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今天,DexToro 自豪地宣布一個重要的里程碑——向成熟的區塊鏈協議的過渡。
Miami, United States, July 11th, 2024, Chainwire
美國邁阿密,2024 年 7 月 11 日,Chainwire
Today, DexToro is proud to announce a significant milestone — the transition to a full-blown blockchain protocol.
今天,DexToro 自豪地宣布一個重要的里程碑——向成熟的區塊鏈協議的過渡。
DexToro, founded by Nick Nechanicky in June 2023, has been on a mission to democratize access to financial opportunities. The DexToro exchange is known for offering perpetual futures trading across various assets, including cryptocurrencies, forex, and stocks.
DexToro 由 Nick Nechanicky 於 2023 年 6 月創立,一直致力於實現金融機會的民主化。 DexToro 交易以提供各種資產(包括加密貨幣、外匯和股票)的永續期貨交易而聞名。
Today, DexToro transitioned to a full-blown blockchain protocol. This transition means that anyone, regardless of location or background, can benefit from a comprehensive suite of products for permissionless derivatives trading. This transition is set to complete only a few months after their seed round closes.
今天,DexToro 轉變為成熟的區塊鏈協議。這項轉變意味著任何人,無論身在何處或背景如何,都可以從一整套無需許可的衍生性商品交易產品中受益。這一轉變預計將在種子輪結束後幾個月內完成。
A Comprehensive Decentralized Derivatives Protocol
The decentralized derivatives market has grown significantly in recent years, with an increasing number of traders seeking the benefits of decentralization, such as increased security, transparency, and accessibility. In fact, the crypto derivatives market alone is worth more than $2.95 trillion (as of March 2023).
近年來,去中心化衍生性商品市場顯著成長,越來越多的交易者尋求去中心化的好處,例如提高安全性、透明度和可近性。事實上,僅加密衍生性商品市場的價值就超過 2.95 兆美元(截至 2023 年 3 月)。
According to the team, the platforms servicing this booming market have fallen short regarding user experience, lack of liquidity, limited asset support, and traders can suffer from slippages, high fees, and an inability to trade their favorite assets on decentralized exchanges (DEXs).
該團隊表示,為這個蓬勃發展的市場提供服務的平台在用戶體驗、流動性缺乏、資產支援有限等方面存在不足,交易者可能會遭受滑點、高額費用以及無法在去中心化交易所( DEX)上交易自己喜歡的資產的困擾。
DexToro believes that everyone deserves equal access to financial opportunities. That's why the evolution to a comprehensive decentralized derivatives protocol is crucial in addressing the limitations of existing platforms and creating a level playing field for all traders.
DexToro 相信每個人都應該平等地獲得金融機會。這就是為什麼發展到全面的去中心化衍生性商品協議對於解決現有平台的限制並為所有交易者創造公平的競爭環境至關重要。
DexToro's New Product Suite
DexToro 的新產品套件
DexToro's groundbreaking new product suite is designed to revolutionize the decentralized derivatives trading landscape. Here's a sneak peek at what users can expect:
DexToro 的突破性新產品套件旨在徹底改變去中心化衍生性商品交易格局。以下是用戶可以期待的內容:
On-Chain Self-Custodial Derivatives Exchange
At the heart of the DexToro protocol is the Exchange—a cutting-edge, on-chain, self-custodial derivatives exchange that harnesses the power of Ethereum smart contracts. Users completely control their assets for an unmatched level of security and transparency.
DexToro 協議的核心是交易所——一個尖端的鏈上自我託管衍生品交易所,利用以太坊智能合約的力量。使用者完全控制自己的資產,以獲得無與倫比的安全性和透明度。
Collateral-Backed dUSD Stablecoin (coming soon)
有抵押支持的 dUSD 穩定幣(即將推出)
dUSD is the stablecoin that redefines stability in the volatile world of cryptocurrencies. Decentralized and backed by robust collateral, dUSD is soft-pegged to the US Dollar, providing traders with a reliable base currency for their derivatives transactions. With dUSD, users can focus on their trading strategies without worrying about the price fluctuations of their base currency.
dUSD 是一種穩定幣,它重新定義了動盪的加密貨幣世界的穩定性。 dUSD 是去中心化的,並有強大的抵押品支持,與美元軟掛鉤,為交易者的衍生品交易提供了可靠的基礎貨幣。透過dUSD,用戶可以專注於自己的交易策略,而無需擔心基礎貨幣的價格波動。
Liquidity for Permissionless Derivatives (coming soon)
The upcoming Liquidity product is a game-changer for permissionless derivatives trading. With support for perpetual futures, options, and parimutuel markets, traders can explore various financial opportunities across multiple EVM chains.
