金融市場需要巨額資金,自營公司可以幫助散戶彌補這個資金缺口。然而,大多數平台效率低下,客戶多年來不得不應對 KYC 障礙、付款緩慢、資金不足等問題。值得慶幸的是,FX Guys 創建了一個一體化的 DeFi 交易協議來解決這個問題。

FX Guys is a decentralized broker and prop firm catering to traders. The platform offers a wide range of assets, including crypto, indices, forex, and commodities, with advanced analytic tools and AI charts to assist in trading decisions.
FX Guys 是一家為交易者提供服務的去中心化經紀商和自營公司。該平台提供廣泛的資產,包括加密貨幣、指數、外匯和大宗商品,並配有先進的分析工具和人工智慧圖表來協助交易決策。
Traders can take algorithm challenges to secure funding of up to $500,000 based on their skills and performance. The platform also rewards traders with $FXG tokens for executing trades through its Trade2Earn program, regardless of the trade outcome.
交易者可以接受演算法挑戰,根據自己的技能和表現獲得高達 50 萬美元的資金。該平台還向透過其 Trade2Earn 計劃執行交易的交易者獎勵 $FXG 代幣,無論交易結果如何。
For those interested in investment, FX Guys offers a staking rewards program with an annual trading volume profit share. Notably, the platform boasts a no-KYC policy, allowing users to connect their wallets and begin using the platform immediately.
對於對投資感興趣的人,FX Guys 提供了一項質押獎勵計劃,其中包括年度交易量利潤分成。值得注意的是,該平台擁有無 KYC 政策,允許用戶連接錢包並立即開始使用平台。
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