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Hashkey Capital 透過綠色加密貨幣 ETF 在 Web3 前沿開闢道路,架起傳統世界和 Web3 世界的橋樑

2024/05/01 00:33

領先的 Web3 參與者 Hashkey Capital 與 Pacira 合作推出綠色加密 ETF,縮小了傳統投資者和 Web3 投資者之間的差距。此舉旨在為超過 1 億需要加密 ETF 的 Web3 和機構投資者提供更便捷的存取和全球覆蓋範圍。 Hashkey Capital 執行長鄧超將這些 ETF 設想為連接傳統投資者和 Web3 投資者的橋樑,在全球範圍內提供合規且可訪問的比特幣產品。

Hashkey Capital 透過綠色加密貨幣 ETF 在 Web3 前沿開闢道路,架起傳統世界和 Web3 世界的橋樑

Hashkey Capital Forges New Paths in the Web3 Frontier: Empowering Investors through Green Crypto ETFs and Bridging Traditional and Web3 Worlds

Hashkey Capital 在 Web3 前沿開闢新道路:透過綠色加密貨幣 ETF 為投資者賦能,並連接傳統世界和 Web3 世界

In a bold move that reverberates across the nascent but burgeoning Web3 ecosystem, Hashkey Capital, a luminary in the crypto investment sphere, has joined forces with Pacira, a stalwart in the traditional finance realm, to pioneer the groundbreaking launch of green crypto ETFs. This innovative collaboration marks a pivotal moment, bridging the gap between the conventional financial landscape and the burgeoning Web3 universe, offering investors a seamless and compliant gateway to the digital asset revolution.

加密投資領域的傑出人物 Hashkey Capital 與傳統金融領域的中堅力量 Pacira 聯手,開創性地推出了綠色加密 ETF,這一大膽舉措在新興但蓬勃發展的 Web3 生態系統中引起了反響。這項創新合作標誌著一個關鍵時刻,彌合了傳統金融格局與新興 Web3 領域之間的差距,為投資者提供了通往數位資產革命的無縫且合規的入口。

At the helm of Hashkey Capital's operations, CEO Deng Chao stands as a visionary leader, orchestrating a strategic blueprint that encompasses global coverage and local compliance. With a keen eye on the burgeoning crypto market in Japan, Korea, and Singapore, Hashkey Capital is poised to establish a robust presence in these key jurisdictions, empowering investors with tailored solutions that navigate the regulatory intricacies of each region.

作為哈希基資本營運的掌舵人,執行長鄧超是一位富有遠見的領導者,精心策劃了涵蓋全球覆蓋和本地合規的策略藍圖。憑藉對日本、韓國和新加坡蓬勃發展的加密貨幣市場的敏銳關注,Hashkey Capital 準備在這些主要司法管轄區建立強大的影響力,為投資者提供量身定制的解決方案,以應對每個地區複雜的監管問題。

A Bridge Between Two Worlds: Unifying Traditional and Web3 Investors

兩個世界之間的橋樑:統一傳統投資者和 Web3 投資者

The burgeoning demand for crypto ETFs, fueled by the influx of over 100 million Web3 enthusiasts and institutional investors, has sparked a transformative shift in the investment landscape. Recognizing this burgeoning opportunity, Hashkey Capital's latest venture aims to bridge the divide between traditional and Web3 investors, democratizing access to the digital asset realm.

在超過 1 億 Web3 愛好者和機構投資者湧入的推動下,對加密 ETF 的需求不斷增長,引發了投資格局的變革。認識到這一新興機遇,Hashkey Capital 的最新合資企業旨在彌合傳統投資者和 Web3 投資者之間的鴻溝,實現數位資產領域的民主化。

Leveraging its formidable expertise in the crypto market, Hashkey Capital has strategically partnered with Pacira, a seasoned traditional finance expert, to provide investors with the best of both worlds: the seamless accessibility and regulatory compliance of traditional ETFs coupled with the groundbreaking potential of Web3 assets. This synergistic alliance paves the way for a new era of investment, where the boundaries between the old and the new blur, creating unprecedented opportunities for wealth creation.

憑藉其在加密市場的強大專業知識,Hashkey Capital 與經驗豐富的傳統金融專家Pacira 進行策略合作,為投資者提供兩全其美的服務:傳統ETF 的無縫可訪問性和監管合規性,以及Web3 資產的突破性潛力。這種協同聯盟為新投資時代鋪平了道路,新舊之間的界線變得模糊,創造了前所未有的財富創造機會。

Philanthropy and Innovation Intertwined: A Catalyst for Positive Change


Beyond its commercial endeavors, Hashkey Capital's green crypto ETFs carry a profound social mission. Driven by a commitment to sustainability and community empowerment, the firm has pledged to allocate a portion of its profits to charitable causes, bolstering the Hong Kong Exchange and Charity Foundation. This philanthropic initiative underscores Hashkey Capital's unwavering belief in the power of Web3 to drive positive social change.

除了商業努力之外,Hashkey Capital 的綠色加密 ETF 還承載著深遠的社會使命。在對永續發展和社區賦權的承諾的推動下,該公司承諾將部分利潤用於慈善事業,支持香港交易及慈善基金會。這項慈善舉措突顯了 Hashkey Capital 對 Web3 推動積極社會變革的力量的堅定信念。

Deng Chao, in an exclusive interview, unveiled Hashkey Capital's unwavering commitment to fulfilling the burgeoning demand for crypto ETFs. By partnering with Pacira, the firm aims to strengthen its foothold in the Web3 ecosystem and introduce green crypto ETFs, catering to the unique needs of Web3 enthusiasts, institutional investors, and crypto natives alike.

