Renzo Protocol. To take advantage of a special offer, readers of CryptoPotato can register and open a $500 BTC-USDT position on Bybit Exchange for free using this link.
本文提供的資訊由 Renzo Protocol 贊助。為了享受特別優惠,CryptoPotato 的讀者可以使用此連結在 Bybit Exchange 免費註冊並開設 500 美元的 BTC-USDT 部位。
所提供的資訊並非交易建議。 kDJ.com對任何基於本文提供的資訊進行的投資不承擔任何責任。加密貨幣波動性較大,建議您充分研究後謹慎投資!
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