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亦來雲端發布的首個 BIT 指數(比特幣;創新與信任)揭示了對比特幣全球認知和使用情況的見解。值得注意的是,尼日利亞等新興市場的使用率領先,有 23% 的受訪者每天使用比特幣,明顯高於德國 (8%) 和英國 (9%) 等成熟市場。此外,67% 的尼日利亞人比傳統服務更信任比特幣來保護他們的儲蓄,這反映出「南半球」越來越多地採用去中心化貨幣。
Elastos Inaugurates BIT Index, Illuminating Global Bitcoin Awareness, Knowledge, and Usage
亦來雲端推出 BIT 指數,闡明全球比特幣意識、知識和使用情況
Nigerian Consumers Emerge as Leaders in Bitcoin Adoption and Trust
Elastos, a leading Web3 infrastructure provider, has published groundbreaking research that sheds light on Bitcoin's real-world perception and usage patterns around the globe. The inaugural Bitcoin; Innovation & Trust (BIT) Index, compiled from over 1,400 self-identified "tech-savvy" respondents from seven countries, reveals significant insights into emerging markets' pivotal role in the adoption of decentralized currencies like Bitcoin.
領先的 Web3 基礎設施供應商亦來雲端 (Elastos) 發布了開創性的研究成果,揭示了全球比特幣在現實世界中的認知和使用模式。首個比特幣;創新與信任 (BIT) 指數由來自 7 個國家的 1,400 多名自稱「精通技術」的受訪者編製而成,揭示了新興市場在採用比特幣等去中心化貨幣方面的關鍵作用的重要見解。
Nigerian Market Leading the Charge
Nigerian consumers are at the forefront of Bitcoin's adoption curve, demonstrating exceptional levels of usage, trust, and optimism. A remarkable 23% of respondents from Nigeria use Bitcoin daily, far exceeding the global average of 15%. In comparison, only 8% of German respondents and 9% of those in the UK report daily Bitcoin usage.
尼日利亞消費者處於比特幣採用曲線的最前沿,表現出極高的使用率、信任度和樂觀程度。高達 23% 的尼日利亞受訪者每天使用比特幣,遠超過 15% 的全球平均值。相比之下,只有 8% 的德國受訪者和 9% 的英國受訪者報告每天使用比特幣。
Nigerian consumers' confidence in Bitcoin is equally remarkable. A staggering 67% express greater trust in Bitcoin to protect their life savings than in traditional financial institutions such as banks, governments, or even cash. This sentiment aligns with the fact that one in five Nigerian consumers (20%) use Bitcoin to conduct transactions at least once a day.
尼日利亞消費者對比特幣的信心同樣引人注目。驚人的 67% 的人表示,與銀行、政府等傳統金融機構甚至現金相比,他們更信任比特幣來保護他們的畢生積蓄。這種情緒與五分之一的尼日利亞消費者(20%)每天至少使用比特幣一次交易的事實相符。
Emerging Markets Drive Adoption
The BIT Index highlights the growing prominence of emerging markets in shaping the decentralized economy. Brazilian and Emirati respondents also exhibit notable levels of trust in Bitcoin, with 35% and 32% expressing confidence in Bitcoin-based services to protect their life savings, respectively.
BIT 指數凸顯了新興市場在塑造去中心化經濟方面日益突出的地位。巴西和阿聯酋受訪者也表現出對比特幣的高度信任,分別有 35% 和 32% 的受訪者表示對基於比特幣的服務能夠保護其畢生積蓄有信心。
In terms of ensuring the integrity of online transactions, emerging market respondents again demonstrate their relative confidence in Bitcoin. An impressive 66% of Nigerian respondents and 35% from Brazil trust Bitcoin-based systems more than alternative options like banks or governments. This stands in stark contrast to the 16% of German and 21% of UK respondents who hold the same view.
在確保線上交易的完整性方面,新興市場受訪者再次表現出他們對比特幣的相對信心。令人印象深刻的是,66% 的尼日利亞受訪者和 35% 的巴西受訪者更信任基於比特幣的系統,而不是銀行或政府等其他選擇。這與持有相同觀點的德國受訪者 16% 和英國受訪者 21% 形成鮮明對比。
Jonathan Hargreaves, Elastos' Global Head of Business Development & ESG, underscores the significance of these findings:
亦來雲端業務發展和 ESG 全球主管 Jonathan Hargreaves 強調了這些發現的重要性:
"The inaugural BIT Index offers a compelling glimpse into the decentralized currency landscape. The fact that over two-thirds of Nigerian consumers and a third of their counterparts in the UAE and Brazil trust Bitcoin more than traditional financial instruments speaks volumes about the protagonism of these regions. In many cases, the absence of viable alternatives for cross-border transactions and inflation mitigation is driving this adoption."
「首個BIT 指數讓人們對去中心化貨幣格局有了一個令人信服的了解。事實上,超過三分之二的尼日利亞消費者以及三分之一的阿聯酋和巴西消費者比傳統金融工具更信任比特幣,這一事實充分說明了這些貨幣的主角地位。
Bitcoin's Increasing Utility in Emerging Markets
The research also reveals the purposes for which Bitcoin is increasingly becoming the preferred currency among emerging market consumers:
- Sending and receiving money from abroad: Nigeria (48%) leads the way in this category, compared to the global average of 28% and significantly higher than Germany (18%) and the UK (20%).
