正如他們一直描述的歌曲所描述的那樣,Sleep Token的新“產品”的期待大大超過了以前的任何事物。

Anticipation for new Sleep Token "offerings" - as they’ve always described their songs - is significantly higher than anything else going right now. Since the anonymous metal band's third album 'Take Me Back To Eden' in 2023, the British group's stock has skyrocketed.
正如他們一直描述的歌曲所描述的那樣,人們對新的睡眠代幣的期待要比現在其他任何事情都要高得多。自2023年匿名金屬樂隊的第三張專輯《 Take Me Back to Eden》以來,英國集團的股票飆升。
This mysterious masked collective clocked up 40,000 tickets in London alone last year, and are set to headline Download Festival this June. Heavy music arguably hasn't seen a rise this rapid since Slipknot's in the 2000s - made even more impressive by the fact their smash hit 'The Summoning' is a six-minute prog song, spanning djent, arena-rock and even funk.
這個神秘的蒙面集體僅在去年就在倫敦就為40,000張門票,並將在今年6月下載標題下載節。可以說,自2000年代Slipknot的音樂起來,沉重的音樂並沒有看到這麼快的迅速崛起 - 由於他們的熱門歌曲“ The Summoning”是一首六分鐘的Prog歌曲,這使得更加令人印象深刻。
Now, after plenty of teasing, they have returned with 'Emergence' - the first single from their newly announced album 'Even In Arcadia' (due May 9). Clocking in at six minutes and 26 seconds, it shows the band now seem increasingly uninterested in being constrained by these long, winding tracks which switch effortlessly between genres (especially after 'Ascensionism' and 'Take Me Back To Eden' became two fan favourites).
Its first act - soundtracked by soul-stirring piano and divine guitar - carries the hallmarks of a more blissful new chapter. "Come out, come out / Out from underneath who you were," vocalist Vessel pleads, perhaps marking a new phase in his complex, emotional relationship with the deity known as 'Sleep' explored over the band's first three albums.
它的第一幕是由靈魂刺耳的鋼琴和神吉他的配樂 - 帶有更幸福的新篇章的標誌。歌手船隻懇求說:“出來,從你身上出來 /從下面出來。
But we all know the sucker punch is coming. As the song builds with some Aenged Sevenfold-esque guitar tapping and trap-pop cadences from Vessel, an unexpected "Woop!" beckons in some pr
但是我們都知道吸盤即將到來。隨著歌曲的創作,帶有一些七倍的七倍吉他敲擊和陷阱流行節奏,這是一個意想不到的“ woop!”。在某些公關中招手