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即將於 5 月 25 日推出的 MetFi DAO 的 Marine Moguls ERC-404 系列標誌著區塊鏈和高頻交易的一個重要里程碑。突破性的 ERC-404 協議允許對集合中 10,000 個獨特的 NFT 進行部分所有權,從而徹底改變了可互換性,提供即時流動性和高價值數字資產的可訪問性。每個 NFT 都提供對 MetBot 的訪問,MetBot 是一種先進的人工智慧交易機器人,已展現出可觀的回報。此外,製作和合併 NFT 還可解鎖價值約 290 萬美元的獎品。質押 $MOGUL 代幣可以訪問 MetBot 並獲得豐厚的 APY 獎勵,鞏固了 Marine Moguls 作為強大質押機會的地位。這個創新的生態系統為收藏家、投資者和區塊鏈愛好者提供了獨特的價值主張,提供了參與將尖端技術與切實利益相結合的數位革命的機會。
MetFi DAO's Marine Moguls: Revolutionizing Digital Asset Management and High-Frequency Trading with ERC-404 NFT Collection
MetFi DAO 的 Marine Moguls:透過 ERC-404 NFT 系列徹底改變數位資產管理和高頻交易
Seoul, South Korea, May 7th, 2024 - The convergence of blockchain technology and high-frequency trading reaches a pivotal milestone on May 25th, 2024, as MetFi DAO prepares to launch its groundbreaking ERC-404 Marine Moguls collection. This highly anticipated offering not only marks the introduction of the ERC-404 protocol but also sets a new paradigm for digital asset management and high-frequency trading.
韓國首爾,2024 年 5 月 7 日 - 隨著 MetFi DAO 準備推出其突破性的 ERC-404 Marine Moguls 系列,區塊鏈技術和高頻交易的融合將於 2024 年 5 月 25 日達到關鍵里程碑。這項備受期待的產品不僅標誌著ERC-404協議的推出,也為數位資產管理和高頻交易樹立了新的典範。
The Game-Changing ERC-404 Protocol
改變遊戲規則的 ERC-404 協議
At the core of Marine Moguls lies the revolutionary ERC-404 protocol, a transformative development that challenges the traditional boundaries between fungibility and non-fungibility in blockchain technology. Breaking away from the limitations of conventional NFTs, which are typically unique and illiquid, ERC-404 introduces the unprecedented concept of fractional NFT ownership. This innovative approach allows $MOGUL token holders to collectively own portions of the entire Marine Moguls NFT collection, democratizing access to high-value digital assets and enhancing their liquidity by providing instant 24/7 NFT liquidity. It is a harmonious blend of security and versatility, creating a robust platform for investors of all levels.
Marine Moguls 的核心在於革命性的 ERC-404 協議,這是一項革命性的發展,挑戰了區塊鏈技術中可替代性和不可替代性之間的傳統界限。 ERC-404 擺脫了傳統 NFT 的獨特性和流動性不足的限制,引入了前所未有的部分 NFT 所有權概念。這種創新方法允許 $MOGUL 代幣持有者共同擁有整個 Marine Moguls NFT 系列的一部分,從而實現高價值數位資產的民主化,並透過提供即時 24/7 NFT 流動性來增強其流動性。它是安全性和多功能性的和諧結合,為各級投資者創造了一個強大的平台。
Exceptional Returns with the Intelligent MetBot
智慧 MetBot 帶來卓越回報
Each of the 10,000 meticulously crafted NFTs serves as a gateway to exclusive benefits, including access to MetBot, MetFi's advanced AI trading bot that has consistently outperformed the market. During its pre-alpha trial, MetBot generated an impressive 80% return, and in its first seven days of live alpha, it delivered a remarkable 8% return. MetBot is meticulously engineered to maximize profits through intelligent, automated AI trading strategies that are effective in diverse market conditions. Notably, your funds remain securely in your account, under your complete control, and can be withdrawn at any time, empowering you with unparalleled flexibility and peace of mind.
