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Meme 代幣與 2 月的市場情緒類似,ETF 推出且購買推動了看漲預期

2024/10/26 03:28

X 上的加密貨幣貼文顯示出正面的情緒和內容擴展。人們的注意力讓人回想起二月的情緒,當時 ETF 的敘述導致了今年的最高反彈。

Meme 代幣與 2 月的市場情緒類似,ETF 推出且購買推動了看漲預期

Crypto posting on X showed positive sentiment and content expansion. The mindshare brought to mind the mood in February, when the ETF narrative led to the year’s peak rally. This time, the main narrative was the latest wave of meme tokens, including older assets that were accelerating after months of trading.

X 上的加密貨幣貼文顯示出正面的情緒和內容擴展。這種觀念讓人想起二月份的情緒,當時 ETF 的敘述導致了今年的最高反彈。這次,主要敘述的是最新一波模因代幣,包括經過數月交易後加速成長的舊資產。

The main driver behind the sentiment was the new meme season, driven by activity on Solana and a handful of existing blue-chip tokens. The rush to buy the low-priced assets in hopes of 100X gains or more was helping the entire crypto market. Meme tokens were considered aligned with Bitcoin (BTC), with traders looking for community-driven assets, and not those launched by cabals.

這種情緒背後的主要驅動力是新的 meme 季節,由 Solana 和一些現有藍籌代幣的活動推動。人們急於購買低價資產以期獲得 100 倍或更多的收益,這對整個加密貨幣市場都有幫助。 Meme 代幣被認為與比特幣(BTC)一致,交易者尋找社群驅動的資產,而不是陰謀集團推出的資產。

CT sentiment reaching February levels.

CT 情緒達到 2 月水準。

Back then? Bitcoin ETF success.

那時?比特幣 ETF 的成功。

Now? Meme season.


— Kaito AI 🌊 (@_kaitoai) October 25, 2024

— Kaito AI 🌊 (@_kaitoai) 2024 年 10 月 25 日

In the last quarter of 2024, new meme tokens were all the rage. This time, the promotion came from a small shortlist of top influencers, instead of a paid selection of KOLs. Only a few X accounts had the biggest mindshare and were able to cause token rallies with a single tweet.

2024 年最後一個季度,新的 meme 代幣風靡一時。這次,促銷活動是由一小部分頂級影響者入圍,而不是付費挑選的 KOL。只有少數 X 帳戶擁有最大的關注度,並且能夠透過一則推文引發代幣反彈。

The top meme token influencers in this crypto cycle included Murad Mahmudov, Ansem, Him, and Dragos. Murad had the biggest mindshare, with the other three sharing the remaining influence equally.

在這個加密週期中,迷因代幣的頂級影響者包括 Murad Mahmudov、Ansem、Him 和 Dragos。穆拉德擁有最大的影響力,其他三人則平分剩餘的影響力。

The current selection of X accounts focused on a small list, mixing a few established tokens with big exchange listings, and one or two hot cult tokens. Some tokens were used for active trading and flipping, while others were bought up in the hope of becoming the next cult with dedicated holders that would delay taking profits.

目前 X 帳戶的選擇集中在一個小列表上,將一些已建立的代幣與大型交易所列表混合在一起,以及一兩個熱門的邪教代幣。一些代幣被用於活躍交易和炒作,而另一些代幣則被購買,希望成為下一個擁有專門持有者的邪教,從​​而延遲獲利了結。

Another player entered the influencer game – the expanding X account of Truth Terminal. Just about a week ago, the bot trained on Internet lore had only around 74K followers. Since then, the account was up to 204K followers.

另一位玩家進入了影響者遊戲-真理終端的擴充X帳號。就在大約一週前,這個接受網路知識訓練的機器人只有大約 7.4 萬粉絲。從那時起,該帳戶的追蹤者已達 20.4 萬。

Briefly, Truth Terminal even flipped Murad’s mindshare, pumping its own selection of memes. The only reason Truth Terminal was not a full influencer was its penchant for tweeting random musings.


Truth Terminal also became a tool for third parties, who competed in the replies to make the bot mention a specific word. Often, the word would be used to create a new batch of meme tokens. Those tokens would rally very fast, then crash, but still retain some of their initial liquidity, with the hope for future rallies. SCOOP, one such recently created token, appreciated by 2,000% in minutes. The advantage of AI meme tokens was they were built very quickly and adopted by traders in the trenches, with no time for cabals to control the supply.

真相終端也成為第三方的工具,第三方在回覆中競爭,讓機器人提及特定的單字。通常,這個詞會被用來創建一批新的迷因標記。這些代幣會快速反彈,然後崩盤,但仍保留部分初始流動性,並有望在未來反彈。 SCOOP 是最近創建的一種代幣,幾分鐘內就升值了 2,000%。 AI meme 代幣的優勢在於它們的構建速度非常快,並被戰壕里的交易者採用,沒有時間讓陰謀集團控制供應。

Kaito AI also pointed out the last couple of weeks brought the AI agent season, where new bot accounts were spawning in place of KOLs and other social media engagement hooks.

Kaito AI 也指出,過去幾週迎來了人工智慧代理季節,新的機器人帳戶不斷湧現,取代了 KOL 和其他社交媒體參與掛鉤。

Google searches for ‘meme token’ and ‘meme tokens’ had a small uptick this week, with a much more notable trend on YouTube searches.

本週,Google對「meme token」和「meme tokens」的搜尋量略有上升,YouTube 搜尋的趨勢更為明顯。

Meme tokens outperformed at the end of the year

Meme 代幣在年底表現優於大盤

The meme token trend was still reflected on both Solana and The meme token launch platform set up a daily record, with more than 36K tokens deployed on October 24. Solana also marked peak fees and bribes, as buyers scrambled to acquire new assets and trade the hottest tokens.

迷因代幣趨勢仍然反映在 Solana 和 上。 Meme 代幣發行平台創下了單日記錄,10 月 24 日部署了超過 36,000 個代幣。

Memes were also the most dramatically outperforming class of digital tokens, gaining thousands of percent in a few months. Based on Murad Mahmudov’s list, 14 out of 20 top-performing assets in 2024 were memes. Memes often broke out of the pack, and the most recent gainers included POPCAT and MEW. The meme token market established its value at $57B, of which DOGE was valued at above $19B.

Meme 也是表現最出色的數位代幣,在幾個月內上漲了數千%。根據 Murad Mahmudov 的清單,2024 年表現最好的 20 個資產中有 14 個是迷因。 Meme 經常脫穎而出,最近的贏家包括 POPCAT 和 MEW。 Meme 代幣市場的價值確定為 $57B,其中 DOGE 的價值超過 $19B。

Crypto traders were also boosting volumes for newly launched tokens, as even the ones with a low market capitalization saw peak DEX volumes, boosting Solana’s earnings.

加密貨幣交易商也增加了新推出的代幣的交易量,因為即使是那些市值較低的代幣,DEX 交易量也達到了峰值,從而提振了 Solana 的收益。

Binance was also getting more involved into the meme token frenzy, though cautiously listing a small selection of tokens on its perpetual futures market. The latest additions were GOAT and MOODENG, two of the more recent memes with a cult following.

幣安也更參與了 meme 代幣的狂熱,儘管在其永續期貨市場上謹慎地列出了一小部分代幣。最新添加的內容是 GOAT 和 MOODENG,這兩個最近出現的迷因擁有狂熱的追隨者。



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