即將推出的流動性產品將改變無需許可的衍生性商品交易的遊戲規則。借助對永續期貨、選擇權和派利分成市場的支持,交易者可以跨多個 EVM 鏈探索各種金融機會。
DexToro's Liquidity product will be available across multiple EVM chains, ensuring users can tap into deep liquidity pools and execute trades seamlessly on their preferred blockchain.
DexToro 的流動性產品將在多個 EVM 鏈上提供,確保用戶可以利用深層流動性池並在他們首選的區塊鏈上無縫執行交易。
DexToro Smart Wallet
DexToro 智能錢包
The DexToro Smart Wallet is an all-in-one, on-chain margin engine that gives traders the power of decentralized and self-custodial derivatives trading.
DexToro 智慧錢包是一款一體化的鏈上保證金引擎,為交易者提供去中心化和自我託管衍生性商品交易的能力。
With a comprehensive suite of tools, the Smart Wallet enables users to manage their positions, collateral, and risk exposure. Whether they're a seasoned trader or just starting out, the Smart Wallet can be a user's key to unlocking the full potential of derivatives trading.
Self-Hosted Crypto Wallet
DexToro is taking wallet functionality to the next level with its upcoming self-hosted, non-custodial crypto wallet. This wallet will provide users with a secure and user-friendly way to manage their digital assets, all while maintaining complete control over their funds.
DexToro 即將推出自架、非託管加密錢包,將錢包功能提升到一個新的水平。該錢包將為用戶提供一種安全且用戶友好的方式來管理其數位資產,同時保持對其資金的完全控制。
With an intuitive online dashboard and a feature-rich mobile application, interacting with the DexToro ecosystem can be easier and more accessible. Stay tuned for the wallet's official release, and join us on our journey to decentralize the financial world.
借助直覺的線上儀表板和功能豐富的行動應用程序,與 DexToro 生態系統的互動可以變得更容易、更容易存取。請關注錢包的正式發布,與我們一起踏上金融世界去中心化的旅程。
Enterprise: DexToro's Power (coming soon)
企業:DexToro 的力量(即將推出)
DexToro can be a powerhouse for institutional clients and businesses. The upcoming Enterprise solutions, which include liquidity provisioning and white-label offerings, will enable companies to harness the full potential of DexToro's cutting-edge infrastructure and expertise.
DexToro 可以成為機構客戶和企業的強大動力。即將推出的企業解決方案包括流動性配置和白標產品,將使公司能夠充分利用 DexToro 尖端基礎設施和專業知識的潛力。
Whether a user is looking to create a customized derivatives trading platform or integrate DexToro's liquidity into their existing services, the Enterprise solutions aim to provide the tools and support their need to succeed in the rapidly evolving world of decentralized finance.
無論用戶是希望創建客製化的衍生性商品交易平台,還是將DexToro 的流動性整合到他們現有的服務中,企業解決方案都旨在提供工具並支援他們在快速發展的去中心化金融世界中取得成功的需求。
The Role of the DTORO Token
DTORO 代幣的作用
The DTORO token is the fuel that powers the DexToro protocol. As a utility token, it serves multiple functions within the ecosystem, including:
DTORO 代幣是為 DexToro 協議提供動力的燃料。作為一種實用代幣,它在生態系統中具有多種功能,包括:
1. Staking for Potential Revenue Share and Trading Rewards
1. 質押潛在收入分成和交易獎勵
One of the primary functions of the DTORO token is to enable users to stake their tokens and potentially earn a share of the protocol's revenue. By locking up their DTORO tokens, users can benefit from the platform's growth.
DTORO 代幣的主要功能之一是讓用戶能夠抵押他們的代幣並有可能獲得協議收入的一部分。透過鎖定 DTORO 代幣,用戶可以從平台的成長中受益。
In addition to revenue sharing, staked DTORO tokens grant access to exclusive
除了收入分享之外,質押的 DTORO 代幣還可授予獨家存取權限
所提供的資訊並非交易建議。 kDJ.com對任何基於本文提供的資訊進行的投資不承擔任何責任。加密貨幣波動性較大,建議您充分研究後謹慎投資!
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