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DTX 交易所:投資者關注的最新動態

2024/10/26 20:17

DTX Exchange 是介於傳統金融和去中心化金融之間的新型山寨幣,是投資者關註名單上的最新成員。

DTX 交易所:投資者關注的最新動態

The crypto market is bullish as Bitcoin nears a peak. Here are the latest updates on Cardano, Toncoin and DTX Exchange.

隨著比特幣接近頂峰,加密貨幣市場看漲。以下是 Cardano、Toncoin 和 DTX Exchange 的最新更新。

The crypto market has moved into a bullish timeframe, with Bitcoin's (BTC) rally to a new peak just a matter of time. Amid this, several cryptocurrencies have been attracting attention, including Cardano (ADA), Toncoin (TON) and DTX Exchange (DTX). Here's a closer look at each of these.

加密貨幣市場已進入看漲時期,比特幣(BTC)反彈至新高峰只是時間問題。其中,多種加密貨幣引起了人們的關注,包括 Cardano (ADA)、Toncoin (TON) 和 DTX Exchange (DTX)。以下是對其中每一個的詳細介紹。

1. DTX Exchange: The latest on investors' radars

1. DTX交易所:投資者關注的最新動態

DTX Exchange is a new altcoin at the intersection between traditional and decentralized finance, making it one of the investors' favorites. Its novelty and significant upside potential are its biggest attractions.

DTX Exchange 是傳統金融與去中心化金融交叉點的新型山寨幣,使其成為投資者的最愛之一。其新穎性和巨大的上升潛力是其最大的吸引力。

This new cryptocurrency is on track to reshape the global trading landscape and is being touted as the next big thing. Its presale has already raised over $5.9 million in early funding.

這種新的加密貨幣有望重塑全球交易格局,並被譽為下一件大事。其預售已籌集超過 590 萬美元的早期資金。

The ICO is one of the fastest-selling, outpacing others. In round 4 of the presale, the token is priced competitively at $0.08, with its low entry further sweetening the deal. As it sails toward adoption, industry experts project a 65x rally after its debut, having more room for growth than top altcoins like Cardano and Toncoin.

ICO 是銷售最快的項目之一,超過了其他項目。在預售的第 4 輪中,該代幣的價格極具競爭力,為 0.08 美元,其較低的入場門檻進一步提高了交易的吸引力。隨著它逐漸被採用,行業專家預計其首次亮相後將上漲 65 倍,比 Cardano 和 Toncoin 等頂級山寨幣有更大的成長空間。

Already pre-listed on CoinMarketCap, the community is abuzz. Meanwhile, its future transformation of the $3.2 billion global trading market makes it a new DeFi project to watch out for.

已經在 CoinMarketCap 上預先上市,社區一片熱鬧。同時,其未來對32億美元全球交易市場的轉型使其成為值得關注的新的 DeFi 項目。

Its hybrid Layer-1 blockchain will integrate conventional asset classes with web3 products, bridging the gap between TradFi and DeFi. As a one-stop trading platform, users can trade over 120,000 asset classes with up to 1,000x leverage on select products.

其混合 Layer-1 區塊鏈將傳統資產類別與 web3 產品集成,彌合 TradFi 和 DeFi 之間的差距。作為一站式交易平台,使用者可以在精選產品上以高達 1,000 倍的槓桿交易超過 120,000 種資產類別。

2. Cardano (ADA): Prepares to unlock Bitcoin's $1.4 trillion market


Cardano is an industry leader and plays a key role in the DeFi world. It facilitates the creation of decentralized applications (dApps), with the recent Chang hard fork giving token holders a say in the platform's future.

卡爾達諾是行業領導者,在 DeFi 領域發揮關鍵作用。它促進了去中心化應用程式 (dApp) 的創建,最近的 Chang 硬分叉讓代幣持有者對該平台的未來擁有發言權。

However, its performance in the past few weeks has been underwhelming—an 11% decline in the past 30 days. The Cardano price is also on the downside on the weekly chart, changing hands above $0.34.

然而,其過去幾週的表現卻不盡人意——過去 30 天下跌了 11%。卡爾達諾價格在周線圖上也處於下行趨勢,在 0.34 美元上方易手。

But in exciting news, Cardano formed a strategic partnership with BitcoinOS, a smart contract platform for BTC, potentially unlocking a $1.4 trillion market. According to the blog post, this collaboration will enable ADA DeFi users to tap into Bitcoin's vast liquidity directly. This could be bullish for Cardano, making it one of the altcoins to watch.

但令人興奮的消息是,卡爾達諾與比特幣智慧合約平台 BitcoinOS 建立了戰略合作夥伴關係,預計將打開 1.4 兆美元的市場。根據部落格文章,此次合作將使 ADA DeFi 用戶能夠直接利用比特幣的巨大流動性。這對卡爾達諾來說可能是利好,使其成為值得關注的山寨幣之一。

3. Toncoin: Eyes a monthly close above $6.5

3. Toncoin:月度收盤價預計將突破 6.5 美元

The Layer-1 token Toncoin is an investor favorite, which isn't surprising. Its relationship with Telegram, one of the world's largest messaging apps, has been crucial to its growth, rising to the ranks of the top crypto coins. The rise of mini-apps on Telegram—tap-to-earn and play-to-earn games—also contributed to TON's growth.

Layer-1 代幣 Toncoin 是投資者的最愛,這並不奇怪。它與世界上最大的訊息應用程式之一 Telegram 的關係對其成長至關重要,並躋身頂級加密貨幣行列。 Telegram 上迷你應用程式(點擊即可賺錢和玩即可賺錢的遊戲)的興起也促進了 TON 的成長。

Having one of its best years, Toncoin soared from $2 to an all-time high of $8.24 in June. While there has been a 35% downturn from its peak, its outlook is promising, and investors have been doubling down, gobbling up the dip.

6 月份,Toncoin 經歷了歷史最好的一年,從 2 美元飆升至 8.24 美元的歷史新高。雖然較高峰下跌了 35%,但其前景樂觀,投資者一直在加倍下注,逢低吸收。

The Toncoin price hovers above the crucial $5 support, with a 2% decline in the past 7 days. Tipped for a monthly close above $6.5, Toncoin is one of the best cryptos to invest in, with its yearly outlook even more promising.

Toncoin 價格徘徊在關鍵的 5 美元支撐位之上,過去 7 天下跌了 2%。 Toncoin 的月收盤價預計將超過 6.5 美元,是最值得投資的加密貨幣之一,其年度前景更加光明。



The Cardano recent partnership with BitcoinOS is set to unlock Bitcoin's $1.4 trillion market, transforming its DeFi ecosystem. Meanwhile, Toncoin and DTX Exchange have emerged as investors' favorites. The former is on track for a monthly close above $6.5, while the latter is tipped for a 65x upswing post-launch.

Cardano 最近與 BitcoinOS 的合作旨在解鎖比特幣 1.4 兆美元的市場,改變其 DeFi 生態系統。與此同時,Toncoin 和 DTX Exchange 已成為投資者的最愛。前者的月度收盤價預計將突破 6.5 美元,而後者則預計在推出後上漲 65 倍。

For more information, visit the DTX Exchange presale website or join the online community.

欲了解更多信息,請訪問DTX Exchange預售網站或加入線上社群。



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