Mande Network 透過擴大其原生代幣 $MAND 的覆蓋範圍來加強其在 Web3 生態系統中的地位。

Mande Network, a Web3 platform known for its decentralized credibility system, is ramping up its efforts to expand the reach of its native altcoin ($MAND) and drive the development of real-world applications (RWAs).
Mande Network 是一個以其去中心化可信任系統而聞名的 Web3 平台,正在加強擴大其原生山寨幣 ($MAND) 的覆蓋範圍並推動現實世界應用程式 (RWA) 的開發。
The platform is also prioritizing the development of a decentralized name service to simplify wallet addresses and enhance user experience. Moreover, Mande Network is offering grants to support the creation of applications in non-English languages, promoting inclusivity and extending the benefits of Web3 to diverse regions.
該平台還優先開發去中心化名稱服務,以簡化錢包地址並增強用戶體驗。此外,Mande Network 還提供補助金來支援非英語語言應用程式的創建,促進包容性並將 Web3 的優勢擴展到不同地區。
As part of its mission to bridge the gap between traditional and decentralized systems, Mande Network is collaborating with MASQ Network to integrate decentralized credibility solutions and improve user experience.
作為彌合傳統系統和去中心化系統之間差距的使命的一部分,Mande Network 正在與 MASQ Network 合作,整合去中心化可信度解決方案並改善使用者體驗。
Together, these initiatives showcase Mande Network's commitment to practical innovation and its role in shaping the future of Web3 and decentralized technologies.
這些舉措共同展示了 Mande Network 對實踐創新的承諾及其在塑造 Web3 和去中心化技術的未來方面的作用。
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