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2024/05/16 00:27

在蓬勃發展的 Web3 領域,crypto.news 提供了賺取加密貨幣的各種途徑。本文介紹了九個頂級視訊串流平台,這些平台為觀看內容提供加密貨幣激勵。透過 Theta Network、Livepeer、Verasity、DTube、AIOZ Network、MovieBloc、LimeWire、Contentos 和 MILC Platform 等平台,個人可以參與影片、參與獎勵計劃、創建內容、完成任務以及選擇觀看廣告,從而賺取加密貨幣一路上。然而,考慮市場波動性、平台穩定性、隱私問題、詐欺威脅以及與此類平台相關的技術挑戰至關重要。


Delve into the Lucrative Realm of Earning Cryptocurrency by Watching Videos: A Comprehensive Guide to Maximizing Your Earnings




In the ever-evolving labyrinth of Web3, crypto enthusiasts are discovering a plethora of innovative platforms that enable them to earn cryptocurrency for their active participation. One such avenue that has gained significant traction is the concept of earning crypto by watching videos. This guide will delve into the intricacies of this captivating realm, empowering you with the knowledge and strategies to maximize your earnings.

在不斷發展的 Web3 迷宮中,加密貨幣愛好者正在發現大量創新平台,使他們能夠透過積極參與來賺取加密貨幣。透過觀看影片賺取加密貨幣的概念已經獲得了巨大的關注。本指南將深入探討這個迷人領域的複雜性,為您提供知識和策略,以最大限度地提高您的收入。

Platforms for Earning Cryptocurrency by Watching Videos


Theta Network (THETA)

西塔網絡 (THETA)

Theta Network, a decentralized video platform built on blockchain technology, aims to revolutionize video streaming and distribution. By leveraging a peer-to-peer network, users can share their bandwidth and computing power to facilitate video streaming and hosting. Participants are rewarded with THETA Fuel (TFUEL) tokens for their contributions, including bandwidth sharing, video watching, and video sharing. Token holders enjoy exclusive access to premium content, events, and other benefits.

Theta Network 是一個基於區塊鏈技術的去中心化視訊平台,旨在徹底改變視訊串流和分發。透過利用點對點網絡,用戶可以共享頻寬和運算能力以促進視訊串流和託管。參與者將因其貢獻(包括頻寬共享、視訊觀看和視訊共享)而獲得 THETA Fuel (TFUEL) 代幣獎勵。代幣持有者可以獨家存取優質內容、活動和其他福利。

Livepeer (LPT)

即時對等 (LPT)

Livepeer is a blockchain-based protocol designed to decentralize the video streaming industry. It utilizes the LPT token to enable users to participate in the network and earn rewards. Token holders can stake their LPT as transcoders on the network, responsible for processing and encoding video streams. By staking LPT tokens, users are rewarded based on their contributions.

Livepeer 是一種基於區塊鏈的協議,旨在分散視訊串流產業。它利用LPT代幣使用戶能夠參與網路並獲得獎勵。代幣持有者可以將他們的 LPT 作為網路上的轉碼器,負責處理和編碼視訊串流。透過質押 LPT 代幣,用戶將根據其貢獻獲得獎勵。

Verasity (VRA)


Verasity focuses on enhancing the video streaming industry through blockchain technology. It provides transparency and rewards for both content creators and viewers. By participating in reward programs, viewing videos, and engaging with advertisements, users can earn VRA tokens. Content creators also earn tokens based on the engagement their videos receive, such as views, likes, and minutes watched. These tokens can be redeemed for other currencies or used to offer premium content to viewers.

Verasity 專注於透過區塊鏈技術增強視訊串流產業。它為內容創作者和觀眾提供透明度和獎勵。透過參與獎勵計劃、觀看影片和參與廣告,用戶可以獲得 VRA 代幣。內容創作者還可以根據影片的參與度(例如觀看次數、按讚次數和觀看時間)來賺取代幣。這些代幣可以兌換成其他貨幣或用於向觀眾提供優質內容。



DTube is a video sharing platform based on Steemit, a social media and blogging platform built on the blockchain. This blockchain-powered platform functions similarly to platforms like Facebook and Instagram, allowing users to share and provide feedback on content. Its unique feature lies in its ability to reward users with monetary incentives for active participation. Through its native digital currencies, Steem and Steem Power, DTube enables content creators and other participants to earn financial rewards.

DTube 是一個基於 Steemit 的影片分享平台,Steemit 是一個建構在區塊鏈上的社群媒體和部落格平台。這個由區塊鏈驅動的平台的功能與 Facebook 和 Instagram 等平台類似,允許用戶分享內容並提供回饋。其獨特之處在於能夠透過金錢激勵來獎勵用戶的積極參與。透過其原生數位貨幣 Steem 和 Steem Power,DTube 使內容創作者和其他參與者能夠獲得經濟獎勵。

AIOZ Network (AIOZ)


AIOZ Network addresses high costs, poor user experience, and lack of privacy in the video streaming industry. It employs peer-to-peer network technology, decentralized storage, and AI to facilitate high-quality streaming services without relying on central servers. AIOZ Network ensures content quality through a decentralized rating system, where users are rewarded with native AIOZ tokens for providing valuable content.

