
This guide will show you how to claim the Myria airdrop in just 2 simple steps.
本指南將向您展示如何透過兩個簡單的步驟領取 Myria 空投。
Step 1. Visit the DappRadar website and navigate to the Myria airdrop page.
Step 2. Set up your Web3 wallet and sync it to the Ethereum mainnet. Then, follow the instructions on the DappRadar page to claim your airdrop.
步驟 2. 設定您的 Web3 錢包並將其同步到以太坊主網。然後,請按照 DappRadar 頁面上的說明領取您的空投。
Note: This airdrop is only available for a limited time and to those who meet the specific criteria. To ensure you qualify and successfully claim your Myria airdrop, it's crucial to follow the steps precisely and complete the process within the stipulated timeframe.
注意:此空投僅在有限的時間內提供給符合特定條件的人。為了確保您符合資格並成功領取 Myria 空投,準確遵循步驟並在規定的時間內完成流程至關重要。
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