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Injective 是用於 Web3 金融應用程式的第 1 層網絡,利用 Cosmos SDK 框架和權益證明共識演算法提供 25,000+ TPS 和即時交易終結性。 Injective 可與以太坊和 Solana 等其他網路互通,利用 Electro Chains 無縫部署 dApp。其即插即用的金融模組,例如去中心化的鏈上訂單簿和 RWA,使開發人員能夠創建創新的應用程式。 INJ 代幣用於治理和質押,具有通貨緊縮拍賣模組。最近的 Volan 升級為 Injective 不斷發展的生態系統引入了真實世界資產 (RWA)、增強的速度和互通性,支援 DeFi、NFT Fi、RWA 等。
Injective: A Comprehensive Guide to the Layer 1 DeFi Powerhouse
Injective:Layer 1 DeFi 引擎綜合指南
In the ever-evolving landscape of Web3 finance, Injective stands out as a cutting-edge Layer 1 network specifically designed for financial applications. This innovative platform leverages the Cosmos SDK framework alongside the Tendermint-based Proof of Stake consensus algorithm, offering unparalleled transaction finality and lightning-fast speeds of over 25,000 transactions per second (TPS).
在不斷發展的 Web3 金融領域,Injective 作為專為金融應用程式設計的尖端第 1 層網路脫穎而出。這個創新平台利用 Cosmos SDK 框架以及基於 Tendermint 的權益證明共識演算法,提供無與倫比的交易最終確定性和每秒超過 25,000 筆交易 (TPS) 的閃電般的速度。
Key Differentiators
One of the key strengths of Injective lies in its exceptional interoperability. Through the Cosmos Inter-Blockchain Communication (IBC) protocol, it seamlessly connects with other renowned networks such as Ethereum and Solana. Additionally, through the use of rollup layers called Electro Chains (including Electro Ether and Electro Solana currently), developers can seamlessly deploy their decentralized applications (dApps) on Injective, regardless of their original virtual machine environment.
Injective 的主要優勢之一在於其卓越的互通性。透過Cosmos區塊鏈間通訊(IBC)協議,它與以太坊、Solana等其他知名網路無縫連接。此外,透過使用稱為 Electro Chains 的匯總層(目前包括 Electro Ether 和 Electro Solana),開發人員可以在 Injective 上無縫部署其去中心化應用程式 (dApp),無論其原始虛擬機器環境如何。
Injective boasts a comprehensive suite of plug-and-play finance modules, empowering developers to rapidly build groundbreaking applications. These modules include a decentralized on-chain orderbook, binary options, Real-World Assets (RWAs), and an automated smart contract structure. This modular approach significantly reduces development time and enables the rapid creation of innovative financial products.
Injective 擁有一套全面的即插即用金融模組,使開發人員能夠快速建立突破性的應用程式。這些模組包括去中心化的鏈上訂單簿、二元期權、真實世界資產(RWA)和自動化智能合約結構。這種模組化方法顯著縮短了開發時間,並能夠快速創建創新的金融產品。
The Injective ecosystem is experiencing rapid growth, with a wide range of core offerings spanning DeFi, NFT Fi, RWAs, and GameFi. The INJ token, which serves as the backbone of the network, not only provides security but also has a unique deflationary auction module that ensures scarcity over time.
Injective 生態系統正在經歷快速成長,擁有廣泛的核心產品,涵蓋 DeFi、NFT Fi、RWA 和 GameFi。 INJ 代幣作為網路的支柱,不僅提供安全性,而且還具有獨特的通貨緊縮拍賣模組,可確保隨著時間的推移保持稀缺性。
Volan Mainnet Upgrade
The recent Volan mainnet upgrade marked a significant milestone for Injective, introducing a wealth of upgrades and enhancements. Notably, this upgrade brought about the introduction of RWAs to the network, allowing the tokenization and trading of real-world assets directly on the blockchain. The upgrade also brought about significant speed enhancements, reducing app latency by a substantial 90%. Moreover, Injective's interoperability was further strengthened, enabling more seamless connections with other blockchains and their respective financial ecosystems.
