
Ethereum Name Service (ENS) has taken a major step forward by utilizing Linea's zkEVM technology to create Namechain, a Layer 2 network.
以太坊名稱服務 (ENS) 利用 Linea 的 zkEVM 技術創建了第 2 層網路 Namechain,向前邁出了一大步。
This innovative endeavor aims to resolve pressing issues within the Ethereum ecosystem, particularly the need for faster and cheaper transactions. Namechain will maintain full compatibility with the Ethereum blockchain, rendering processes related to .eth domains, such as registration and renewal, significantly less expensive and more efficient.
這項創新努力旨在解決以太坊生態系統內的緊迫問題,特別是對更快、更便宜的交易的需求。 Namechain 將保持與以太坊區塊鏈的完全相容性,從而使與 .eth 網域相關的流程(例如註冊和續約)變得更便宜且更有效率。
This advancement is poised to enhance the user experience and bolster the accessibility of ENS services for both individuals and organizations alike.
這項進步旨在增強使用者體驗並增強個人和組織對 ENS 服務的可訪問性。
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