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$366.38 USD 



5 款最佳遊戲加密貨幣,利潤達 100 倍

2024/10/25 20:09


5 款最佳遊戲加密貨幣,利潤達 100 倍

The rapid adoption of metaverse platforms and the integration of blockchain technology into gaming ecosystems have created a surging demand for the best gaming crypto coins with high returns. According to analysts, the market is poised for explosive 100x growth by December 2024, presenting those who invest early in the right crypto gaming projects with the potential for monumental returns.

元宇宙平台的快速採用以及區塊鏈技術與遊戲生態系統的集成,創造了對具有高回報的最佳遊戲加密貨幣的需求激增。分析師稱,到 2024 年 12 月,市場預計將實現 100 倍的爆炸性成長,為那些儘早投資正確的加密遊戲專案的人帶來巨大回報的潛力。

As the gaming and crypto sectors continue to converge, now is the time to capitalize on this movement before the window of opportunity closes. This article will explore the top gaming crypto coins set for significant gains, offering a unique chance to ride the wave of blockchain gaming’s next big boom.


Below is the list of the five best gaming crypto coins to invest in and stand a chance to grab your share of their 100x explosive growth in the upcoming crypto bull run. We have handpicked these leading gaming crypto projects of 2024 after a careful analysis of their utilities and market demand.

以下是五種最值得投資的遊戲加密貨幣的列表,並有機會在即將到來的加密貨幣牛市中分享其 100 倍的爆炸性增長。在仔細分析其效用和市場需求後,我們精心挑選了 2024 年這些領先的遊戲加密專案。

From LuckHunter, the highest-grossing crypto presale of Q4 2024, to Matr1x Fire, which has a large community, there are several reasons that make these picks the best gaming crypto coins. The following section has covered it all.

從 2024 年第四季預售收入最高的加密貨幣 LuckHunter,到擁有龐大社群的 Matr1x Fire,有幾個原因讓這些貨幣成為最佳遊戲加密貨幣。以下部分已涵蓋所有內容。

LuckHunter boasts a casino gaming platform with sports betting and 200+ gaming options. Players can feel the thrill of real-world gambling experiences and visiting casinos as the games can be enjoyed with its Virtual Reality integration offering real fun. They can even indulge in their favourite casino games on the go with mobile gaming through LuckHunter’s mobile app, which will be launching soon. The best part is its play-to-earn games that reward investors with LHUNT coins.

LuckHunter 擁有一個賭場遊戲平台,提供體育博彩和 200 多種遊戲選項。玩家可以感受到現實世界賭博體驗和參觀賭場的快感,因為遊戲可以透過其虛擬實境整合提供真正的樂趣。他們甚至可以透過 LuckHunter 的行動應用程式(該應用程式即將推出)隨時隨地暢玩自己喜愛的賭場遊戲。最好的部分是它的邊玩邊賺錢的遊戲,用 LHUNT 硬幣獎勵投資者。

Visit the LuckHunter project now >>

立即造訪 LuckHunter 專案 >>

Its native LHUNT coin lets token holders access exclusive games on the platform and offers several perks. Built upon the Ethereum blockchain, LHUNT safeguards the transactions on its platform against scams and hacking attempts. Therefore, players and investors can enjoy the platform without any worries, and it fulfills the needs of modern gamblers.

其原生 LHUNT 代幣可讓代幣持有者存取平台上的獨家遊戲,並提供多種福利。 LHUNT 基於以太坊區塊鏈構建,可保護其平台上的交易免受詐騙和駭客攻擊。因此,玩家和投資者可以無後顧之憂地享受該平台,滿足了現代賭徒的需求。

In the first presale phase, LHUNT coin can be bought for merely $0.001, enabling investors to capitalize early. Besides, token holders can yield 400% ROI upon the market listing of LHUNT if they invest now. As the online gambling industry soars to $227 billion by 2028, wise investors can now capitalize on smart crypto investment opportunity through LuckHunter presale.

在第一個預售階段,LHUNT 幣只需 0.001 美元即可購買,使投資者能夠儘早獲利。此外,代幣持有者如果現在投資,在LHUNT上市後可以獲得400%的投資報酬率。隨著線上博彩業到 2028 年飆升至 2,270 億美元,明智的投資者現在可以透過 LuckHunter 預售抓住明智的加密貨幣投資機會。

Notcoin (NOT) has quickly emerged as one of the hottest new gaming tokens. Through its viral tap-to-earn game on Telegram, Notcoin seamlessly blends entertainment with cryptocurrency. Launched in 2023, Notcoin already boasts over 35 million active users, showcasing its mass appeal.