最近的 Volan 主網升級標誌著 Injective 的一個重要里程碑,引入了大量的升級和增強功能。值得注意的是,此次升級將 RWA 引入網絡,允許直接在區塊鏈上對現實世界資產進行代幣化和交易。此次升級還帶來了顯著的速度提升,將應用程式延遲大幅降低了 90%。此外,Injective的互通性進一步加強,能夠與其他區塊鏈及其各自的金融生態系統進行更無縫的連接。
Interchain Smart Contract Environment
Injective's optimization of the Cosmos SDK enables a paradigm shift in smart contract development. Its interchain smart contracts can seamlessly interact with other blockchains, empowering developers to create applications that transcend the boundaries of single chains. This opens up unprecedented possibilities for cross-chain financial operations and composability.
Injective 對 Cosmos SDK 的最佳化實現了智慧合約開發的典範轉移。其鏈間智能合約可以與其他區塊鏈無縫交互,使開發者能夠創建超越單鏈邊界的應用程式。這為跨鏈金融操作和可組合性開闢了前所未有的可能性。
Automated Self-Executing Contracts
Injective's automated self-executing contracts represent a groundbreaking innovation in the field of smart contracts. Unlike conventional smart contracts that require manual execution, Injective's contracts automatically perform their intended functions every block, enabling the creation of sophisticated and efficient financial applications.
Injective 的自動執行合約代表了智慧合約領域的突破性創新。與需要手動執行的傳統智能合約不同,Injective 的合約在每個區塊中自動執行其預期功能,從而能夠創建複雜且高效的金融應用程式。
Interoperability Needs a Bridge
Injective's bridge serves as the connecting link to the wider DeFi ecosystem. Through partnerships with established bridging solutions such as Axelar, Wormhole, and Peggy, Injective facilitates the seamless transfer of assets between different blockchains, including Ethereum, Solana, and Cosmos. This interoperability allows DeFi applications built on Injective to tap into the liquidity and resources available on other chains, expanding their reach and utility.
Injective 的橋樑充當了更廣泛的 DeFi 生態系統的連接紐帶。透過與 Axelar、Wormhole 和 Peggy 等成熟的橋接解決方案合作,Injective 促進了不同區塊鏈(包括以太坊、Solana 和 Cosmos)之間資產的無縫轉移。這種互通性允許基於 Injective 構建的 DeFi 應用程式能夠利用其他鏈上可用的流動性和資源,從而擴大其範圍和效用。
Injective API Nodes
單射 API 節點
Injective's public API nodes provide developers with direct access to the network's high-performance orderbook and other valuable information. This enables the creation of sophisticated data analysis applications, trading bots, and other tools that can utilize Injective's fast and efficient infrastructure.
Injective 的公共 API 節點可讓開發人員直接存取網路的高效能訂單簿和其他有價值的資訊。這使得能夠創建複雜的數據分析應用程式、交易機器人和其他可以利用 Injective 快速高效基礎設施的工具。
Decentralized Applications (dApps)
去中心化應用程式 (dApp)
The Injective ecosystem is home to a thriving community of developers who have built a wide range of innovative dApps. These dApps encompass various aspects of DeFi, including spot trading, automated trading, yield farming, lending and borrowing, and NFT marketplaces.
Injective 生態系統是一個蓬勃發展的開發者社區的家園,他們構建了各種創新的 dApp。這些 dApp 涵蓋了 DeFi 的各個方面,包括現貨交易、自動交易、流動性挖礦、借貸以及 NFT 市場。
INJ Token and Tokenomics
INJ 代幣與代幣經濟學
The INJ token serves as the lifeblood of the Injective ecosystem. It has a maximum supply of 100 million and will experience a controlled inflation of 7% per year to reward validators and secure the network. However, this inflation is offset by a unique deflationary mechanism known as the Weekly INJ Auction Burn. This auction allows INJ holders to bid on protocol revenue, with the winning bid being permanently burned, reducing the circulating supply and increasing the scarcity of the token.
INJ 代幣是 Injective 生態系統的命脈。它的最大供應量為 1 億,並且每年將經歷 7% 的受控通膨,以獎勵驗證者並確保網路安全。然而,這種通貨膨脹被一種獨特的通貨緊縮機制所抵消,這種機制被稱為「每週 INJ 拍賣銷毀」。這次拍賣允許 INJ 持有者對協議收入進行競價,中標的競價將被永久銷毀,從而減少流通供應並增加代幣的稀缺性。
INJ Utility and Governance
INJ 實用程式與治理
Beyond its primary role as the native token of the Injective network, INJ also serves as a governance token. Holders can participate in community governance by voting on proposals that shape the network's future direction. This includes decisions regarding marketing campaigns, technical upgrades, and ecosystem development.