10,000 個精心製作的 NFT 中的每一個都可以作為獲得獨家福利的門戶,包括訪問 MetBot,MetFi 的先進人工智慧交易機器人,其表現始終優於市場。在預 alpha 試驗期間,MetBot 取得了令人印象深刻的 80% 回報,而在即時 alpha 測試的前 7 天,它取得了令人矚目的 8% 回報。 MetBot 經過精心設計,透過在不同市場條件下有效的智慧、自動化人工智慧交易策略來最大化利潤。值得注意的是,您的資金安全地保留在您的帳戶中,完全由您掌控,並且可以隨時提取,讓您擁有無與倫比的靈活性和安心。
Crafting and Merging NFTs: A New Dimension of Value Creation
製作和合併 NFT:價值創造的新維度
Innovation knows no bounds with the Marine Moguls ecosystem, as it empowers users to craft and merge their NFTs, unlocking a treasure trove of ~2.9 million USDT worth of prizes attached to 25% of the NFT collection. This engaging feature allows you to upgrade and combine your NFTs strategically, enhancing their attributes, boosting their value within the marketplace, and potentially unlocking extraordinary prizes, including 100,000 USDT and 50,000 $METFI. Whether you are an avid collector seeking to acquire the most coveted digital assets or an investor seeking to maximize your returns, the crafting and merging capabilities add a dynamic new element to ERC-404 NFT ownership, opening up unprecedented opportunities for growth and profitability.
Marine Moguls 生態系統的創新是無止境的,因為它使用戶能夠製作和合併他們的 NFT,解鎖價值約 290 萬美元的獎品寶庫,其中 25% 的 NFT 藏品附帶獎勵。這項引人入勝的功能使您可以策略性地升級和組合您的 NFT,增強其屬性,提高其在市場中的價值,並有可能解鎖非凡的獎品,包括 100,000 USDT 和 50,000 $METFI。無論您是尋求獲得最令人垂涎的數位資產的狂熱收藏家,還是尋求最大化回報的投資者,製作和合併功能都可以為ERC-404 NFT 所有權添加動態的新元素,從而為增長和獲利帶來前所未有的機會。
Staking Rewards and Lucrative APYs
質押獎勵和豐厚的 APY
The rewards for participating in the Marine Moguls ecosystem extend beyond NFT ownership and trading. By holding $MOGUL tokens, you gain access to MetBot and become eligible for staking. Token holders can stake their $MOGUL tokens to earn generous Annual Percentage Yields (APYs). If 25% of $MOGUL tokens are staked, the estimated APY is a staggering 260%, with the potential for even higher returns if fewer tokens are staked. Staking further enhances the utility of $MOGUL tokens and solidifies Marine Moguls as a robust and lucrative staking opportunity.
參與 Marine Moguls 生態系統的獎勵不僅限於 NFT 所有權和交易。持有 $MOGUL 代幣,您可以訪問 MetBot 並有資格進行質押。代幣持有者可以質押他們的 $MOGUL 代幣,以獲得豐厚的年收益率 (APY)。如果質押 25% 的 $MOGUL 代幣,則預計 APY 將高達 260%,如果質押較少的代幣,則可能獲得更高的回報。質押進一步增強了 $MOGUL 代幣的實用性,並鞏固了 Marine Moguls 作為一個強大且利潤豐厚的質押機會的地位。
Join the Revolution: Embark on a Digital Odyssey
As the highly anticipated launch date of May 25th approaches, excitement permeates the air. The Marine Moguls collection, powered by the groundbreaking ERC-404 protocol, offers a unique and irresistible value proposition, complemented by the exceptional returns generated by MetBot's high-frequency trading capabilities. By participating in the Marine Moguls campaign, you are not merely part of an airdrop; you are stepping into the vanguard of a digital revolution.
