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EA FC 24 Premier League TOTS Duo 保證包:成本、內容與價值

2024/04/28 11:50

EA Sports 發布了 EA FC 24 Premier League TOTS Duo 保證包,這是迄今為止最昂貴的包之一。售價為750,000 個金幣或5,000 個FC 積分,保證有兩名來自主聯賽賽季最佳陣容的球員,其中一名評級為92 或更高,以及35 名稀有黃金球員評級為84 或更高,其中三名保證評級為88或更高。

With the arrival of Premier League Team of the Season in Ultimate Team, EA Sports has released the EA FC 24 Premier League TOTS Duo Guarantee Pack in the Store for gamers to purchase. This is one of the most expensive packs to ever be released, but it is only worth purchasing for gamers willing to spend money on microtransactions.

.vidazoo-player-container {寬度:100%;高度:calc((1110px - 360px - 16px) * 9 / 16);背景顏色:#000;}.vidazoo-player-container {高度:calc(685px * 9 / 16);}@media(最大寬度: 768px) {.vidazoo-container {--floatingPlayerTopOffset: 0;}body.has-top-header .vidazoo-container {--floatingPlayerTopOffset: var(--topHeaderHeight) ; body.has-primary-nav .vidazoo-container {--floatingPlayerTopOffset: var(--primaryNavHeight);}body.has-top-header.has-primary-nav .vidazoo-container {--floatingPlayerTopOffset: calc( varazoo-container {--floatingPlayerTopOffset: calc( var( --topHeaderHeight) + var(--primaryNavHeight));}.vidazoo-container vdz[data-view="floater"] {top: var(--floatingPlayerTopOffset, 0);}.sk-widget .vidazoo-容器{ margin-top: 16px;margin-bottom: 16px;}.vidazoo-player-container {height: calc((100vw) * 9 / 16);margin-top: 16px;margin-bottom: 16px;}}與隨著隨著隨著《Ultimate Team》賽季英超最佳球隊的到來,EA Sports 在商店中發布了EA FC 24 Premier League TOTS Duo 保證包供遊戲玩家購買。這是迄今為止發布的最昂貴的包之一,但只有願意在微交易上花錢的玩家才值得購買。

There have already been several promo packs added to the Ultimate Team Store during the ongoing promo. However, with the EA FC 24 Premier League TOTS Duo Guarantee Pack costing 750,000 coins or 5,000 FC Points, it is undoubtedly the most expensive and enticing one. It can also be bought twice, which adds to the overall appeal.

在正在進行的促銷期間,Ultimate Team Store 中已經增加了多個促銷包。然而,EA FC 24 Premier League TOTS Duo 保證包價值 750,000 個金幣或 5,000 FC 積分,這無疑是最昂貴、最誘人的一個。它也可以購買兩次,這增加了整體吸引力。

Note: This article is subjective and reflects the writer's opinions.


What does the EA FC 24 Premier League TOTS Duo Guarantee Pack contain?

Not only has EA Sports added Premier League Team of the Season players to packs recently, it has also released the BWSL TOTS roster, as well as a batch of Mixed League TOTS cards. However, gamers will be pleased to know that the EA FC 24 Premier League TOTS Duo Guarantee Pack guarantees two footballers from the main league Team of the Season lineup.

.promoted-img {width: 100%;}EA FC 24 Premier League TOTS Duo 保證包包含哪些內容? EA Sports 最近不僅將英超賽季最佳球隊添加到包中,還發布了 BWSL TOTS 名單,以及一批混合聯盟TOTS卡。然而,遊戲玩家會很高興知道 EA FC 24 Premier League TOTS Duo 保證包保證了主聯賽賽季陣容中的兩名足球員。

The pack includes two guaranteed Premier League TOTS players, with one guaranteed to be 92-rated or higher. It also contains 35 rare gold players rated 84 or higher, with three guaranteed to be rated 88 or higher. All items in the pack are untradeable. Meanwhile, these are the pack probabilities of obtaining various card types based on their rarity:

該包包含一些令人難以置信的物品(圖片來自 EA Sports)該包包含兩名保證的英超 TOTS 球員,其中一名保證評級為 92 或更高。它還包含 35 名評級為 84 或更高的稀有黃金玩家,其中 3 名保證評級為 88 或更高。包包中的所有物品都是不可交易的。同時,以下是根據稀有度獲得各種卡牌類型的機率:

  • Gold 75+ player: 100%
  • Gold 82+ player: 100%
  • Gold 90+ player: 100%
  • Team of the Season player: 100%
  • Team of the Season Plus player: 59%

The pack also costs around 750,000 coins or 5,000 FC points to unlock. This makes it more expensive than any other pack added to the game during massive promos like Team of the Year.

黃金級75+ 球員:100% 黃金級82+ 球員:100% 黃金級90+ 球員:100% 賽季最佳球隊球員:100% 賽季最佳球隊Plus 球員:59% 該套裝還需花費約750,000個金幣或5,000 個FC 積分開鎖。這使得它比在年度最佳團隊等大型促銷活動中添加到遊戲中的任何其他包都更昂貴。

Is the EA FC 24 Premier League TOTS Duo Guarantee Pack worth it?

While the proposition of obtaining two guaranteed Premier League TOTS cards is certainly exciting, the EA FC 24 Premier League TOTS Duo Guarantee Pack is not worth it for those looking to buy it with coins. The chances of packing players like Ollie Watkins and Liverpool FC stars Alisson and Alexis Mac Allister from this pack are extremely high, but these players are worth far less than the pack.

EA FC 24 Premier League TOTS Duo 保證包值得嗎?保證對於那些想用硬幣購買的人來說,套裝不值得。像奧利·沃特金斯(Ollie Watkins)、利物浦足球俱樂部球星阿利森(Alisson)和亞歷克西斯·麥克·阿利斯特(Alexis Mac Allister)這樣的球員從這批球員中脫穎而出的機會非常高,但這些球員的身價遠低於這群球員。

However, similar to most other high-end packs released in the Ultimate Team store over the course of the game cycle, the pack can be worth buying for those willing to indulge in microtransactions and spend FC Points to purchase it.

然而,與在遊戲週期中在 Ultimate Team 商店中發布的大多數其他高端包類似,對於那些願意沉迷於微交易並花費 FC 積分來購買它的人來說,該包可能值得購買。

Check out our other EA FC 24 articles:

請參閱我們的其他 EA FC 24 文章:

  • Kai Havertz TOTS SBC
  • Mayra Ramirez TOTS SBC
  • Katie McCabe TOTS SBC
  • Live TOTS Upgrade Evolution
  • Premier League TOTS Evolution

Quick Links

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