
Ayodhya (Uttar Pradesh) [India], January 20 (ANI): Devotees visiting the temple town of Ayodhya can now enjoy free, clean and full meals by simply presenting their Aadhaar or any valid ID proof at the Amawa temple, situated just 100 metres from the Ram temple.
阿約提亞(北方邦)[印度],1 月20 日(ANI):參觀阿約提亞寺廟鎮的信徒現在只需在距離酒店僅100 米的阿瑪瓦寺廟出示Aadhaar 或任何有效身份證件即可享受免費、乾淨和豐盛的餐點來自拉姆神廟。
The Amawa temple provides morning, afternoon and evening meals free of cost to devotees.
"Since the consecration ceremony of the Ram temple, millions of devotees have been visiting daily for worship. To ensure they don't face food-related issues, we have been offering full meals to devotees at the Amawa Ram Temple since December 1, 2019," said Pankaj, the temple manager.
「自從拉姆神廟開光儀式以來,每天都有數百萬信徒前來參拜。為了確保他們不會面臨與食物相關的問題,我們自2019 年12 月1 日起一直在阿馬瓦拉姆神廟為信徒提供全餐,」寺廟經理潘卡吉說。
Explaining the process for getting the free meals, he said, "The devotees need to visit the office at the front of the Amawa temple complex and present their Aadhaar or ID proof to receive a token. This token allows them to enjoy a free full meal."
在解釋獲得免費餐點的過程時,他說:「信徒需要前往阿馬瓦寺廟群前面的辦公室,出示他們的 Aadhaar 或身分證件才能獲得令牌。這個令牌可以讓他們享受免費的正餐」。
"Every day, approximately 10,000 to 15,000 devotees are served clean and wholesome meals, completely free of charge," he added. (ANI)
他補充說:“每天,大約有 10,000 至 15,000 名信徒獲得乾淨、健康的膳食,而且完全免費。” (阿尼)