
Hemi Network, the layer-2 chain merging the strengths of Ethereum and Bitcoin, is pleased to announce an exclusive collaboration with Merlin Chain, a popular L2 solution in the Bitcoin ecosystem. The partnership focuses on improving the yield opportunities and liquidity within the Bitcoin ecosystem with the integration of M-BTC into the Hemi Network.
Hemi Network是融合以太坊和比特幣優勢的第2層鏈,很高興地宣布與比特幣生態系統中流行的L2解決方案Merlin Chain獨家合作。該夥伴關係著重於將比特幣生態系統內的產量機會和流動性與M-BTC集成到HEMI網絡中。
The partnership with Hemi Network takes into account the development of relatively interlinked blockchain ecosystems, efficiently merging the efficiencies of the Ethereum and Bitcoin ecosystems. Additionally, M-BTC’s introduction to the Hemi Network serves as a crucial move in enhancing Bitcoin’s utility and functionality within the DeFi sector.
與Hemi Network的合作關係考慮了相對相互聯繫的區塊鏈生態系統的開發,有效地合併了以太坊和比特幣生態系統的效率。此外,M-BTC對Hemi網絡的介紹是增強比特幣在Fefi部門內的效用和功能的關鍵舉動。
Upon M-BTC’s deployment on the Hemi Network, it will operate as a bridge connecting Bitcoin as well as he wider DeFi world. This will empower the consumers by offering a relatively accessible and flexible way to use $BTC holdings. Simultaneously, they can also benefit from the improved efficiency and scalability that the L2 solutions provide.
在M-BTC在Hemi網絡上的部署下,它將作為連接比特幣以及更廣闊的Defi世界的橋樑運行。這將通過提供相對易於訪問且靈活的使用$ BTC持有量來增強消費者的能力。同時,它們還可以從L2解決方案提供的提高效率和可擴展性中受益。
The Hemi Network, backed by prominent players like Big Brain VC, Breyer Capital, and Binance Labs, facilitates greater interoperability, security, and scalability between Ethereum and Bitcoin. It also unlocks unique levels of financial potential, probability, and programmability for blockchain consumers. The integration will let consumers seamlessly shift assets between diverse networks while using the cutting-edge financial tools for improved liquidity and yield.
Hemi Network由Big Brain VC,Breyer Capital和Binance Labs等傑出參與者的支持,促進了以太坊和比特幣之間更大的互操作性,安全性和可伸縮性。它還為區塊鏈消費者提供了獨特的財務潛力,概率和可編程性水平。該集成將使消費者在不同的網絡之間無縫地轉移資產,同時使用尖端的財務工具來提高流動性和產量。
This partnership marks an important landmark in raising the role of Bitcoin within the DeFi world. Both the firms intend to deliver $BTC holders with more financial opportunities along with enabling unparalleled interactions between Ethereum and Bitcoin. As a result of this, the users can anticipate more cross-chain compatibility in the evolving blockchain sector. Overall, this partnership is an important contribution to establishing a relatively scalable, interconnected, and resilient financial landscape.
這種夥伴關係標誌著提高比特幣在Defi世界中的作用的重要地標。這兩家公司都打算為$ BTC持有人提供更多的財務機會,並在以太坊和比特幣之間實現無與倫比的互動。因此,用戶可以預期在不斷發展的區塊鏈領域中會有更多的跨鏈兼容性。總體而言,這種夥伴關係是建立相對可擴展,相互聯繫和有彈性的金融環境的重要貢獻。