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有時,您可能會在低市值加密貨幣世界中遇到一些黃金機會。 $CHO 是一種顯示出潛力的低市值加密貨幣
Despite being undervalued, crypto experts and influencers believe $CHO is set to skyrocket. Here’s why.
儘管被低估,但加密貨幣專家和影響者相信 $CHO 將會飆升。原因如下。
Every now and then, you might come across some golden opportunities in the low-cap crypto world. $CHO is one such low-cap crypto showing potential to transition into a mid or large-cap status, particularly given its steadily expanding utility and the ongoing initiatives within the Choise.ai ecosystem, which consistently involve $CHO, its native token.
有時,您可能會在低市值加密世界中遇到一些黃金機會。 $CHO 就是這樣一種低市值加密貨幣,顯示出向中型或大型市值轉型的潛力,特別是考慮到其穩定擴展的效用以及Choise.ai 生態系統內正在進行的舉措,這些舉措始終涉及其原生代幣$ CHO。
Choise.ai came to life from the merge of Vault, a heavyweight in the B2B sector boasting over 50 clients and multi-million dollar contracts, and Choise.com, a seasoned player in the crypto-fiat B2C market for 7 years, catering to over 1 million users.
Choise.ai 是由Vault 和Choise.com 合併而成的,Vault 是B2B 領域的重量級企業,擁有50 多個客戶和數百萬美元的合同,Choise.com 是加密貨幣B2C 市場已有7 年的經驗豐富的參與者,致力於滿足超過100萬用戶。
For that reason, we set out to understand why experts and influencers believe $CHO is undervalued and deserves greater attention, whether it is on the brink of a breakthrough, and here’s what we discovered.
因此,我們著手了解為什麼專家和影響者認為 $CHO 被低估並值得更多關注,無論它是否處於突破的邊緣,這就是我們的發現。
Decoding $CHO’s Momentum Boosters
解碼 $CHO 的動量助推器
In the crypto space, it’s common knowledge that for a token to truly take off, it needs not only one but a series of catalysts. And that’s precisely what has transpired for $CHO – a cascade of bullish announcements emanating from the Choise.ai team, which have attracted new attention to both the token and the ecosystem. Some of these include:
在加密領域,眾所周知,一個代幣要真正起飛,它不僅需要一個催化劑,還需要一系列催化劑。這正是 $CHO 所發生的事情——Choise.ai 團隊發布的一系列看漲公告,吸引了人們對該代幣和生態系統的新關注。其中一些包括:
Yet, in the past 30 days, the Choise.ai ecosystem has really heated up, with three major announcements that could send $CHO soaring.
然而,在過去 30 天裡,Choise.ai 生態系統確實升溫了,三項重大公告可能會讓 $CHO 飆升。
Roll Out of Entropy, the Revolutionary L2 Blockchain
推出革命性的 L2 區塊鏈 Entropy
In the coming months, Choise.ai is set to introduce Entropy, an avant-garde L2 blockchain, packed with features unlike any other. This B2B AI-powered blockchain will solve common L1 issues like high gas fees and scalability, while also addressing challenges other L2s are facing, such as contract errors and more.
在接下來的幾個月中,Choise.ai 將推出 Entropy,這是一種前衛的 L2 區塊鏈,具有與其他區塊鏈不同的功能。這個由 B2B 人工智慧驅動的區塊鏈將解決常見的 L1 問題,例如高 Gas 費用和可擴展性,同時也解決其他 L2 面臨的挑戰,例如合約錯誤等。
Now, let’s quickly go through Entropy’s standout features, beginning with its no-code environment, which makes Web3 accessible to anyone, regardless of coding experience. Entropy will also introduce AI agents who will be writing, optimizing, and executing contracts. Within Entropy, developers will have access to an AI marketplace where they can profit from their AI models customized to suit the needs of different users and industries.
現在,讓我們快速瀏覽一下 Entropy 的突出功能,從它的無程式碼環境開始,這使得任何人都可以存取 Web3,無論編碼經驗如何。 Entropy 還將引入人工智慧代理,他們將編寫、優化和執行合約。在 Entropy 中,開發人員將可以訪問人工智慧市場,在那裡他們可以從為滿足不同用戶和行業的需求而定制的人工智慧模型中獲利。
Although the initiative itself is already quite good, the fact that it’ll give extra perks to $CHO holders makes it even better. So, they’ll be the first to access platform features, get some free tokens dropped their way, and score rewards from Choise.ai’s growing list of partners.
