4 月 16 日的《Helldivers 2》更新提供了遊戲玩法改進、錯誤修復,並解決了玩家報告的各種問題。 CE-27 Ground Breaker 裝甲現在擁有期待已久的被動工程師套件,正如最初承諾的那樣。 Arrowhead Game Studios 也進行了重大崩潰修復,修復了當其他玩家離開或加入遊戲、撤離期間以及由於揮舞熱武器時投擲手榴彈而在加載畫面上出現的情況。
The Helldivers 2 update for April 16 has been issued, with the patch notes revealing armor passive fixes and stability improvements for the game. The CE-27 Ground Breaker finally has the advertised Engineer Kit passive. Meanwhile, Arrowhead Game Studios has also introduced crash fixes with the latest update.
.vidazoo-player-container {寬度:100%;高度:calc((1110px - 360px - 16px) * 9 / 16);背景顏色:#000;}.vidazoo-player-container {高度:calc(685px * 9 / 16);}@media(最大寬度: 768px) {.sk-widget .vidazoo-container {margin-top: 16px;margin-bottom: 16px;}.vidazoo-player-container {高度: calc(( 100vw) * 9 / 16);margin-top: 16px;margin-bottom: 16px;}}4 月16 日的《Helldivers 2》更新已經發布,補丁說明揭示了遊戲的裝甲被動修復和穩定性改進。 CE-27 Ground Breaker 終於擁有了廣告中所宣傳的被動工程師套件。同時,Arrowhead Game Studios 也透過最新更新引入了崩潰修復。
Read on to go through the entire patch notes.
Helldivers 2 patch notes today (April 16) The Helldivers 2 update today (April 16) has the following patch notes:
.promoted-img {width: 100%;}Helldivers 2 今天(4 月 16 日)補丁說明 Helldivers 2 補丁說明已發布(圖片來自 Arrowhead Game Studios)Helldivers 2 今天(4 月 16 日)更新有以下補丁說明:
Gameplay CE-27 Ground Breaker armor now has the Engineer kit passive as previously advertised. Fixes Crash Fixes Fixed multiple crashes that could occur in the loadout screen when other players left or joined the game. Fixed multiple crashes that could occur after extraction when the mission results and rewards were shown. Fixed crash which could occur when throwing back a grenade while wielding a heat-based weapon. Fixed a crash that could occur when hosting a play session migrates to another player. Fixed a crash that could occur if too many civilians spawn. Fixed various other crashes that could occur when deploying to a mission. Fixed various other crashes that could occur during gameplay. Other Fixes Fixed an issue that resulted in different damage being dealt enemies between PC and console players. Red boxes in defense missions are no longer visible. Major orders should now properly display text. Also Read: What can the gaming industry learn from Helldivers 2 success?
GameplayCE-27 Ground Breaker 裝甲現在具有如之前所宣傳的被動工程師套件。可能發生的多個崩潰修復了揮舞熱武器時投擲手榴彈時可能發生的崩潰。任務時可能發生的各種其他崩潰。可見。
Known Issues These are issues that were either introduced by this patch and are being worked on, or are from a previous version and have not yet been fixed. This list is not exhaustive and more issues and fixes could be identified based on feedback, reports, and severity.
Superior Packing Methodology ship module does not work properly. Players may be unable to navigate to the search results in the Social Menu. Various issues involving friend invites and cross-play Player's name may show up blank on the other player's friend list. Friend Request cannot be accepted when the requesting player changed their username before the request was accepted. Cross-platform friend invites might not show up in the Friend Requests tab. Players cannot unfriend players befriended via friend code. Players cannot unblock players that were not in their Friends list beforehand. Damage-over-time effects may only apply when dealt by the host. Players may experience delays in Medals and Super Credits payouts. Enemies that bleed out do not progress Personal Orders and Eradicate missions. Certain weapons like Sickle cannot shoot through foliage. Scopes on some weapons such as the Anti-Materiel Rifle are slightly misaligned. Arc weapons sometimes behave inconsistently and sometimes misfire. Spear’s targeting is inconsistent, making it hard to lock on to larger enemies. Stratagem beam might attach itself to an enemy but it will deploy to its original location. Explosions do not break your limbs (except for when you fly into a rock). Area around Automaton Detector Tower makes blue stratagems such as the hellbomb bounce and be repelled when trying to call them down close to the tower. Planet liberation reaches 100% at the end of every Defend mission. Check out recent Helldivers 2 guides:
Localization Confusion booster in Helldivers 2 explained Helldivers 2 encrypted message hints at a possible crossover in future updates 5 Helldivers 2 weapons that need changes in the next update Why did you not like this content?
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