Illuvium將於1月30日20:00 UTC舉行社區電話,由聯合創始人亞倫·沃里克(Aaron Warwick)主持,討論Illuvium Arena的未來發展。

Illuvium will be hosting a community call on January 30th at 20:00 UTC, where co-founder Aaron Warwick will discuss future developments for Illuvium Arena.
Illuvium將於1月30日20:00 UTC主持社區電話,聯合創始人Aaron Warwick將討論Illuvium Arena的未來發展。
During the call, Warwick will provide an overview of the upcoming changes and additions to the Arena, including new game modes, NFT integration, and other updates designed to enhance the gameplay experience. Attendees will also have the opportunity to ask questions and provide feedback directly to the development team.
To join the community call, follow the link provided on Illuvium's official Discord server or visit the Illuvium Twitch channel at the specified time.
要加入社區電話,請關注Illuvium官方Discord服務器上提供的鏈接,或在指定時間訪問Illuvium Twitch頻道。
Don't miss out on this chance to stay informed about the latest developments and contribute to the shaping of Illuvium Arena.
不要錯過這個機會,以了解最新事態發展,並為Illuvium Arena的塑造做出貢獻。
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