鄧超在獨家採訪中透露了 Hashkey Capital 堅定不移地致力於滿足加密 ETF 不斷增長的需求。透過與 Pacira 合作,該公司旨在加強其在 Web3 生態系統中的立足點,並推出綠色加密貨幣 ETF,以滿足 Web3 愛好者、機構投資者和加密貨幣原生者的獨特需求。

Global Exposure for Bitcoin Products: A Gateway to the Digital Asset Frontier


This strategic partnership transcends geographical boundaries, offering investors unprecedented exposure to Bitcoin products on a global scale. Chao envisions a future where the Web3 ecosystem and Web3 investors seamlessly converge, empowered by Hashkey Capital's innovative ETFs. By bridging the gap between traditional financial institutions and the cryptosphere, Hashkey Capital is catalyzing a paradigm shift in the investment landscape, unlocking the full potential of digital assets for investors worldwide.

這種策略合作夥伴關係超越了地理界限,為投資者在全球範圍內提供了前所未有的比特幣產品敞口。 Chao 展望了未來,在 Hashkey Capital 創新 ETF 的支持下,Web3 生態系統和 Web3 投資者無縫融合。透過彌合傳統金融機構與加密領域之間的差距,Hashkey Capital 正在推動投資領域的範式轉變,為全球投資者釋放數位資產的全部潛力。

A Web3 Ecosystem Orchestrated: Empowering Innovation and Investment

精心策劃的 Web3 生態系統:賦能創新與投資

As a multifaceted Web3 ecosystem, Hashkey Capital Group encompasses a diverse array of entities, including Hashkey Exchange, a custodian for ETFs, orchestrating fee structures and services. This interconnected ecosystem also encompasses Venture Capital (VC) investing, tech infrastructure development, and tokenization initiatives, all working in harmony to elevate the Web3 experience. Hashkey Capital's overarching goal is to emerge as a one-stop-shop for all financial and investment services, providing investors with comprehensive access to the resources, expertise, and networks they need to succeed in the digital asset arena.

作為一個多層面的 Web3 生態系統,Hashkey Capital Group 包含各種實體,包括 Hashkey Exchange、ETF 託管機構、協調費用結構和服務。這個相互關聯的生態系統還包括創投 (VC) 投資、技術基礎設施開發和代幣化計劃,所有這些都協調一致地提升 Web3 體驗。 Hashkey Capital 的總體目標是成為所有金融和投資服務的一站式商店,為投資者提供在數位資產領域取得成功所需的資源、專業知識和網路的全面存取權。

Green Bitcoin Initiative: A Commitment to Environmental Sustainability


In a further testament to its commitment to responsible innovation, Hashkey Capital has unveiled a green Bitcoin initiative in collaboration with the Green BTC.Club Alliance. This initiative aims to attract retail and institutional investors alike, underscoring the growing recognition of environmental sustainability as a paramount concern in the crypto space.

為了進一步證明其對負責任創新的承諾,Hashkey Capital 與綠色 BTC.Club 聯盟合作推出了一項綠色比特幣計畫。該舉措旨在吸引散戶和機構投資者,突顯人們日益認識到環境永續性是加密貨幣領域的首要關注點。

Through social media platforms, Hashkey Capital has disseminated its green Bitcoin initiative, highlighting its commitment to carbon neutrality for the Bosera HashKey Bitcoin ETF. The firm's pledge to purchase Renewable Energy certificates commensurate with the scale of holdings in Green Crypto ETFs underscores its unwavering commitment to environmental stewardship.

Hashkey Capital 透過社群媒體平台傳播其綠色比特幣倡議,強調其對 Bosera HashKey 比特幣 ETF 碳中和的承諾。該公司承諾購買與綠色加密貨幣 ETF 持有規模相稱的可再生能源證書,這突顯了其對環境管理的堅定承諾。

Regulatory Compliance: A Cornerstone of Responsible Growth


Recognizing the importance of regulatory compliance, Hashkey Capital has engaged in proactive dialogue with regulatory bodies in Japan, Korea, and Singapore. This collaborative approach ensures that Hashkey Capital's operations adhere to the highest standards of regulatory compliance, fostering a safe and secure investment environment for its clients.

認識到監管合規的重要性,Hashkey Capital 與日本、韓國和新加坡的監管機構進行了積極的對話。這種協作方法確保 Hashkey Capital 的營運遵守最高的監管合規標準,為其客戶創造安全可靠的投資環境。

By monitoring market demand and engaging with legislative bodies, Hashkey Capital solidifies its position as a responsible and compliant player in the crypto space, demonstrating a commitment to long-term growth and stability.

透過監控市場需求並與立法機構合作,Hashkey Capital 鞏固了其作為加密貨幣領域負責任且合規參與者的地位,展現了對長期成長和穩定的承諾。

Andrew Smith: A Blockchain Luminary


Andrew Smith, a blockchain developer who developed his passion for cryptocurrencies during his postgraduate studies, brings a unique perspective to the forefront. His keen observation of details and passion for writing, coupled with his technical expertise in blockchain programming and token minting, enables him to craft insightful and informative articles that illuminate complex concepts in a clear and accessible manner. His frequent analysis of technical details and performance indicators of ICOs and IDOs further solidifies his reputation as a reliable source of information and analysis in the crypto space.

Andrew Smith 是一位區塊鏈開發人員,他在研究生學習期間對加密貨幣產生了熱情,他帶來了獨特的視角。他對細節的敏銳觀察和對寫作的熱情,加上他在區塊鏈編程和代幣鑄造方面的技術專長,使他能夠撰寫富有洞察力和信息豐富的文章,以清晰易懂的方式闡明複雜的概念。他對 ICO 和 IDO 的技術細節和性能指標的頻繁分析進一步鞏固了他作為加密貨幣領域可靠的資訊和分析來源的聲譽。


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