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$347.47 USD 



$10.88 USD 



2022 年 10 月和 11 月發生的 7 場最令人興奮的加密貨幣預售

2024/10/26 20:00

加密貨幣市場不斷發展,新項目不斷湧現,有望提供創新解決方案和潛在高回報。加密貨幣預售為投資者提供了在這些項目進入主要交易所之前參與這些項目的早期機會。對於那些尋求最佳加密貨幣投資的人來說,預售產品可以提供進入有前途的企業的機會。本文探討了 10 月和 11 月發生的七次最令人興奮的加密貨幣預售。從徹底改變電子商務的 Artemis (ARTMS) 到 BlockDAG 的新共識機制,這些項目代表了目前最好的加密貨幣預售機會。

2022 年 10 月和 11 月發生的 7 場最令人興奮的加密貨幣預售

As the cryptocurrency market continues to evolve, new projects are emerging that promise innovative solutions and the potential for high returns. One way for investors to get in early on these projects is through crypto presales. These presales offer investors the chance to purchase tokens at a discounted rate before they hit major exchanges.


This article explores seven of the most exciting crypto presales happening in October and November. From Artemis (ARTMS) revolutionizing e-commerce to BlockDAG's new consensus mechanism, these projects represent some of the best crypto presale opportunities available now.

本文探討了 10 月和 11 月發生的七次最令人興奮的加密貨幣預售。從徹底改變電子商務的 Artemis (ARTMS) 到 BlockDAG 的新共識機制,這些項目代表了目前最好的加密貨幣預售機會。

1. Artemis (ARTMS): Next-Gen E-commerce on Blockchain

1. Artemis(ARTMS):區塊鏈上的下一代電子商務

Artemis (ARTMS) is emerging as a standout crypto presale, aiming to revolutionize e-commerce through blockchain technology. This innovative project seeks to create a decentralized marketplace that could rival traditional giants like Amazon or eBay in the crypto space.

Artemis(ARTMS)正在成為一種出色的加密預售產品,旨在透過區塊鏈技術徹底改變電子商務。這個創新項目旨在創建一個去中心化的市場,可以在加密領域與亞馬遜或 eBay 等傳統巨頭競爭。

Multi-Blockchain Support


Artemis has an interesting approach in the crypto ecosystem by supporting transactions across major networks such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, Solana, BNB, TRON, Avalanche, and Cronos. This multi-chain integration addresses the fragmentation issue in the blockchain world, making it easier for users to transact with their preferred cryptocurrencies. By bridging different blockchain ecosystems, Artemis has an impact on creating a more inclusive and accessible marketplace.

Artemis 在加密生態系統中採用了一種有趣的方法,支援比特幣、以太坊、Solana、BNB、TRON、Avalanche 和 Cronos 等主要網路的交易。這種多鏈整合解決了區塊鏈世界中的碎片問題,使用戶更容易使用他們喜歡的加密貨幣進行交易。透過連接不同的區塊鏈生態系統,Artemis 對創造更具包容性和可訪問性的市場產生了影響。

Presale Success and Exchange Listings


The Artemis presale has gained significant traction, raising nearly USD 650,000. What sets it apart is its unprecedented achievement of securing listings on seven major cryptocurrency exchanges during the presale phase. These include Latoken, CoinW, Biconomy, Weex, Deepcoin, FameEx, and UZX. This early and widespread exposure has the potential to provide substantial liquidity and visibility for Artemis from the outset.

Artemis 預售獲得了巨大關注,籌集了近 65 萬美元。其與眾不同之處在於其在預售階段獲得在七家主要加密貨幣交易所上市的空前成就。其中包括 Latoken、CoinW、Biconomy、Weex、Deepcoin、FameEx 和 UZX。這種早期和廣泛的曝光有可能從一開始就為 Artemis 提供大量的流動性和知名度。

1000x Growth Potential

1000 倍的成長潛力

Artemis has positioned itself as the best crypto presale investment opportunity with significant growth potential. Its innovative approach to creating a decentralized marketplace for crypto transactions, combined with multi-blockchain support and secured exchange listings, makes it an attractive option for those looking to invest in crypto presales. The project's vision to become the “Amazon of Web3” and its focus on real-world utility in the trillion-dollar e-commerce industry further enhance its appeal to investors seeking the best crypto to buy now.

Artemis 將自己定位為具有巨大成長潛力的最佳加密貨幣預售投資機會。其為加密貨幣交易創建去中心化市場的創新方法,結合多區塊鏈支援和安全的交易所列表,使其成為那些希望投資加密貨幣預售的人的有吸引力的選擇。該項目的願景是成為“Web3 中的亞馬遜”,及其對萬億美元電子商務行業現實世界實用性的關注,進一步增強了其對尋求立即購買最佳加密貨幣的投資者的吸引力。

2. BlockDAG: Revolutionizing Consensus Mechanisms

2. BlockDAG:徹底改變共識機制

BlockDAG is another highly anticipated crypto presale that aims to revolutionize the way transactions are processed on a blockchain network. This innovative platform combines elements of Proof-of-Work (PoW) and Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) technologies to create a next-generation blockchain.

