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在 NFT 的世界裡,網路迷因已經成為一種利潤豐厚的商品。最近,鏈上一張戴著無簷小便帽的小狗照片售價超過 430 萬美元,成為有史以來最昂貴的 meme NFT。這次拍賣是在 Meme NFT 人氣飆升之後進行的,近年來 Doge、Pepe the Frog 和 Charlie Bit My Finger 等標誌性圖像的售價高達數百萬美元。
Meme NFTs: A Lucrative Convergence of Internet and Cryptocurrency Cultures
Meme NFT:網路與加密貨幣文化的利潤豐厚的融合
On a recent Monday, the digital realm witnessed an extraordinary transaction: a JPEG depicting a puppy adorned in a knitted beanie sold for a staggering $4.3 million. While such a sale may elicit amusement or disbelief, the subject of the image was no ordinary canine, but Achi, the iconic Shiba Inu immortalized in the ubiquitous "Dogwifhat" internet meme.
最近的一個週一,數位領域見證了一場非同尋常的交易:一幅描繪一隻戴著針織無簷便帽的小狗的 JPEG 拍賣品以 430 萬美元的驚人價格售出。雖然這樣的銷售可能會引起娛樂或難以置信,但圖像的主題不是普通的狗,而是阿智,標誌性的柴犬,在無處不在的“Dogwifhat”網絡迷因中永垂不朽。
The Dogwifhat NFT not only shattered records as the most expensive meme NFT ever sold, but it also epitomized a growing trend: the convergence of internet culture and the cryptocurrency world. Over the years, the vibrant overlap of these two realms has given rise to a plethora of NFTs inspired by some of the most recognizable memes of all time.
Dogwifhat NFT 不僅打破了有史以來最昂貴 Meme NFT 的記錄,而且還體現了一種日益增長的趨勢:網路文化與加密貨幣世界的融合。多年來,這兩個領域的充滿活力的重疊催生了大量受有史以來最知名的模因啟發的 NFT。
A Retrospective of the Most Costly Meme-Inspired NFTs
最昂貴的 Meme 啟發的 NFT 回顧
- Dogwifhat: $4.3 Million
The astronomical success of the Dogwifhat NFT, which fetched 1,210.759 ETH (worth $4,311,234 at the time of purchase), can be attributed in large part to the popularity of the original meme, which emerged online in late 2019. However, the NFT's eye-watering price tag was also fueled by the meteoric rise of WIF, a Solana meme coin inspired by the meme that has experienced an explosive surge in value in recent months.
Dogwifhat:430 萬美元Dogwifhat NFT 取得了天文數字般的成功,售價為1,210.759 ETH(購買時價值4,311,234 美元),這在很大程度上可以歸因於2019 年底在網上出現的原始表情包的受歡迎程度。WIF 的迅速崛起也推動了令人瞠目結舌的價格標籤,WIF 是一種 Solana meme 代幣,其靈感源自 meme,近幾個月來經歷了爆炸性的價值飆升。
Since its inception in December, WIF's market capitalization has skyrocketed, reaching a record $3 billion last week. This surge was further propelled by a group of WIF community members who raised nearly $700,000 to display Achi's visage on Sphere, a colossal LED screen-covered arena in Las Vegas.
自12月成立以來,WIF的市值一路飆升,上週達到創紀錄的30億美元。一群 WIF 社群成員進一步推動了這一熱潮,他們籌集了近 70 萬美元,在拉斯維加斯一個巨大的 LED 螢幕競技場 Sphere 上展示阿奇的面容。
The NFT photo was auctioned by Achi's South Korean owners, who netted an impressive $4.1 million after fees. This sum far exceeded their initial expectations for the photo of their puppy, which they had casually taken in 2018, according to Path, the auction coordinator. The NFT was purchased by GCR, a prominent pseudonymous crypto trader, via an auction on the digital art platform Foundation.
這張 NFT 照片由 Achi 的韓國所有者拍賣,扣除費用後淨賺 410 萬美元。拍賣協調員 Path 表示,這筆金額遠遠超出了他們對 2018 年隨意拍攝的小狗照片的最初預期。 NFT 是由著名的匿名加密貨幣交易商 GCR 透過數位藝術平台 Foundation 上的拍賣購買的。
- Doge: $4.2 Million
Prior to last week's record-breaking sale, the title of most expensive meme-related NFT belonged to the progenitor of all dog-related memes: the original Doge.
Doge:420 萬美元 在上週破紀錄的拍賣之前,最昂貴的 meme 相關 NFT 的頭銜屬於所有與狗相關 meme 的鼻祖:最初的 Doge。
This sale made headlines during the height of the NFT boom on June 11, 2021, when an NFT of the original photo that inspired the Doge meme, taken by Japanese kindergarten teacher Atsuko Sato of her Shiba Inu Kabosu, sold for millions of dollars.
