Sygnum 在盧森堡、瑞士和新加坡獲得許可,目前正著眼於擴大其在歐洲市場的足跡,並在香港建立受監管的業務。

Digital asset bank Sygnum has attained unicorn status after concluding a $58 million funding round, valuing the company at over $1 billion. The Zurich- and Singapore-based bank announced the successful completion of an oversubscribed “strategic growth round,” which was led by BTC-focused venture capital firm Fulgar Ventures.
數位資產銀行 Sygnum 在完成一輪 5,800 萬美元融資後獲得了獨角獸地位,該公司估值超過 10 億美元。這家總部位於蘇黎世和新加坡的銀行宣布成功完成超額認購的“戰略增長輪”,由專注於比特幣的風險投資公司 Fulgar Ventures 牽頭。
This achievement comes about a year after Sygnum reached a $900 million valuation through a $40 million funding round. Holding licenses in Luxembourg, Switzerland, and Singapore, Sygnum is now aiming to broaden its presence in the European market and establish a regulated footprint in Hong Kong.
這項成就是在 Sygnum 透過 4,000 萬美元融資達到 9 億美元估值一年後實現的。 Sygnum 在盧森堡、瑞士和新加坡持有許可證,目前的目標是擴大其在歐洲市場的影響力,並在香港建立受監管的足跡。
Moreover, the bank intends to bolster its product offerings, especially those围绕 Bitcoin technology, while laying the groundwork for future acquisitions to solidify its standing as a pioneer in the digital asset banking landscape.
Sygnum’s remarkable growth showcases the increasing integration of blockchain and cryptocurrency technology into traditional financial systems, indicating strong investor信心 in the sector’s long-term potential.
Sygnum 的顯著成長表明區塊鏈和加密貨幣技術越來越多地融入傳統金融系統,顯示投資者對該行業的長期潛力充滿信心。
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