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DOGS (DOGS) 一直處於加密貨幣領域重大轉變的前沿,特別是最近 7 日內價格上漲了 58%,目前價格為 0 美元。
DOGS (DOGS) has been at the forefront in making major shifts in the crypto space, especially with the recent 7. An increase in price by 58% within the last one day with the current price of $0. 001069. This surge brings new high in the market capitalization of DOGS standings at $552. 4 million making it the 98 th ranked currency as a crypto currency.
DOGS (DOGS) 一直處於加密貨幣領域重大轉變的前沿,特別是最近 7 日內價格上漲了 58%,目前價格為 0 美元。 001069. 這一飆升使 DOGS 市值再創新高,達到 552 美元。 400 萬,使其成為加密貨幣中排名第 98 的貨幣。
Another factor that has been pinned down when analyzing the growth of DOGS is the increase in trading volumes which have been highlighted to have risen by 22 percent. has risen to $498 in the past day and 06% of the total amount. 96 million. This volume to market cap ratio is 89. 80% prove DOGS is one of the most active tokens in the market today as the current market has a very high level of activity.
在分析 DOGS 成長時確定的另一個因素是交易量的增加,交易量已增加 22%。過去一天已上漲至498美元,佔總金額的06%。 9600萬。這個成交量與市值的比率為 89。80% 證明 DOGS 是當今市場上最活躍的代幣之一,因為當前市場的活動水平非常高。
One of the factors that we deduced from this was that the market trading volume was way bigger than its market capitalization This meant that the market was full of traders and investors who had taken keen interest in the token. Such a number indicates that more than 99% of DOGS’s market cap is turning over in a single 24-hour period, and this speaks of both the liquidity and the volatility of the token. Large trading volume is beneficial in the context of access to the market by traders who need frequent turnovers; however, increased trading activity implies the impact of speculative trading.
我們從中推斷出的因素之一是市場交易量遠大於其市值,這意味著市場上充滿了對該代幣產生濃厚興趣的交易者和投資者。這樣的數字表明,超過 99% 的 DOGS 市值在 24 小時內週轉,這既說明了代幣的流動性,也說明了代幣的波動性。大交易量對於需要頻繁成交的交易者進入市場是有利的;然而,交易活動的增加意味著投機交易的影響。
There is, however, one disadvantage that may be responsible for DOGS’ current level of performance, namely, availability. In fact, it is price-sensitive with a price tag of only $0. $0,001069 per token and 516,000,000 tokens in circulation. 75 billion DOGS, it still makes the token very approachable for the retail investor or the average joe.
然而,DOGS 目前的效能水準可能有一個缺點,即可用性。事實上,它對價格非常敏感,價格僅為 0 美元。每個代幣價值 0,001069 美元,流通代幣數量為 516,000,000 個。 750 億隻 DOGS,仍然使該代幣對於散戶投資者或普通人來說非常平易近人。
This can draw many users who may be chasing large volumes tokens which can easily grow in price, thus misleading most of the users. The circulating supply represents 93 percent of the total outstanding ELA tokens. To be precise, 95 percent of the total supply is in circulation; at the moment, the total supply of DOGS is 550 billion. Because of the fact that circulating supply is very close to the total supply, there are no worries for the inflation or dilution that might occur in case of a creation of new tokens.
這可能會吸引許多可能追逐大量代幣的用戶,而這些代幣的價格很容易上漲,從而誤導了大多數用戶。流通供應量佔 ELA 代幣流通總量的 93%。準確來說,總供應量的95%都在流通;目前,DOGS的總供應量為5,500億。由於流通供應量非常接近總供應量,因此無需擔心創建新代幣時可能發生的通貨膨脹或稀釋。
DOGS though may not be as popular as some of the other major cryptocurrencies today’s price movement and trading volume indicate that it is gaining acceptance in the market. Since the total supply of DOGS is 550 billion and the same number represents the maximum circulation supply, the investors have enough information regarding token supply.
儘管 DOGS 可能不像其他一些主要加密貨幣那麼受歡迎,但今天的價格走勢和交易量表明它正在獲得市場的認可。由於DOGS的總供應量為5,500億枚,且該數字代表最大流通供應量,因此投資者對代幣供應量有足夠的資訊。
DOGS has a fully diluted market capitalization of $587. Its outstanding shares currently stand at 94 million which is not far from the company’s current market capitalization thus giving it stability as well as easier predictability of value in future. Depending on the community, it may also be used in another way to construct its ecosystem or appeal to its users as an all-rounded tool.
DOGS 的完全稀釋後市值為 587 美元。其流通股目前為9,400萬股,與公司當前的市值相去不遠,從而使其具有穩定性,並且更容易預測未來的價值。根據社區的不同,它也可能以另一種方式用於建立其生態系統或作為全面的工具來吸引用戶。
Despite the specifics of how it will be implemented in practice, meme tokens such as DOGS, receive attention because of the community, marketing, and possible pump and dump. In the context of DOGS, it is possible to focus on community-driven projects, which means that the increase in prices can be supported by hype on social networks, collaboration or new updates that attract many individuals.
儘管具體如何在實踐中實施,但像 DOGS 這樣的 meme 代幣還是因為社群、行銷和可能的拉高和拋售而受到關注。在 DOGS 的背景下,可以專注於社群驅動的項目,這意味著社交網路上的炒作、合作或吸引許多人的新更新可以支持價格的上漲。
With the larger perspective to the entire market of cryptocurrencies, DOGS’ price increase might be partly due to market tendencies. In simple terms, when the overall market is bullish, unknown tokens such as DOGS gain significant attention since traders they look for assets that are undervalued and capable of providing high profitability.
從整個加密貨幣市場的角度來看,DOGS的價格上漲可能有部分原因是市場趨勢。簡單來說,當整體市場看漲時,諸如 DOGS 之類的未知代幣會受到極大關注,因為交易者會尋找被低估且能夠提供高盈利能力的資產。
The recent 7. This is further buttressed by the fact that the price of this asset has been increased by 58%, a move that has coincided with the massive increase in trading volume; this shows that DOGS is enjoying positive market sentiment.
最近 7. 該資產的價格上漲了 58%,這一舉措與交易量的大幅增加同時發生,這一事實進一步證實了這一點;這表明 DOGS 正享受積極的市場情緒。
Thus, for investors, DOGS is quite an attractive investment vehicle which combines high market liquiditv with the possibility of capital appreciation. Combined with the fact that Doge Token has more than 95% of its circulating supply in circulation, high V/M ratios, and above average trading volume, the token is experiencing increased demand, and investors should keep an eye out on the DOGS in the near days.
因此,對於投資者來說,DOGS是一種相當吸引人的投資工具,它結合了高市場流動性和資本增值的可能性。加上Doge Token的流通量超過95%、V/M比率較高、交易量高於平均水平,該代幣的需求正在增加,投資者應密切關注DOGS近幾天。
The overall Altcoin sentiment increases price and with the current trend, DOGS could experience additional inflations due to traders and an increasing community supporting the token.
整體山寨幣情緒推高了價格,按照目前的趨勢,由於交易者和越來越多的社區支持該代幣,DOGS 可能會經歷額外的通貨膨脹。
As a result, DOGS (DOGS), the token we considered as an example, shows impressive growth in the price and trading volume with a 7-day increase. 750028% increase in price and what can be considered as a staggering 22. This has a twenty-four-hour turnover value
結果,我們以 DOGS(DOGS)為例,其價格和交易量出現了令人印象深刻的成長,連續 7 天成長。 750028%的漲幅,可以說是一個驚人的22。
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