這次拍賣在2021 年6 月11 日NFT 熱潮最鼎盛時期成為頭條新聞,當時日本幼兒園老師佐藤敦子(Atsuko Sato) 為她的柴犬Kabosu 拍攝的啟發Doge meme 的原始照片的NFT 售價高達數百萬美元。
The NFT ultimately sold for a higher amount of ETH than the Dogwifhat NFT: 1,696.9 ETH. However, due to Ethereum's lower price at the time, that sum equated to approximately $4.234 million. The Doge meme not only became an integral part of internet culture, but it also played a pivotal role in the development of cryptocurrencies, inspiring Dogecoin, the first-ever meme coin.
NFT 最終以比 Dogwifhat NFT 更高的 ETH 價格出售:1,696.9 ETH。然而,由於當時以太幣的價格較低,這筆金額約為 423.4 萬美元。狗狗迷因不僅成為網路文化不可或缺的一部分,而且在加密貨幣的發展中發揮了關鍵作用,啟發了狗狗幣——第一個迷因硬幣。
"Doge is perhaps one of the most important memes of internet culture," Santiago Santos, a member of the investment collective PleasrDAO that purchased the Doge NFT, told Decrypt at the time.
「Doge 或許是網路文化中最重要的迷因之一,」購買 Doge NFT 的投資集團 PleasrDAO 的成員 Santiago Santos 當時告訴 Decrypt。
PleasrDAO subsequently divided the Doge NFT into billions of fractionalized tokens, a move that generated hundreds of millions of dollars in value and has since fostered an entire ecosystem of Doge-enthusiastic crypto users.
PleasrDAO 隨後將 Doge NFT 劃分為數十億個碎片化代幣,此舉產生了數億美元的價值,並從此培育了一個由 Doge 熱情的加密用戶組成的整個生態系統。
- Pepe the Frog: $3.5 Million
On October 5, 2021, the original Pepe the Frog Genesis NFT, created by Matt Furie, the artist behind the internet-famous green amphibian that was once co-opted by the alt-right, sold for a whopping 1,000 ETH, valued at approximately $3.5 million at the time of sale.
佩佩青蛙:350 萬美元2021 年10 月5 日,原版佩佩青蛙Genesis NFT 由馬特·福里(Matt Furie) 創作,他是曾被另類右翼推崇的網絡著名綠色兩棲動物背後的藝術家,售價高達1,000 美元ETH,出售時價值約 350 萬美元。
Pepe has garnered widespread recognition not only in general internet circles but also within crypto culture. As recently as last year, the meme inspired the creation of Pepecoin, an Ethereum meme coin that has enjoyed significant success.
佩佩不僅在一般網路圈,而且在加密文化中獲得了廣泛認可。就在去年,這個迷因激發了 Pepecoin 的創建,這是一種以太坊迷因硬幣,取得了巨大的成功。
The Pepe NFT represents the file of the first-ever comic panel drawn by Furie depicting the character, created in November 2006. It was acquired by Starry Night Capital, an NFT fund established by crypto hedge fund Three Arrows Capital and pseudonymous investor Vincent Van Dough in 2021.
Pepe NFT 代表了Furie 於2006 年11 月創作的第一張描繪該角色的漫畫面板的文件。它被Starry Night Capital 收購,Starry Night Capital 是由加密貨幣對沖基金Three Arrows Capital 和化名投資者Vincent Van Dough建立的NFT 基金2021年。
When Three Arrows collapsed in 2022, the liquidator responsible for the firm's bankruptcy proceedings seized NFTs in its possession and began selling them off to repay creditors. As part of this liquidation process, Sotheby's brokered a sale of the Pepe NFT to crypto executive Andrew Kang for an undisclosed sum just this week.
當三箭在 2022 年倒閉時,負責該公司破產程序的清算人沒收了其擁有的 NFT,並開始出售它們以償還債權人。作為清算過程的一部分,蘇富比本週促成將 Pepe NFT 出售給加密貨幣高管 Andrew Kang,交易金額未公開。
- Charlie Bit My Finger: $760,999
One of the most iconic videos from the early days of YouTube, "Charlie Bit My Finger," made its way onto the blockchain during the NFT craze of 2021. The parents of the titular, teething Charlie and his older brother, inspired by the success of other meme NFT sales, hoped to transform their viral moment into funds that could potentially cover both boys' college tuitions.
查理咬我的手指:760,999美元 YouTube 早期最具標誌性的視頻之一“查理咬我的手指”在 2021 年 NFT 熱潮期間進入了區塊鏈。兄弟受到其他Meme NFT 銷售成功的啟發,希望將他們的病毒式傳播轉化為資金,有可能支付兩個男孩的大學學費。
Their gamble proved successful: on May 22, 2021, an NFT of the video sold for $760,999 to Dubai-based collector 3FMusic. Initially, the family planned to remove the video from YouTube after the sale to enhance the NFT's significance. However, 3FMusic reportedly expressed indifference to the video's continued online presence, and it remains on YouTube to this day.