BlockDAG 是另一個備受期待的加密貨幣預售,旨在徹底改變區塊鏈網路上處理交易的方式。這個創新平台結合了工作量證明(PoW)和有向無環圖(DAG)技術的元素,創造了下一代區塊鏈。

The platform employs a hybrid PoW consensus algorithm, combining the security of traditional PoW systems with the efficiency of DAG structures. This unique approach allows multiple blocks to be added simultaneously, significantly enhancing network performance. With the ability to process 10 blocks per second and aims to exceed 100+ in the future, BlockDAG positions itself as one of the best crypto presales to watch.

本平台採用混合PoW共識演算法,將傳統PoW系統的安全性與DAG結構的效率結合。這種獨特的方法允許同時添加多個區塊,從而顯著增強網路效能。 BlockDAG 能夠每秒處理 10 個區塊,並計劃在未來超過 100 個以上,因此將自己定位為最值得關注的加密貨幣預售之一。

BlockDAG's consensus mechanism not only improves transaction speed but also enhances security and decentralization. By reducing dependence on large mining pools, it creates a more democratic and accessible network for participants. This innovative approach makes BlockDAG an intriguing option for those seeking the best crypto to invest in during the presale phase.

BlockDAG的共識機制不僅提高了交易速度,也增強了安全性和去中心化性。透過減少對大型礦池的依賴,它為參與者創建了一個更民主和易於訪問的網路。對於那些在預售階段尋求最佳加密貨幣投資的人來說,這種創新方法使 BlockDAG 成為一個有趣的選擇。

3. Memereum: Gamifying Blockchain Education

3. Memereum:區塊鏈教育遊戲化

Memereum is a crypto presale that combines the worlds of blockchain and education in a gamified and engaging way. This innovative platform aims to make learning about blockchain fun and rewarding.

Memereum 是一種加密貨幣預售,以遊戲化和引人入勝的方式將區塊鏈和教育世界結合起來。這個創新平台旨在讓區塊鏈的學習變得有趣且有益。

The platform offers a unique blend of educational content and gamified features, allowing users to earn rewards as they progress through various lessons and challenges. This incentive-based system motivates learners to delve deeper into blockchain concepts, potentially making Memereum one of the best crypto presales to watch.

該平台提供了教育內容和遊戲化功能的獨特結合,讓用戶在完成各種課程和挑戰時獲得獎勵。這種基於激勵的系統激勵學習者更深入地研究區塊鏈概念,有可能使 Memereum 成為最值得關注的加密貨幣預售之一。

Memereum's focus on blockchain education addresses a critical need in the cryptocurrency space. As the market continues to evolve, there's a growing demand for platforms that can effectively teach newcomers about blockchain technology and its applications.

Memereum 對區塊鏈教育的關注滿足了加密貨幣領域的關鍵需求。隨著市場的不斷發展,對能夠有效向新手傳授區塊鏈技術及其應用的平台的需求不斷增長。

4. DTX Exchange: All-in-One Trading Platform

4. DTX Exchange:一體化交易平台

DTX Exchange is an exciting crypto presale that aims to revolutionize the way traders access and engage with multiple asset classes. This innovative platform combines the best features of centralized and decentralized exchanges to create a next-generation trading experience.

DTX Exchange 是一項令人興奮的加密貨幣預售,旨在徹底改變交易者存取和參與多種資產類別的方式。這個創新平台結合了中心化和去中心化交易所的最佳功能,創造了下一代交易體驗。

DTX Exchange offers users the ability to trade over 120,000 asset classes, including cryptocurrencies, stocks, and gold, with leverage of up to 1000x. It provides a wide range of trading options, catering to both beginners and experienced traders alike.

DTX Exchange 為用戶提供了交易超過 120,000 種資產類別的能力,包括加密貨幣、股票和黃金,槓桿高達 1000 倍。它提供了廣泛的交易選項,適合初學者和經驗豐富的交易者。

What sets DTX Exchange apart is its commitment to privacy and accessibility. Users can trade anonymously without KYC checks, making it an attractive option for those seeking a more discreet trading experience. The platform's presale performance has been impressive, with early investors seeing a 300% return on their investment.

DTX Exchange 的與眾不同之處在於其對隱私和可訪問性的承諾。用戶可以匿名交易,無需 KYC 檢查,這對於尋求更謹慎交易體驗的人來說是一個有吸引力的選擇。該平台的預售表現令人印象深刻,早期投資者獲得了 300% 的投資回報。

The DTX utility token, currently in its fourth pres

DTX 實用代幣目前已進入第四期



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