Notcoin (NOT) 已迅速成為最熱門的新遊戲代幣之一。透過 Telegram 上熱門的點擊賺錢遊戲,Notcoin 將娛樂與加密貨幣無縫融合。 Notcoin 於 2023 年推出,目前已擁有超過 3,500 萬活躍用戶,展現了其巨大的吸引力。

Built on the Telegram Open Network (TON) blockchain, Notcoin is a simple yet addictive game in which players tap virtual coins converted into NOT tokens. These tokens can be traded or staked within the TON ecosystem. Notcoin’s success is largely driven by its integration within Telegram, a platform with over 700 million users, giving it unprecedented access to a massive audience.

Notcoin 建立在 Telegram 開放網路 (TON) 區塊鏈上,是一款簡單但令人上癮的遊戲,玩家可以點擊轉換為 NOT 代幣的虛擬硬幣。這些代幣可以在 TON 生態系統中進行交易或質押。 Notcoin 的成功很大程度上得益於其與 Telegram 的集成,Telegram 是一個擁有超過 7 億用戶的平台,使其能夠前所未有地接觸到大量受眾。

Telegram’s founder, Pavel Durov, has publicly endorsed the project, fueling investor interest. With its strong user engagement, viral potential, and the backing of a major social platform, Notcoin is well-positioned to see substantial growth in the gaming crypto market.

Telegram 的創始人 Pavel Durov 公開支持該項目,並激發了投資者的興趣。憑藉其強大的用戶參與度、病毒式傳播潛力以及主要社交平台的支持,Notcoin 處於有利位置,可以看到遊戲加密市場的大幅成長。

Investors looking for a low-entry, high-potential gaming coin may find Notcoin one of the most compelling opportunities, especially as it continues to attract more users and expand its ecosystem.

尋求低門檻、高潛力遊戲幣的投資者可能會發現 Notcoin 是最引人注目的機會之一,特別是當它繼續吸引更多用戶並擴展其生態系統時。

Pixels (PIXEL) is a popular Web3 farming simulator that taps into the nostalgic love for farming games like Farmville but elevates it with blockchain technology.

Pixels (PIXEL) 是一款受歡迎的 Web3 農業模擬器,它利用了人們對 Farmville 等農業遊戲的懷舊熱愛,但透過區塊鏈技術提升了它。

Built on the Ethereum network, Pixels allows players to create and cultivate virtual farms while earning PIXEL tokens through play-to-earn mechanics. These tokens can be used to purchase in-game items, upgrades, and cosmetic enhancements, offering players fun and tangible rewards.

Pixels 建立在以太坊網路上,讓玩家可以創建和培育虛擬農場,同時透過邊玩邊賺錢的機制賺取 PIXEL 代幣。這些代幣可用於購買遊戲內物品、升級和裝飾增強,為玩家提供有趣和有形的獎勵。

One of the game’s standout features is its open-universe gameplay, allowing players to interact with others while creating their worlds. With nearly 2 million unique active wallets interacting with the Pixels platform last month, the game is already gaining significant traction in Web3.

該遊戲的突出特點之一是其開放宇宙的遊戲玩法,允許玩家在創造自己的世界的同時與其他人互動。上個月有近 200 萬個獨特的活躍錢包與 Pixels 平台進行交互,該遊戲已經在 Web3 中獲得了巨大的吸引力。

The ongoing PIXEL token presale offers an excellent opportunity for investors to get in early at $0.2663 per token. For gamers and crypto enthusiasts looking for a combination of nostalgic gameplay and modern blockchain rewards, Pixels is an ideal investment that could deliver significant returns as the game continues to grow and evolve.

正在進行的 PIXEL 代幣預售為投資者提供了一個絕佳的機會,可以以每個代幣 0.2663 美元的價格提前入場。對於尋求懷舊遊戲玩法和現代區塊鏈獎勵相結合的遊戲玩家和加密貨幣愛好者來說,Pixels 是一項理想的投資,隨著遊戲的不斷發展和發展,它可以帶來可觀的回報。

Sandbox (SAND) is one of the leading metaverse platforms in the blockchain space, combining gaming, virtual real estate, and NFTs into one immersive experience.

Sandbox (SAND) 是區塊鏈領域領先的元宇宙平台之一,將遊戲、虛擬房地產和 NFT 結合成一種身臨其境的體驗。

Powered by Ethereum, Sandbox allows users to buy, sell, and trade virtual assets in ASSETS—3D objects such as avatars, buildings, and whole worlds. These ASSETS are represented as NFTs, giving players true ownership of their in

在以太坊的支持下,Sandbox 允許用戶購買、出售和交易資產中的虛擬資產——3D 對象,如頭像、建築物和整個世界。這些資產以 NFT 的形式呈現,讓玩家真正擁有自己的資產



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