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Choise.ai 生態系統的創始人 Vlad Gorbunov 討論了 Meme 幣領域的未來,並解釋了團隊的新 Meme Bank 如何改變該行業
Vlad Gorbunov, the founder of the Choise.ai ecosystem, discusses the future of the meme coin space and explains how his team’s new Meme Bank can transform the sector by providing meme coins with utility-driven features such as token burns and staking rewards, along with real-world applications like payments via Visa/Mastercard bank cards with bespoke designs.
Choise.ai 生態系統的創始人Vlad Gorbunov 討論了Meme 幣領域的未來,並解釋了他的團隊的新Meme 銀行如何透過為Meme 幣提供實用驅動的功能(例如代幣銷毀和質押獎勵)來改變該行業。
In this interview with Cointelegraph, Gorbunov shares his thoughts on the staying power of meme coins, the role of community in crypto, and how Meme Bank aims to enhance the utility and functionality of meme coins, offering practical use cases that could contribute to their long-term sustainability.
在接受Cointelegraph 的採訪中,Gorbunov 分享了他對Meme 幣的持久力、社群在加密貨幣中的作用以及Meme Bank 如何旨在增強Meme 幣的實用性和功能性的想法,並提供了可能有助於其長期發展的實際用例。
Cointelegraph: Vlad, can you elaborate on the future of the meme coin sector? Do you think meme coins can transform from hype-driven assets to solid, long-term performers, especially in light of recent headlines about the meme coin hype cooling down?
Vlad Gorbunov: Meme coins are a quintessential reflection of the new investment culture. At first glance, they might seem like frivolous creations with no intrinsic value, purchased purely for entertainment or speculative purposes. However, it’s worth noting that Bitcoin was once in a similar position.
Vlad Gorbunov:Meme 幣是新投資文化的典型體現。乍一看,它們可能看起來像是沒有內在價值的無聊創作,純粹是為了娛樂或投機目的而購買的。然而,值得注意的是,比特幣也曾經處於類似的境地。
In its early days, Bitcoin had no tangible value — its worth was built on a collective belief in its potential. This phenomenon mirrors broader financial markets, whether in stocks or other investment spaces, where community confidence helps companies achieve valuations 100 or 200 times their annual revenues or profits.
在早期,比特幣沒有任何有形價值——它的價值建立在對其潛力的集體信念之上。這種現象反映了更廣泛的金融市場,無論是股票還是其他投資領域,社區信心幫助公司實現其年收入或利潤 100 或 200 倍的估值。
Similarly, meme coin communities, often million-strong, hold onto their tokens not because of inherent utility but because of a shared belief in the token’s future. For some, the appeal lies in the humor or ideology behind the memes; for others, it’s the perceived “uselessness” that makes these coins intriguing. Memes themselves have become intertwined with events and various ideas, embedding them firmly in modern cultural expressions.
So, meme coins have solidified their place as a phenomenon that isn’t likely to fade anytime soon. Their market capitalization continues to set records, with year-to-date price changes exceeding 10,000%. As one of the fastest-growing niches in the bull market, meme coins now rank fourth behind currencies, chains, and stablecoins. The world’s most influential people, like Elon Musk and Donald Trump, align themselves with the meme coin culture, demonstrating their understanding of the movement that resonates with large audiences.
因此,模因幣已經鞏固了其作為一種現象的地位,並且不太可能很快消失。他們的市值繼續創下紀錄,年初至今的價格變化超過 10,000%。作為多頭市場中成長最快的利基市場之一,迷因幣目前排名第四,僅次於貨幣、區塊鏈和穩定幣。伊隆馬斯克和唐納德川普等世界上最有影響力的人物都與迷因硬幣文化保持一致,展示了他們對這一能引起廣大觀眾共鳴的運動的理解。
Market researchers project the meme coin sector has the potential to surpass $1 trillion, signaling that we’re at the beginning of a new cycle that could drive mass adoption. Yet, can meme coins transform into sustainable, long-term investment vehicles? The answer is likely no. They are more apt to remain speculative instruments, prone to delivering astronomical returns. Take $POPCAT, which alone has surged over 6,400% in 2024. However, this dynamic isn’t entirely different from that of other cryptocurrencies. Ultimately, the driving force behind meme coins is the same as that for any digital asset: community sentiment. One thing that can improve meme coins’ position is utility. And this is where Meme Bank enters the picture.