儘管該舉措本身已經相當不錯,但它為 $CHO 持有者提供額外福利的事實使其變得更好。因此,他們將成為第一個訪問平台功能的人,獲得一些免費代幣,並從 Choise.ai 不斷增長的合作夥伴名單中獲得獎勵。
PerpeX, the All-in-One Perpetual Trading Platform, Gearing Up for Big Debut in Just One Month’s Time
Known for syncing up with what users want and truly need, Choise.ai’s team has now taken on the challenge of simplifying trading across all assets, including cryptocurrencies, stocks, Forex, and metals, and consolidated them onto a single platform known as PerpeX.
Choise.ai 的團隊以與用戶想要和真正需要的東西同步而聞名,現在他們接受了簡化所有資產交易的挑戰,包括加密貨幣、股票、外匯和金屬,並將它們整合到一個名為PerpeX 的單一平台上。
PerpeX isn’t your average DEX. It’ll let you trade any asset, no matter how liquid, and give you leverage from 200 to 1000x. Plus, it is packed with some quite cool features like adding new markets using a price oracle, making trades automatically, offering advanced order types, and providing analytics and monitoring to keep your earnings and risks in check.
PerpeX 不是普通的 DEX。它可以讓您交易任何資產,無論流動性如何,並為您提供 200 至 1000 倍的槓桿。此外,它還具有一些非常酷的功能,例如使用價格預言機添加新市場、自動進行交易、提供高級訂單類型以及提供分析和監控以控制您的收益和風險。
Here comes the most exciting part: Choise.ai will be launching a USDT staking pool with an above-average yield to increase liquidity on the platform and share a percentage of the earnings with everyone who participates in the initiative. This will continue as demand and volume rise.
最令人興奮的部分來了:Choise.ai 將推出收益率高於平均水平的 USDT 質押池,以增加平台的流動性,並與參與該計劃的每個人分享一定比例的收益。隨著需求和數量的增加,這種情況將持續下去。
Since, in the world of Choise.ai, everything revolves around users’ interest, $CHO token holders will once again reap the most benefits from staking and providing liquidity, gaining access to exclusive features, enjoying up to 50% fee discounts, and having the ability to vote on important decisions.
由於在 Choise.ai 的世界中,一切都圍繞著用戶的利益,因此 $CHO 代幣持有者將再次從質押和提供流動性、獲得獨家功能、享受高達 50% 的費用折扣以及擁有對重要決定進行投票的能力。
Considering PerpeX’s estimated total market potential of over $100T, one can only imagine its potential earnings and the return $CHO holders and users can get.
考慮到 PerpeX 預計總市場潛力超過 $100T,人們只能想像它的潛在收益以及 $CHO 持有者和用戶可以獲得的回報。
$CHO/VLT Staking Platform Goes Live
$CHO/VLT 質押平台上線
We’ve previously mentioned the B2B revenue-sharing model that Vault and Choise.ai have planned to implement, and the groundwork for that has been laid with the first step and the launch of the new $CHO/VLT staking platform. Each VLT token will have a fixed value of $1 and won’t be tradable on exchanges, making it exclusive to $CHO stakers.
我們之前提到 Vault 和 Choise.ai 計劃實施的 B2B 收入共享模式,第一步和新的 $CHO/VLT 質押平台的推出已經奠定了基礎。每個 VLT 代幣的固定價值為 1 美元,並且不能在交易所進行交易,因此只有 $CHO 質押者才能使用。
To make things even more attractive, Vault will allocate up to 20% of its B2B revenue to a reward program for $CHO owners. Anyone staking $CHO will have the opportunity to earn between 20% and 150%
為了讓事情變得更有吸引力,Vault 將分配高達 20% 的 B2B 收入用於 $CHO 所有者的獎勵計劃。任何質押 $CHO 的人都有機會賺取 20% 到 150% 的收益
所提供的資訊並非交易建議。 kDJ.com對任何基於本文提供的資訊進行的投資不承擔任何責任。加密貨幣波動性較大,建議您充分研究後謹慎投資!
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