他們的賭博被證明是成功的:2021 年 5 月 22 日,該影片的 NFT 以 760,999 美元的價格賣給了杜拜收藏家 3FMusic。最初,該家族計劃在出售後從 YouTube 上刪除該視頻,以增強 NFT 的重要性。然而,據報導 3FMusic 對該影片繼續在線上播放表示漠不關心,至今該影片仍保留在 YouTube 上。
- Nyan Cat: $590,000
Nyan Cat, a pixelated animation of a cat with a Pop-Tart for a torso, first took the internet by storm in 2011. Ten years later, the image's creator, artist Chris Torres, decided to sell the animation as an NFT. The piece garnered far more interest than anticipated, effectively launching the concept of meme NFTs as an asset class.
Nyan Cat:590,000 美元 Nyan Cat 是一部軀幹上有餡餅的貓的像素化動畫,於 2011 年首次風靡互聯網。十年後,該圖像的創作者、藝術家 Chris Torres 決定將該動畫作為NFT。這篇文章引起的興趣遠超預期,有效地推出了 meme NFT 作為資產類別的概念。
On February 19, 2021, just before NFTs became a mainstream phenomenon, Torres sold the Nyan Cat NFT for 300 ETH, then valued at approximately $590,000, to an anonymous crypto user.
2021 年 2 月 19 日,就在 NFT 成為主流現象之前,Torres 以 300 ETH(當時價值約 59 萬美元)的價格將 Nyan Cat NFT 賣給了一位匿名加密貨幣用戶。
In the ensuing months, numerous other creators of famous memes followed Torres' lead and began auctioning their own iconic images as NFTs, enabling them to finally profit meaningfully from and assert ownership over the pieces of internet history they had created.
在接下來的幾個月裡,許多其他著名表情包的創作者追隨托雷斯的腳步,開始將自己的標誌性圖像作為NFT 進行拍賣,使他們最終能夠從他們所創造的互聯網歷史片段中獲得有意義的利潤並維護其所有權。
"It kind of became a trend, not just for me, but for many meme artists that created anything since then. It's always been kind of a struggle," Torres told Decrypt in 2021.
「這已經成為一種趨勢,不僅對我而言,對許多從那時起創造出任何東西的迷因藝術家來說也是如此。這一直是一場鬥爭,」托雷斯在 2021 年告訴 Decrypt。
- Disaster Girl: $430,000
Zoe Roth, one of the first legendary meme creators to emulate Torres' path, was a toddler when she posed in front of a burning building with a subtle smirk that has since become synonymous with taking pleasure in chaos. The meme, known as Disaster Girl, became a cornerstone of internet humor in the 2000s.
災難女孩:43 萬美元佐伊·羅斯(Zoe Roth) 是最早模仿托雷斯道路的傳奇模因創作者之一,當她還是個孩子的時候,她在一座燃燒的建築前擺出姿勢,臉上帶著微妙的傻笑,從此成為享受混亂的代名詞。這個被稱為「災難女孩」的迷因成為 2000 年代網路幽默的基石。
In mid-2021, Roth auctioned an NFT of the original photo from the meme on Foundation. On April 17, it sold for 180 ETH, then valued at approximately $430,000. The NFT was acquired by 3FMusic, the NFT collector who now owns multiple NFTs featured on this list.
2021 年中期,Roth 拍賣了 Foundation 上表情包原始照片的 NFT。 4 月 17 日,它以 180 ETH 的價格售出,當時價值約為 43 萬美元。 NFT 被 NFT 收藏家 3FMusic 收購,該公司現在擁有該清單中的多個 NFT。
- Overly Attached Girlfriend: $411,000
The spring of 2021 marked the zenith of meme NFT auctions; in fact, every piece on this list except the current champion (Dogwifhat) was sold in 2021, in the months following the groundbreaking sale of Nyan Cat.
過度依戀的女友:411,000 美元 2021 年春季標誌著 meme NFT 拍賣的頂峰;事實上,除了當前冠軍 (Dogwifhat) 之外,這份清單上的所有作品均於 2021 年售出,即《Nyan Cat》開創性銷售後的幾個月。
Just weeks after that NFT auction, Laina Morris, the content creator immortalized in a 2012 meme as 'Overly Attached Girlfriend,' ventured into blockchain technology herself, auctioning an NFT of the photo from the meme on Foundation.
就在NFT 拍賣幾週後,內容創作者萊娜·莫里斯(Laina Morris) 在2012 年的一個模因中被稱為“過度依戀的女朋友”,她自己也涉足區塊鏈技術,拍賣了基金會上模因照片的NFT。
The sale was a resounding success, with Morris netting 200 ETH, valued at $411,000 at the time, for the digital token. The NFT was purchased by NFT collector 3FMusic.
這次銷售取得了巨大成功,Morris 透過數位代幣淨賺了 200 ETH,當時價值 411,000 美元。該 NFT 由 NFT 收藏家 3FMusic 購買。
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