
If you prefer a more human touch in the world of "Ghoul Reaper Rising," this guide delves into the CCG path, focusing on how to obtain Quinque, navigate the CCG Ranks, and maximise your crafting potential.
CCG, or the Commission of Counter Ghoul, serves as an organization of humans dedicated to combating Ghouls. Their role is to protect the citizenry from Ghoul onslaughts and ensure the safety of the population. Despite being physically outmatched by Ghouls, CCG members utilize organs and limbs harvested from Ghouls to forge weapons called Quinque.
CCG或Counter Ghoul的委員會是致力於對抗食屍鬼的人類組織。他們的作用是保護公民免受食屍鬼的襲擊,並確保人口的安全。儘管CCG成員在物理上被食屍鬼匹配,但利用從食屍鬼收穫的器官和四肢來鍛造Quinque的武器。
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