除了作為 Injective 網路的原生代幣的主要作用之外,INJ 還充當治理代幣。持有者可以透過對塑造網路未來方向的提案進行投票來參與社區治理。這包括有關行銷活動、技術升級和生態系統開發的決策。
Proof of Stake Security
Injective utilizes a Proof of Stake (PoS) consensus mechanism to secure the network. Validators are responsible for verifying transactions and maintaining the integrity of the blockchain. By staking their INJ tokens, validators earn rewards and contribute to the network's security. Individual users can also participate in staking by delegating their INJ tokens to trusted validators, sharing in the rewards while supporting the network's stability.
Injective 利用權益證明 (PoS) 共識機制來保護網路。驗證者負責驗證交易並維護區塊鏈的完整性。透過質押 INJ 代幣,驗證者可以獲得獎勵並為網路安全做出貢獻。個人用戶還可以透過將其 INJ 代幣委託給可信任驗證者來參與質押,在支持網路穩定性的同時分享獎勵。
dApp Fee Value Accrual
dApp 費用值應計
Injective's innovative auction module extends to dApp fee value accrual. A portion of the fees generated by dApps on the network is accumulated weekly and distributed to INJ holders through an auction system. This mechanism ensures that holders of the INJ token benefit directly from the network's growth and activity.
Injective 的創新拍賣模組擴及 dApp 費用價值累積。網路上 dApp 產生的部分費用每週累積,並透過拍賣系統分配給 INJ 持有者。這種機制確保 INJ 代幣的持有者直接從網路的成長和活動中受益。
Volan Mainnet Upgrade Enhancements
Volan 主機網升級增強功能
The Volan mainnet upgrade brought about a plethora of enhancements that propel Injective to new heights. Among these enhancements are:
Volan 主網升級帶來了大量增強功能,將 Injective 推向了新的高度。這些增強功能包括:
- Layer for Real World Assets (RWAs): The upgrade paves the way for the tokenization and trading of real-world assets, bridging the gap between traditional finance and DeFi.
- Supreme Scalability: The network's transaction processing speed has been significantly increased, reducing app latency by 90% and enabling the platform to handle a significantly larger volume of transactions.
- Enhanced Interoperability: Injective's interoperability with other blockchains has been strengthened, allowing for seamless communication and the transfer of assets across multiple networks.
- Improved Oracle Feed Design: The upgrade enables DeFi applications on Injective to access real-time pricing data from traditional financial markets, facilitating the creation of innovative financial instruments.
- Enhanced INJ Deflation: The upgrade introduces a revised inflation and deflation mechanism for the INJ token, gradually reducing inflation over time while strengthening the deflationary effect of the token auction and burn mechanism.
Layer for Real World Assets (RWA):升級為現實世界資產的代幣化和交易鋪平了道路,彌合了傳統金融和DeFi 之間的差距。 ,減少了應用程式延遲提高了90%,使平台能夠處理更大的交易量。的資產轉移。修訂後的通貨膨脹和通貨緊縮機制,隨著時間的推移逐漸降低通貨膨脹,同時加強通貨緊縮代幣拍賣和銷毀機制的效果。
Injective has emerged as a leading Layer 1 network in the DeFi landscape. Its lightning-fast speeds, robust interoperability, and plug-and-play finance modules provide an unparalleled foundation for the development and deployment of innovative financial applications. With its focus on DeFi and its embrace of emerging technologies such as RWAs, Injective is well-positioned to drive the next wave of blockchain adoption and financial innovation.
Injective 已成為 DeFi 領域領先的 Layer 1 網路。其閃電般的速度、強大的互通性和即插即用的金融模組為創新金融應用程式的開發和部署提供了無與倫比的基礎。憑藉對 DeFi 的關注以及對 RWA 等新興技術的擁抱,Injective 完全有能力推動下一波區塊鏈採用和金融創新。
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