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A new meme coin, launched by former President Donald Trump, has quickly become one of the hottest topics in the crypto world. But some traders were able to make a killing by getting in on the ground floor — and new details are emerging about how they might have done it.
When Trump announced his own Solana meme coin on Friday, a lot of people made a lot of money quickly — but at least one trader who made a killing made his bet much quicker than most.
當川普週五宣布推出自己的 Solana 迷因幣時,很多人很快就賺了很多錢,但至少有一位賺大錢的交易員比大多數人更快下注。
On Friday, four hours before Trump announced the launch of his own Solana meme Coin TRUMP, an anonymous user topped up more than $1 million worth of SOL in a brand new crypto wallet (identified as "6QSc2") and waited for it to appreciate.
週五,在川普宣布推出自己的Solana meme Coin TRUMP 之前四個小時,一位匿名用戶在一個全新的加密錢包(標識為“6QSc2”)中充值了價值超過100 萬美元的SOL,並等待其升值。
Within 30 seconds of Trump’s announcement of the meme coin on Truth Social on Friday night, the wallet bought more than 5.9 million TRUMP tokens. Within a few hours, the value of these tokens exceeded $116 million.
週五晚上,川普在 Truth Social 上宣布推出 Meme 代幣後 30 秒內,該錢包就購買了超過 590 萬個川普代幣。幾個小時內,這些代幣的價值就超過了 1.16 億美元。
According to analysis by on-chain research firm Bubblemaps, the trader then divided a large number of TRUMP tokens into 10 different Solana wallets and began selling them in large quantities the next day. As of Monday morning, the trader had sold $85 million worth of TRUMP and held another $75 million, according to Bubblemaps. Now, these wallets together hold only $18 million worth of meme coins, and the trader has presumably sold most of his positions.
根據鏈上研究公司 Bubblemaps 的分析,該交易員隨後將大量 TRUMP 代幣分成了 10 個不同的 Solana 錢包,並在第二天開始大量出售。據 Bubblemaps 稱,截至週一上午,該交易員已賣出價值 8,500 萬美元的 TRUMP 股票,並持有另外 7,500 萬美元的股票。現在,這些錢包總共只持有價值 1800 萬美元的 meme 幣,交易者可能已經出售了大部分頭寸。
But the story doesn’t end there. On Sunday, First Lady Melania Trump followed her husband’s lead by launching her own meme coin — and the lucky trader got in early again.
Within a minute and a half of the First Lady’s post about the MELANIA token on Truth Social, and a minute before information about the token was posted to X, one of the wallets associated with the user bought a large amount of MELANIA tokens.
在第一夫人在 Truth Social 上發布有關 MELANIA 代幣的帖子後一分半鐘內,以及有關代幣的信息發佈到 X 之前一分鐘,與該用戶關聯的一個錢包購買了大量 MELANIA 代幣。
The trader sold $45 million worth of TRUMP tokens, apparently to build a huge MELANIA position, causing the TRUMP token to plummet nearly 50% in a few minutes on Sunday afternoon, according to Bubblemaps.
據 Bubblemaps 稱,該交易員出售了價值 4500 萬美元的 TRUMP 代幣,顯然是為了建立巨大的 MELANIA 頭寸,導致 TRUMP 代幣在周日下午的幾分鐘內暴跌近 50%。
Several other early buyers of TRUMP tokens also appeared to profit handsomely, leading to suspicions of widespread insider trading, according to rumors on X. Decrypt was unable to confirm whether any insider information existed, but the large number of associated wallets associated with the “6QSc2” account is enough to raise eyebrows.
據X 上的傳言稱,其他幾位TRUMP 代幣的早期買家似乎也獲利豐厚,導致人們懷疑存在廣泛的內幕交易。錢包」這個帳目就足以吸引人們的注意。
This is particularly suspicious considering that the trader placed such a large buy order before most cryptocurrency users learned of the news and realized that this was not an elaborate hack.
However, it is also possible that the trader was in the right place at the right time, having just created a new wallet, and made the right call in the nick of time. The associated wallet has bought and sold a lot of meme coins in the past three months, at least, according to the transaction history. The trader even bought some of Hawk Tuah's girl's meme coins when they dropped.
然而,也有可能交易者在正確的時間出現在正確的地點,剛剛創建了一個新錢包,並在關鍵時刻做出了正確的決定。根據交易歷史,相關錢包在過去三個月內至少買賣了大量迷因幣。交易員甚至在 Hawk Tuah 女孩的模因幣掉落時購買了一些。
It is also possible, though, that the trader was well-connected and received word of Trump’s upcoming meme coin. If there was indeed insider information, the leak may not have come from within Trump’s inner circle or the crypto team.
Several Solana decentralized finance projects, such as Jupiter, Meteora, and Moonshot, disclosed that they were working with the Trump Token team in advance to ensure a smooth launch, according to reports over the weekend.
根據週末報道,Jupiter、Meteora、Moonshot 等多個 Solana 去中心化金融計畫透露,他們正在提前與 Trump Token 團隊合作,以確保順利啟動。
The token led to an unprecedented level of activity on the Solana network, and many hands were likely on deck to keep the infrastructure functioning properly. It is unclear how many employees at these projects knew about the token plans in advance, however, and there is currently no evidence of any wrongdoing by any of the providers.
該代幣導致 Solana 網路上的活動達到前所未有的水平,並且許多人可能會參與其中以保持基礎設施的正常運作。然而,目前尚不清楚這些項目中有多少員工提前了解代幣計劃,目前也沒有證據表明任何提供者有任何不當行為。
At least one prominent crypto figure, however, appears to have boasted publicly about receiving advance notice of the upcoming MELANIA token. Ran Neuner, co-Founder and CEO of blockchain investment fund Onchain Capital, acknowledged as much in a post on X on Monday, lamenting that the Trumps are now “scamming at the expense of the crypto community.”
然而,至少有一位著名的加密貨幣人物似乎公開吹噓自己收到了即將推出的 MELANIA 代幣的提前通知。區塊鏈投資基金 Onchain Capital 聯合創始人兼首席執行官 Ran Neuner 在周一的 X 帖子中承認了這一點,並感嘆川普家族現在「以犧牲加密貨幣社區為代價進行詐騙」。
“Don’t get me wrong,” Neuner wrote. “As my timeline shows I knew about the MELANIA token before it was out, and I obviously profited handsomely from it.”
「不要誤會我的意思,」諾伊納寫道。 “正如我的時間表所示,我在 MELANIA 代幣發行之前就知道了它,而且我顯然從中獲利頗豐。”
In fact, Neuner announced the upcoming launch of the MELANIA token nearly 90 minutes before the First Lady first announced it on Truth Social.
事實上,諾伊納宣布即將推出 MELANIA 代幣的時間比第一夫人在 Truth Social 上首次宣布這一消息早了近 90 分鐘。
Decrypt reached out to Neuner regarding this post but did not receive a response.
Decrypt 就這篇文章聯繫了 Neuner,但沒有收到回應。
Trump coin is up 8% on Tuesday, trading at $43.94 at the time of writing, with a fully diluted value of over $43 billion. Meanwhile, MELANIA is down nearly 24% on the day, trading at $4.60 at the time of writing, with a fully diluted value of $4.6 billion.
川普幣週二上漲 8%,截至撰寫本文時交易價格為 43.94 美元,完全稀釋後的價值超過 430 億美元。同時,MELANIA 當天股價下跌近 24%,截至撰寫本文時交易價格為 4.60 美元,完全攤薄後的價值為 46 億美元。
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