在電競組織 FaZe Clan 進行一系列裁員後的一天,資深成員 Nordan「Rain」(又名 FaZe Rain)透露了他選擇離開的原因。近年來,Rain 一直直言不諱地批評該集團的方向,隨著 FaZe Banks 幾個月前接管該公司的領導權,許多人相信這將帶來積極的變化。然而,FaZe Rain 堅稱公司控制權仍然主導著該組織,並在串流平台 X 上解釋了為什麼他在擔任會員多年後決定離開。這位 27 歲的 YouTuber 也批評了某些現有成員,稱他們加入 FaZe 純粹是為了「金錢和關注」。
A day after the FaZe apocalypse — where several streamers and content creators were laid off by the esports organization — veteran member Nordan "Rain," aka FaZe Rain, revealed why he chose to leave. Nordan has been highly critical of how the group was run for the past few years. With FaZe Banks taking over the company's reigns a few months ago, many thought that this would change things for the better.
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It seems FaZe Rain thinks corporate control over the organization is still predominant and took to X to explain why he has decided to leave after being a part of the group for so long. The 27-year-old YouTuber also accused certain existing members of the company of being in FaZe only for "money and attention," saying:
FaZe Rain 似乎認為該公司對該組織的控制仍然占主導地位,並向 X 解釋了為什麼他在加入組織這麼長時間後決定離開。這位 27 歲的 YouTuber 還指責公司的某些現有成員加入 FaZe 只是為了“金錢和關注”,他說:
"Hey, so obviously I’ve left FaZe because contrary to popular belief, 51% of the company is still corporately owned. I can't get burned again, there's so many people in that team that are strictly there for money and attention." FaZe Rain explains why he left the organization a day after the layoffs FaZe Banks has been talking about letting go of content creators and streamers associated with the organization for some time now, and the final nail in the coffin came on April 27 when big names such as Kalei and Blaze were revealed to have departed the company.
「嘿,很明顯我離開了 FaZe,因為與普遍的看法相反,該公司 51% 的股份仍然是公司所有。我不能再被燒傷了,團隊中有這麼多人純粹是為了金錢和關注。 ". promoted-img {width: 100%;}FaZe Rain 解釋了他在裁員一天後離開該組織的原因。組織的聯繫已經有一段時間了,棺材上的最後一根釘子在4 月27 日敲響,當時卡雷和布萊茲等大人物被曝離開了公司。
FaZe Rain, who has been part of FaZe Clan for years and was a pillar of the community, has joined the long list of people who are no longer part of the organization. While his name was not part of any of the official posts regarding the layoffs, it seems that he has left the group.
FaZe Rain 多年來一直是 FaZe Clan 的一員,也是社區的支柱,現在加入了不再加入該組織的一長串人員名單。雖然他的名字沒有出現在任何有關裁員的官方帖子中,但他似乎已經離開了該組織。
The YouTuber noted how he had been with the organization for a long time in his announcement post, stating that even if he is no longer affiliated with the group, he will always be "FaZe Rain." He said:
這位 YouTuber 在他的公告中提到了他是如何長期加入該組織的,並表示即使他不再隸屬於該組織,他也將永遠是「FaZe Rain」。他說:
"I was there for what FaZe stood for to the community (that I was apart of at one point) and the brotherhood that came with it. Also I try to not bring up the past & live in the present but….I paved the way for a lot of you, I will forever be FaZe Rain." His main gripe with the new management is that it is still mostly corporate-owned and that certain individuals on the team only want "money and attention." While he did not take names initially while accusing these FaZe members, he did take a dig at Sebastian "CBass," who was also formerly part of the group.
「我在那裡是為了FaZe 對社區所代表的意義(我曾經一度屬於這個社區)以及隨之而來的兄弟情誼。我也盡量不提起過去,活在當下,但是......我鋪平了對你們很多人來說,我將永遠是 FaZe Rain。雖然他在指責這些 FaZe 成員時最初沒有點名,但他確實挖苦了塞巴斯蒂安“CBass”,他也是該組織的前成員。
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