隨著備受期待的 5 月 25 日發布日期的臨近,空氣中瀰漫著興奮的氣氛。 Marine Moguls 系列由突破性的 ERC-404 協議提供支持,提供獨特且不可抗拒的價值主張,並輔以 MetBot 高頻交易功能產生的卓越回報。透過參加海軍大亨活動,您不僅僅是空投的一部分;您也是空投的一部分。您正在步入數位革命的先鋒。
Whether you seek to diversify your digital portfolio, leverage advanced AI trading strategies, or simply explore the cutting-edge of blockchain technology, Marine Moguls provides an unparalleled platform to achieve your goals. Don't let this extraordinary opportunity pass you by. Join the Marine Moguls community and become a part of something truly exceptional.
無論您是尋求數位投資組合多元化、利用先進的人工智慧交易策略,還是只是探索區塊鏈技術的前沿,Marine Moguls 都能提供無與倫比的平台來實現您的目標。不要讓這個非凡的機會與您擦肩而過。加入 Marine Moguls 社區,成為真正非凡事物的一部分。
About Marine Moguls and MetBot by MetFi
關於 Marine Moguls 和 MetFi 的 MetBot
Marine Moguls and MetBot, the brainchild of MetFi DAO, are redefining the integration of AI and digital assets through the pioneering ERC-404 protocol. This initiative sets a new benchmark for blockchain utility, seamlessly merging the fungibility of tokens with the unique characteristics of NFTs for instant 24/7 NFT liquidity and fractional NFT ownership, expanding accessibility and appeal.
Marine Moguls 和 MetBot(MetFi DAO 的創意)正在透過開創性的 ERC-404 協議重新定義人工智慧和數位資產的整合。該舉措為區塊鏈實用性樹立了新的基準,將代幣的可互換性與NFT 的獨特特徵無縫融合,以實現即時24/7 NFT 流動性和部分NFT 所有權,擴大可訪問性和吸引力。
Alongside these innovations, MetBot significantly amplifies the value of the ecosystem. As a cutting-edge AI trading bot, MetBot grants Marine Mogul token holders exclusive access to high-frequency trading strategies that have delivered substantial, transparent returns. This AI-powered bot boasts advanced intelligence and adaptive strategies, optimizing profitability while giving users complete control over their funds at every stage.
除了這些創新之外,MetBot 還顯著放大了生態系統的價值。作為尖端的人工智慧交易機器人,MetBot 向 Marine Mogul 代幣持有者授予高頻交易策略的獨家存取權限,這些策略已帶來可觀、透明的回報。這款由人工智慧驅動的機器人擁有先進的智慧和自適應策略,可優化獲利能力,同時讓用戶在每個階段完全掌控自己的資金。
Marine Moguls and MetBot embody MetFi's unwavering commitment to innovation, decentralization, and creating a valuable and rewarding digital future. By joining the Marine Moguls airdrop, community members become integral participants in an evolving ecosystem that challenges traditional notions of value and ownership, delivering tangible benefits and sophisticated trading solutions.
Marine Moguls 和 MetBot 體現了 MetFi 對創新、去中心化和創造有價值且有益的數位未來的堅定承諾。透過加入 Marine Moguls 空投,社群成員成為不斷發展的生態系統中不可或缺的參與者,挑戰傳統的價值和所有權概念,提供切實的利益和複雜的交易解決方案。
Join the Marine Moguls Community Today:
Website: https://marinemoguls.com
Telegram Chat: https://t.me/MetFiChat
Telegram News: https://t.me/MetfiNews
Discord: https://discord.gg/MetFiDAO
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@MetFiDAO
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@Metfidao.Official
Certik: https://skynet.certik.com/projects/metfi
Medium: https://medium.com/@MetFi_DAO
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/MetfiOfficial
GitHub: https://github.com/metfi
CoinMarketCap: https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/metfi2
CoinGecko: https://www.coingecko.com/en/coins/metfi
Instagram: https://instagram.com/metfidao
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