今天,我們與孫洪坐下來討論他在 Core 的角色、他對比特幣生態系統的願景以及推動 Core 成長的策略。

Hong Sun is a business executive with over 17 years of experience at the intersection of blockchain, finance, and SaaS. He is passionate about leveraging blockchain to shape the future of finance.
Hong Sun 是一位業務主管,在區塊鏈、金融和 SaaS 領域擁有超過 17 年的經驗。他熱衷於利用區塊鏈塑造金融的未來。
Most recently, Hongzhe served as VP of Business Development at Paxos, where he played a critical role in scaling their crypto brokerage and stablecoin offerings, including BUSD, PYUSD, PAXG, and USDL. His leadership was pivotal in creating a go-to-market strategy for partners like Paypal and Fidelity that reaches more than 400 million users and 35 million institutions and merchants worldwide.
最近,洪哲擔任 Paxos 業務開發副總裁,在擴大其加密貨幣經紀和穩定幣產品(包括 BUSD、PYUSD、PAXG 和 USDL)方面發揮了關鍵作用。他的領導力在為 Paypal 和 Fidelity 等合作夥伴制定進入市場策略方面發揮了關鍵作用,該策略覆蓋全球超過 4 億用戶和 3500 萬家機構和商家。
As the institutional contributor at Core, Hong is helping Core to achieve its mission of unlocking $2T in trapped bitcoin liquidity by delivering capital efficiency for financial market participants and supporting protocol developments that will usher in the next 10X wave in stablecoin growth.
作為Core 的機構貢獻者,Hong 正在幫助Core 實現其使命,即透過為金融市場參與者提供資本效率並支持協議開發來釋放2T 美元的比特幣流動性,從而迎來穩定幣下一波10 倍的增長。
Prior to Paxos, Hongzhe has founded and scaled multiple businesses, successfully driving market entry and revenue growth. His expertise spans product development, strategic partnerships, and team leadership, with a focus on harnessing blockchain technology to transform financial markets.
在加入 Paxos 之前,洪哲已創立並擴展了多項業務,成功推動了市場進入和收入成長。他的專業知識涵蓋產品開發、策略合作夥伴關係和團隊領導力,重點是利用區塊鏈技術來改變金融市場。