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Flockerz ($FLOCK) 預售自推出以來一直非常成功且穩定,但現在已經宣布結束日期。
The crypto market experienced some volatility during Christmas, but it appears to have stabilized now. This is to be expected as the market typically prepares for a surge in activity in the new year. In some years, the market has declined, but this year, we anticipate a lot of growth.
This is due to the upcoming inauguration of Trump and the potential for additional crypto-friendly appointments. If this occurs, we can anticipate a strong start to the year. We believe Bitcoin ($BTC) will continue to rise, but we anticipate the meme coins market once more experiencing the greatest development.
With that in mind, we wished to highlight a presale that will soon conclude, known as Flockerz ($FLOOCK). If meme coins are going to have the kind of year we expect, then getting into the right projects early is going to be crucial. Let's examine Flockerz to learn why we believe it belongs in this category.
考慮到這一點,我們希望重點介紹即將結束的預售,即 Flockerz ($FLOOCK)。如果模因幣將迎來我們所期望的一年,那麼儘早進入正確的項目將至關重要。讓我們檢查一下 Flockerz,了解為什麼我們認為它屬於這個類別。
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Flockerz- Just over 3 weeks to get the meme coin that gives you a voice
Flockerz - 只需 3 週多時間即可獲得讓你發聲的模因幣
Since its launch, the Flockerz ($FLOCK) presale has been very successful and consistent, but an end date has now been announced. Investors who have not yet purchased $FLOCK) have just over 3 weeks before listings begin. We believe this could be the lowest the price of $FLOCK will ever be.
自推出以來,Flockerz ($FLOCK) 預售非常成功且穩定,但現已宣布結束日期。尚未購買 $FLOCK 的投資者距離上市開始僅剩 3 週以上。我們相信這可能是 $FLOCK 有史以來的最低價格。
The presale has already brought in over $8.1 million, but we anticipate that figure to be substantially higher in 3 weeks. Since the end date was revealed, a lot more money has poured in as whales want to participate in such a promising meme coin before its price soars.
預售已帶來超過 810 萬美元的收入,但我們預計該數字將在 3 週內大幅增加。自從結束日期公佈以來,越來越多的資金湧入,因為鯨魚希望在價格飆升之前參與到這樣一個有前途的模因代幣中。
At this very moment, the cost of 1 $FLOCK = $0.0065561. This is incredible value for a meme coin that is designed for this new market, which evolved significantly in 2024. This token seamlessly combines virality and utility, making it a coin for the present and the future.
此時此刻,1 $FLOCK 的成本 = $0.0065561。對於專為這個新市場設計的迷因幣來說,這是令人難以置信的價值,該市場在2024 年發生了顯著的發展。一起,使其成為適合現在和未來的代幣。
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Last one to vote is a rotten egg!
Flocktopia gets HYPE on vote day 🔥🗳 pic.twitter.com/Rts7KMcggI
Flocktopia 在投票日大肆宣傳 🔥🗳 pic.twitter.com/Rts7KMcggI
The first token to give its investors a say in what happens
The meme coin market underwent a significant transformation in 2024. We observed a shift in investors' preferences toward utility, which in turn tempers the typical volatility of meme coins. Flockerz ($FLOCK) provides investors with a lot of utility, but its source is rather unique. It is a vote-to-earn project, to be specific.
Meme 幣市場在 2024 年經歷了重大轉變。 Flockerz ($FLOCK) 為投資者提供了許多實用工具,但其來源相當獨特。具體來說,這是一個透過投票來賺錢的項目。
If you were to create the ideal project to pique the interest of meme coin enthusiasts, it might be one where they have control and receive rewards, similar to what Flockerz offers. It makes one wonder why more initiatives don't follow suit. The simple explanation is that despite the market's significant progress, there are still too many projects led by a single person who is solely interested in lining their own pockets.
如果你要創建一個理想的項目來激起模因幣愛好者的興趣,那麼他們可能可以控制並獲得獎勵,就像 Flockerz 提供的那樣。人們不禁想知道為什麼更多的措施沒有效仿。簡單的解釋是,儘管市場取得了顯著的進步,但仍有太多的項目是由一個人領導的,只關心自己中飽私囊。
The likelihood of these projects failing is much higher because they can be purchased for the proper price. Investors are also much less likely to dump their tokens with Flockerz because they get a say in future actions and are even compensated for participating.
這些項目失敗的可能性要高得多,因為它們可以以適當的價格購買。投資者也不太可能將代幣拋售給 Flockerz,因為他們對未來的行動有發言權,甚至會因為參與而獲得補償。
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How Flockerz is a fun meme that also rewards you for having your say
Flockerz 是一個有趣的迷因,它也會獎勵你的發言權
For this incredible opportunity, investors can thank Flocktopia. This is the ground-breaking DOA that compensates investors when they are asked to vote on topics like changes to the protocol, token issuance, treasury management, or simply significant project initiatives.
對於這個難以置信的機會,投資人要感謝 Flocktopia。這是一項突破性的 DOA,當投資者被要求就協議變更、代幣發行、財務管理或簡單的重大項目舉措等主題進行投票時,他們會得到補償。
That's not all, either. Flockerz provides investors with excellent staking incentives, as any promising meme coin project hoping for substantial gains would. Despite the fact that so many tokens have been staked, the APY is still a very generous 339 percent, so investors can anticipate a substantial payout if they stake their tokens.
這還不是全部。 Flockerz 為投資者提供了極好的質押激勵,就像任何希望獲得可觀收益的有前景的模因幣項目一樣。儘管已經質押瞭如此多的代幣,但 APY 仍然非常慷慨,高達 339%,因此投資者如果質押代幣,可以預期獲得可觀的回報。
Finally, let's finish on a lighthearted note. We also believe that investors will adore the Flockerz origin narrative. King Birb was once the leader of his flock of degens, as his name implies. He accidentally discovered himself among his flock one day and enjoyed it so much that he decided to stay. This tale also relates perfectly to the vote-to-earn concept.
最後,讓我們以輕鬆愉快的語氣結束本次演講。我們也相信投資人會喜歡 Flockerz 的起源故事。正如他的名字所暗示的那樣,伯布國王曾經是他的一群德根人的領袖。有一天,他偶然發現自己身處羊群之中,他非常享受這種感覺,因此決定留下來。這個故事也與投票賺錢的概念完美相關。
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That concludes our analysis of Flockerz. There isn't much left to say except to remind readers that the presale does conclude in just over 3 weeks. The price is still so low, but we anticipate that to vanish once listings begin.
This is a sponsored article. Opinions expressed are solely those of the sponsor and readers should conduct their own due diligence before taking any action based on information presented in this article.
所提供的資訊並非交易建議。 kDJ.com對任何基於本文提供的資訊進行的投資不承擔任何責任。加密貨幣波動性較大,建議您充分研究後謹慎投資!
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