Greenlite Ventures (OTC PINK:GRNL) 宣布將其由 NoLimitCoin (NLC) 提供支援的區塊鏈業務擴展到四個主要網路:BSC、Polygon

After the expansion, GRNL will operate on four major blockchain networks: BSC, Polygon, Ethereum, and Chiliz.
擴容後,GRNL 將在四大區塊鏈網路上運行:BSC、Polygon、Ethereum 和 Chiliz。
GRNL will utilize NoLimitCoin (NLC) in its operations by employing NLC smart contracts to power its software ecosystem and facilitate transactions.
GRNL 將在其營運中利用 NoLimitCoin (NLC),透過使用 NLC 智能合約為其軟體生態系統提供動力並促進交易。
The multi-blockchain expansion will bring several benefits to GRNL, including enhanced platform accessibility, optimized costs, and improved performance.
多區塊鏈擴展將為 GRNL 帶來多項好處,包括增強平台可訪問性、優化成本和提高效能。
GRNL's close relationship with NoLimitCoin and its integration into the company's software ecosystem are crucial to Greenlite Ventures' mission to redefine blockchain-based gaming and cryptocurrency platforms.
GRNL 與 NoLimitCoin 的密切關係及其與該公司軟體生態系統的整合對於 Greenlite Ventures 重新定義基於區塊鏈的遊戲和加密貨幣平台的使命至關重要。
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