AIOZ Network 解決了視訊串流產業的高成本、差用戶體驗和缺乏隱私的問題。它採用點對點網路技術、去中心化儲存和人工智慧來促進高品質的串流媒體服務,而無需依賴中央伺服器。 AIOZ Network 透過去中心化評級系統確保內容質量,用戶因提供有價值的內容而獲得原生 AIOZ 代幣獎勵。

MovieBloc (MBL)

電影區 (MBL)

MovieBloc aims to disrupt traditional film distribution models by creating a decentralized platform where content creators can directly connect with their audience. The platform is designed to provide a transparent, efficient, and equitable experience for both creators and users. Users and creators can earn the platform's native MBL token for contributing to the ecosystem, granting access to exclusive content and other services.

MovieBloc 旨在透過創建一個分散的平台來顛覆傳統的電影發行模式,內容創作者可以直接與觀眾聯繫。該平台旨在為創作者和用戶提供透明、高效、公平的體驗。用戶和創作者可以透過為生態系統做出貢獻、獲得獨家內容和其他服務來獲得平台的原生 MBL 代幣。

LimeWire (LMWR)

石灰線 (LMWR)

LimeWire is a blockchain-based platform for sharing music and other content, serving as a decentralized peer-to-peer file-sharing platform. LimeWire enables users to share files directly with each other without intermediary authorities. The project aims to provide an efficient and secure exchange of digital content for users. The native LimeWire token, LMWR, serves as a reward system for users who watch videos, share files, and contribute to the network.

LimeWire 是一個基於區塊鏈的平台,用於共享音樂和其他內容,作為去中心化的點對點檔案共享平台。 LimeWire 使用戶能夠直接相互分享文件,無需中間機構。該專案旨在為用戶提供高效、安全的數位內容交換。 LimeWire 原生代幣 LMWR 作為觀看影片、分享文件和為網路做出貢獻的用戶的獎勵系統。

Contentos (COS)

快樂 (COS)

Contentos focuses on transforming the creation, sharing, and valuation of content on the internet. With Cos.TV, users can earn COS tokens for engaging with videos and participating in the project. Similar to other platforms, holders of the native token gain access to exclusive content and other features.

Contentos 專注於改變網路內容的創建、分享和評估。透過 Cos.TV,用戶可以透過觀看影片和參與專案來賺取 COS 代幣。與其他平台類似,原生代幣的持有者可以獲得獨家內容和其他功能。

MILC Platform (MLT)


MILC Platform, established in 2021, aims to revolutionize the entertainment industry, particularly in the realm of video and streaming. The MILC Platform token, MLT, serves as the currency for transactions, royalty payments, and investments in content projects. Users are also rewarded with MLT when they create and share valuable content.

MILC 平台成立於 2021 年,旨在徹底改變娛樂產業,特別是在影片和串流媒體領域。 MILC 平台代幣 MLT 作為交易、版稅支付和內容項目投資的貨幣。用戶在創建和分享有價值的內容時也會獲得 MLT 獎勵。

How to Earn Crypto by Watching Videos


Step 1: Choose a Platform

第 1 步:選擇平台

Begin by researching and selecting a video streaming platform that offers cryptocurrency rewards. Popular options include DTube, Theta Network, Verasity, and Livepeer. Each platform offers unique features and reward systems, so choose one that aligns with your interests and goals.

首先研究並選擇提供加密貨幣獎勵的視訊串流平台。流行的選項包括 DTube、Theta Network、Verasity 和 Livepeer。每個平台都提供獨特的功能和獎勵系統,因此請選擇一個符合您的興趣和目標的平台。

Step 2: Create an Account

第 2 步:建立帳戶

After selecting a platform, create an account by providing an email address, username, and password. Some platforms may require additional verification steps to ensure account security. For instance, DTube requires you to sign in using your MetaMask wallet.

選擇平台後,透過提供電子郵件地址、使用者名稱和密碼建立帳戶。某些平台可能需要額外的驗證步驟以確保帳戶安全。例如,DTube 要求您使用 MetaMask 錢包登入。

Step 3: Set Up a Wallet

第 3 步:設定錢包

To receive and manage your cryptocurrency earnings, you will need a digital wallet. Blockchain video streaming platforms often recommend specific wallets compatible with their native tokens. For example, using Theta Network requires a Theta Wallet. Ensure your wallet is secure, and back up your private keys.