市場研究人員預計,迷因幣產業的潛力將超過 1 兆美元,這表明我們正處於可能推動大規模採用的新周期的開始。然而,模因幣能否轉變為可持續的長期投資工具?答案可能是否定的。它們更傾向於繼續作為投機工具,傾向於帶來天文數字的回報。以 $POPCAT 為例,光是它在 2024 年就飆升了 6,400% 以上。最終,模因幣背後的驅動力與任何數位資產相同:社群情緒。可以提高模因幣地位的一件事是實用性。這就是 Meme Bank 發揮作用的地方。
CN: But how can Meme Bank ensure its utility-driven approach will resonate in a market that prioritizes excitement over real value?
CN:但 Meme Bank 如何確保其實是驅動的方法能夠在一個優先考慮興奮而非實際價值的市場中產生共鳴?
VG: The goal of Meme Bank isn’t to diminish the emotional value, excitement, or hype surrounding meme coins; in fact, it amplifies them by transforming this energy into a foundation for creating tailored products that empower specific meme coins with practical use cases. These products enhance the functionality of meme coins, offering features that integrate them into everyday activities. In doing so, Meme Bank not only strengthens and expands the utility of meme coins but also boosts its visibility and investment appeal.
VG:Meme Bank 的目標不是削弱 Meme 幣的情感價值、興奮感或炒作;而是要降低 Meme 幣的情感價值、興奮度或炒作。事實上,它透過將這種能量轉化為創建客製化產品的基礎來放大它們,這些產品透過實際用例賦予特定的迷因硬幣。這些產品增強了迷因幣的功能,提供將其融入日常活動的功能。這樣做,Meme Bank 不僅增強和擴大了 Meme 幣的實用性,還提高了其知名度和投資吸引力。
CN: Can you elaborate on the utilities Meme Bank will provide to meme token holders and what the potential use cases for it are?
CN:您能否詳細說明 Meme Bank 將為 meme 代幣持有者提供的實用程式以及它的潛在用例是什麼?
VG: Utility refers to the ability of a coin to perform specific functions that provide tangible benefits or support a broader economy. Take Binance Coin, which creates consistent demand through clear functionality, including reduced transaction fees of 25–30% on Binance. Additionally, holders who stake BNB contribute to its ecosystem, as portions of the token are utilized, burned, or repurchased, ensuring its active integration within Binance’s operations.
VG:效用是指代幣執行特定功能以提供切實利益或支持更廣泛經濟的能力。以幣安幣為例,它透過清晰的功能創造了一致的需求,包括幣安交易費用降低 25-30%。此外,隨著部分代幣被使用、銷毀或回購,持有 BNB 的持有者為其生態系統做出了貢獻,確保了其在幣安運營中的積極整合。
In the meme coin world, communities like BONK occasionally distribute NFTs or rewards to top holders, but such initiatives fall short of offering true utility. Acting as a crypto bank for meme coins, Meme Bank will enable these tokens to serve as functional currencies for transactions, exchanges, and withdrawals. Users can even issue Visa and Mastercard cards featuring unique meme designs, deposit their meme coins onto these cards, and use them globally for shopping, bill payments, and more.
在迷因幣世界中,像 BONK 這樣的社群偶爾會向頂級持有者分發 NFT 或獎勵,但此類舉措並不能提供真正的效用。作為 Meme 幣的加密銀行,Meme Bank 將使這些代幣成為交易、兌換和提款的功能貨幣。用戶甚至可以發行具有獨特 meme 設計的 Visa 和 Mastercard 卡,將 meme 幣存入這些卡上,並在全球範圍內使用它們進行購物、賬單支付等。
These practical applications will also generate revenue through transaction fees paid by users when they send meme coins to a card or make any other transactions. This revenue can be further reinvested into the ecosystem. For example,
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