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Helium 是一個基於區塊鏈的蜂窩網絡,具有更快的互聯網連接和完全去中心化。我們將在本文中詳細介紹 Helium 網路。
The Internet is the lifeblood of the modern world. It has brought about many changes in the way we interact with everything from our personal lives to corporate and professional needs. Given the internet usability, Helium (HNT) has paved the way for a more convenient way for the productivity of the internet.
According to a report on Statista, approximately 5.45 billion of the global population are internet users. This staggering number gives an idea for the merger of blockchain technology with the Internet of Things (IoT) or devices on the Internet. Blockchain, itself, is the product of the internet. However, Helium has enhanced the utility of the blockchain with its application in IoT.
根據 Statista 的報告,全球約有 54.5 億人口是網路使用者。這個驚人的數字為區塊鏈技術與物聯網 (IoT) 或互聯網設備的合併提供了思路。區塊鏈本身就是網路的產物。然而,Helium 透過在物聯網中的應用增強了區塊鏈的實用性。
But, what is Helium (HNT)? How does the Helium Network revolutionize wireless connectivity? Helium is a blockchain-based cellular network with a faster internet connection and complete decentralization.
但是,什麼是氦氣 (HNT)? Helium 網路如何徹底改變無線連線? Helium 是一個基於區塊鏈的蜂窩網絡,具有更快的互聯網連接和完全去中心化。
We will elaborate on the Helium network in this article by covering the following aspects of this decentralized wireless network:
我們將在本文中詳細介紹 Helium 網絡,涵蓋該去中心化無線網路的以下幾個面向:
Read on to learn everything about Helium to contribute to the future of a powerful and decentralized internet.
請繼續閱讀,了解有關 Helium 的所有信息,為強大的去中心化互聯網的未來做出貢獻。
Discover the Telegram-based earning game Notcoin here.
在這裡探索基於 Telegram 的賺錢遊戲 Notcoin。
Helium (HNT) Explained
氦氣 (HNT) 解釋
Decentralization is a powerful technological solution with several real-world applications. Thanks to blockchain technology, decentralized blockchain-based applications offer complete ownership and control to the owners and authors of digital products and services.
Helium is one of the best applications of decentralized blockchain technology in the Internet of Things (IoT) industry. There are several internet service providers that are top-notch when it comes to offering cellular networks. However, higher prices, privacy, and vulnerabilities are some of their drawbacks.
This is when the role of a revolutionary decentralized solution, Helium Network, comes into the show. A valuable addition to the wireless infrastructure, Helium (HNT) solves the issues of affordability and security. It is an open-source network with distributed hotspots that offers 5G connectivity.
這時,革命性的去中心化解決方案 Helium Network 就發揮了作用。作為無線基礎設施的重要補充,Helium (HNT) 解決了經濟性和安全性問題。它是一個具有分散式熱點的開源網絡,可提供 5G 連接。
We will cover how it works and how you can benefit from Helium in the coming sections of this guide. Be mindful that Helium is a blockchain at its core and it has a native cryptocurrency token, known as Helium token (HNT).
我們將在本指南的後續部分介紹它的工作原理以及您如何從 Helium 中受益。請注意,Helium 的核心是區塊鏈,它有一個原生加密貨幣代幣,稱為 Helium 代幣(HNT)。
How Does Helium Work?
Before discussing how this decentralized wireless network works, it is imperative to understand the Internet of Things. As the term ‘Internet’ refers to the interconnectivity and the mutual connection between different things or devices, the Internet of Things implies the link and communication between things or devices.
IoT is a widespread industry with millions of devices worldwide. This includes smart gadgets, home products, and more. As per Statista, the global IoT annual revenue will reach up to $445.3 billion in 2025. Thus, Helium is a lucrative technology that incentivizes or rewards the use of its IoT solutions.
物聯網是一個廣泛的產業,全球有數百萬台設備。這包括智慧小工具、家居產品等。根據 Statista 的數據,到 2025 年,全球物聯網年收入將達到 4,453 億美元。
Helium works using Helium Hotspots. A hotspot is a node or wireless device that offers connectivity between devices and objects on the internet. You can connect a single hotspot to hundreds of devices without giving up the bandwidth and speed of the connection. The faster speed is due to the Long-Range Wide Area Network (LoRaWAN) protocol.
Helium 使用 Helium 熱點進行工作。熱點是在互聯網上的設備和物件之間提供連接的節點或無線設備。您可以將單一熱點連接到數百個設備,而無需放棄連接的頻寬和速度。更快的速度歸功於遠端廣域網路(LoRaWAN)協定。
Additionally, connectivity of more devices over a single connection means vulnerable privacy. Helium rectifies this issue via the Proof of Coverage (PoC) consensus mechanism. The PoC mechanism effectively distributes functionality among Helium token holders and node operators, creating different roles. That includes:
此外,透過單一連接連接更多設備意味著隱私容易受到攻擊。 Helium 透過覆蓋證明(PoC)共識機制修正了這個問題。 PoC 機制有效地在 Helium 代幣持有者和節點運營商之間分配功能,創建不同的角色。其中包括:
The Story Behind Helium’s Birth
Back in 2013 when the internet of things was not really a big deal, some computer nerds forecasted a future of smart gadgets and devices. They realized that connectivity comes at a higher price with a compromised speed. Thus, they launched Helium Inc., in 2013.
早在 2013 年,當物聯網還不算什麼大事時,一些電腦迷就預測了智慧小工具和裝置的未來。他們意識到連線的代價更高,而且速度也受到影響。因此,他們在 2013 年成立了 Helium Inc.。
Despite their futuristic idea, Aamir Halim and Shawn Fanning couldn’t build a widespread community of users for over six years. At that time, the cryptocurrency factor was not there with Helium. They introduced the cryptocurrency reward mechanism in 2019 by rewarding the use and installing Helium Hotspots for IoT devices.
儘管阿米爾·哈利姆和肖恩·範甯提出了未來主義的想法,但六年多來仍無法建立廣泛的用戶社群。當時,Helium 還不存在加密貨幣因素。他們在 2019 年引入了加密貨幣獎勵機制,獎勵物聯網設備的使用和安裝 Helium 熱點。
The blockchain-based idea not only boosted the project’s global reach but also solved the privacy concerns associated with higher connections over a network. Up to date, many companies and businesses rely on Helium wireless infrastructure to elevate the functionality of their IoT devices.
基於區塊鏈的想法不僅提高了該專案的全球影響力,還解決了與網路更高連接相關的隱私問題。迄今為止,許多公司和企業都依賴 Helium 無線基礎設施來提升其物聯網設備的功能。
Explore the future of decentralized AI by reading about AgentLayer.
透過閱讀 AgentLayer 來探索去中心化人工智慧的未來。
Helium Ecosystem – The Tech Stack Fueling the IoT Infrastructure
Helium 生態系統-為物聯網基礎設施提供支援的技術堆疊
As of now, almost everyone is aware of the financial incentive of the cryptocurrency ecosystem. In other words, you will be familiar with the monetary benefits and use cases of cryptocurrency, such as crypto trading, investing, staking, scalping, and the payment system. However, cryptocurrency has other benefits as well.
Helium is one such example as it uses Helium crypto (HNT) to strengthen and revolutionize its business model as well as reward Hotspot users with HNT. HNT token drives multiple uses, such as deploying Hotspots, maintaining
Helium 就是這樣的例子,它使用 Helium 加密貨幣(HNT)來加強和革新其商業模式,並以 HNT 獎勵 Hotspot 用戶。 HNT 代幣驅動多種用途,例如部署熱點、維護
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