要接收和管理您的加密貨幣收入,您將需要一個數位錢包。區塊鏈視訊串流平台通常會推薦與其原生代幣相容的特定錢包。例如,使用 Theta Network 需要 Theta 錢包。確保您的錢包安全,並備份您的私鑰。

Step 4: Explore and Select Content

第 4 步:探索並選擇內容

Browse through the available content on your chosen platform. Select videos that interest you, as engagement can enhance your overall experience and increase your chances of earning more rewards. Platforms like Verasity allow you to earn more by watching specific videos or advertisements.

瀏覽您選擇的平台上的可用內容。選擇您感興趣的視頻,因為參與可以增強您的整體體驗並增加您獲得更多獎勵的機會。 Verasity 等平台可讓您透過觀看特定影片或廣告賺取更多收入。

Step 5: Watch Videos


Start watching the selected videos. On many platforms, you earn cryptocurrency based on the duration of viewing, the number of videos watched, or specific engagement metrics like likes and comments. Ensure you watch the videos to completion, as partial views might not earn you the full reward.


Step 6: Engage with Content

第 6 步:與內容互動

To maximize your earnings while watching videos, actively engage with the content. This includes liking videos, leaving comments, sharing content, or subscribing to channels. On platforms like DTube and Livepeer, increased engagement levels can lead to greater rewards. Your interactions not only help promote content but also benefit you and the content creators.

為了在觀看影片時最大化您的收入,請積極參與內容。這包括喜歡影片、發表評論、分享內容或訂閱頻道。在 DTube 和 Livepeer 等平台上,提高參與度可以帶來更大的回報。您的互動不僅有助於推廣內容,還使您和內容創作者受益。

Step 7: Opt for Advertisements (Optional)

第 7 步:選擇廣告(可選)

Platforms like Verasity offer the option to watch advertisements to earn additional tokens. While this step is optional, it can significantly boost your results when earning crypto by watching videos. Set your ad preferences correctly to receive ads that align with your interests.

Verasity 等平台提供觀看廣告以賺取額外代幣的選項。雖然此步驟是可選的,但它可以在透過觀看影片賺取加密貨幣時顯著提高您的結果。正確設定您的廣告偏好,以接收符合您興趣的廣告。

Step 8: Complete Tasks or Challenges

第 8 步:完成任務或挑戰

Some platforms, such as Vevue, offer tasks or challenges that you can complete for extra rewards. These may involve creating specific types of content, reviewing products, or participating in promotional activities. Completing these tasks can provide a substantial boost to your earnings.

某些平台(例如 Vevue)提供任務或挑戰,您可以完成這些任務或挑戰以獲得額外獎勵。這些可能涉及創建特定類型的內容、評論產品或參與促銷活動。完成這些任務可以大幅增加您的收入。

Step 9: Check and Redeem Your Earnings!


Regularly check your wallet to monitor your earnings. Most platforms offer a dashboard or earnings summary where you can track the cryptocurrency you have accumulated. This will help you stay informed about your progress and make necessary adjustments to your viewing habits to maximize earnings.


Risks and Challenges


Market Volatility


Cryptocurrency assets are inherently volatile, so be aware that the value of your earnings can fluctuate rapidly. While crypto can bring gains, it also carries the risk of losses. Consider converting your earnings to a more stable currency, such as a stablecoin, to mitigate the impact of volatility.


Platform Stability


The stability and reliability of your chosen platform are crucial. Not all platforms have the same level of security and operational history. Choose platforms with a solid reputation and track record to minimize the risk of losing your earnings. Decentralized platforms may offer better resilience compared to centralized ones.


Privacy Concerns


Signing up for these platforms often requires providing personal information and creating a digital wallet, which can pose privacy risks. Ensure that the platform employs robust data privacy policies and security measures to protect your information. Be cautious about the personal data you share and consider using platforms that prioritize user privacy.


Fraud and Scams


When logging in with your crypto wallet, ensure you are clicking on the correct URL. Scammers can create fake links to deceive users and steal their funds. Avoid suspicious platforms, be wary of unrealistic promises, and stick to reputable websites.

使用加密錢包登入時,請確保您點擊正確的 URL。詐騙者可以創建虛假連結來欺騙用戶並竊取他們的資金。避開可疑平台,警惕不切實際的承諾,並堅持使用信譽良好的網站。

Technical Challenges


To earn crypto by watching videos, a basic understanding of how crypto works and how to use a wallet is essential to ensure the safety of your funds. Technical issues such as network congestion, wallet compatibility, and transaction fees can lead to fund loss or a negative experience.


Final Thoughts


Earning cryptocurrency by watching videos is a growing trend in the digital content market. Crypto video platforms offer unique ways to monetize viewership and content creation, providing users with multiple options to explore and earn digital currency. However, it is imperative to be aware of the potential risks and challenges associated with these platforms to make informed decisions.


Start exploring these crypto streaming platforms today and transform your video-watching habits into a profitable endeavor. With the knowledge and strategies outlined in this comprehensive guide, you can maximize your earnings and harness the benefits of this innovative and rewarding realm.



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