- Storing savings: Brazil (51%) and Nigeria (49%) stand out in this area, surpassing the global average of 43% and South Korea's relatively low rate of 27%.
Optimism for the Future
從國外匯款和收款:尼日利亞(48%) 在這一類別中處於領先地位,而全球平均為28%,並且顯著高於德國(18%) 和英國(20%)。 (51 %)和奈及利亞(49%)在這一領域表現突出,超過了全球平均 43% 和韓國相對較低的 27%。
Emerging market respondents also express optimism about Bitcoin's future. A significant 78% of Nigerian respondents and 70% of Brazilians anticipate a rise in Bitcoin's usage and valuation throughout the year. This optimism exceeds the global average of 60%, with the UK (42%) and South Korea (47%) showing less enthusiasm.
新興市場受訪者也對比特幣的未來表示樂觀。 78% 的尼日利亞受訪者和 70% 的巴西受訪者預計全年比特幣的使用量和估值都會上升。這種樂觀情緒超過了 60% 的全球平均水平,英國 (42%) 和韓國 (47%) 的熱情較低。
Bitcoin Halving Event: Limited Impact on Consumer Perception
The BIT Index also examines the impact of the recent Bitcoin halving event, which occurs every four years and reduces the incentive for Bitcoin mining by half. Despite considerable speculation about its impact on valuations, consumer awareness and concern remain low. A significant 30% of respondents claim to have no knowledge of the halving, while an additional 39% globally deem it irrelevant to their Bitcoin usage.
BIT 指數也研究了最近的比特幣減半事件的影響,該事件每四年發生一次,並將比特幣挖礦的激勵減少一半。儘管對其對估值的影響有很多猜測,但消費者的意識和擔憂仍然很低。相當多的 30% 的受訪者聲稱他們不知道減半,而全球另外 39% 的受訪者認為這與他們的比特幣使用無關。
"The inaugural BIT Index underscores the global south's indispensable role in shaping the decentralized economy, with Nigeria emerging as a particularly prominent example," notes Hargreaves. "The reasons behind Bitcoin's adoption in markets like Nigeria, Brazil, and the UAE, such as cross-border payments, savings protection, and mitigating traditional banking charges, are particularly revealing. These insights will be crucial in defining the next generation of Bitcoin apps and services for the global south and beyond."
哈格里夫斯指出:“首個 BIT 指數強調了南方國家在塑造去中心化經濟方面不可或缺的作用,尼日利亞就是一個特別突出的例子。” 「比特幣在尼日利亞、巴西和阿聯酋等市場採用的原因,例如跨境支付、儲蓄保護和減輕傳統銀行費用,尤其具有啟發性。這些見解對於定義下一代比特幣應用至關重要並為全球南方及其他地區提供服務。
Elastos' Role in Advancing Bitcoin's Accessibility
Elastos is at the forefront of developing infrastructure that empowers Bitcoin users to transact directly with buyers and sellers on their own terms without sharing personal data with third parties. Launched in December 2023, BeL2 effectively transforms Bitcoin into a Layer 2 digital currency, allowing Bitcoin holders to directly denominate smart contracts in Bitcoin. This innovation reduces transaction fees and eliminates the need for intermediaries.
亦來雲處於開發基礎設施的最前沿,該基礎設施使比特幣用戶能夠按照自己的條件直接與買家和賣家進行交易,而無需與第三方共享個人資料。 BeL2於2023年12月推出,有效地將比特幣轉變為第2層數位貨幣,讓比特幣持有者直接以比特幣計價智慧合約。這項創新降低了交易費用並消除了對中介機構的需求。
The BIT Index research was conducted through online interviews with 1,407 self-identified "tech-savvy" respondents from Brazil, Germany, Nigeria, South Korea, the UAE, the UK, and the US. The interviews were administered by a reputable market research firm between March 30 and April 4, 2024.
BIT 指數研究是透過線上訪談對來自巴西、德國、奈及利亞、韓國、阿聯酋、英國和美國的 1,407 名自稱「精通技術」的受訪者進行的。這些訪談由一家知名市場研究公司於 2024 年 3 月 30 日至 4 月 4 日期間進行。
About Elastos
Elastos is a public blockchain project that seamlessly integrates blockchain technology with a comprehensive suite of reimagined platform components. This integration creates a modern Internet infrastructure that inherently protects privacy and digital asset ownership. Elastos' mission is to build accessible, open-source services for the world, empowering developers to construct an Internet where individuals retain ownership and control of their data.
The Elastos SmartWeb platform enables organizations to reshape the Internet's functionality, granting them greater control over their data.
Elastos SmartWeb 平台使組織能夠重塑網路的功能,使他們能夠更好地控制資料。
For further information, please visit:
- Elastos website: https://elastos.info
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/elastosinfo/
Media Contact
亦來雲端網站:https://elastos.infoLinkedIn:https://www.linkedin.com/company/elastosinfo/Media 聯絡方式
Roger Darashah
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