比利弗林 (Billy Flynn) 飾演的查德迪梅拉 (Chad DiMera) 很高興妻子艾比回來了。但瑪麗貝絲埃文斯 (Mary Beth Evans) 飾演的凱拉布雷迪 (Kayla Brady) 博士給出的 DNA 結果可能表明了不同的轉折。

Days of Our Lives on Peacock leaves fans buzzing this week with the surprising return of Marin, played by AnnaLynne McCord, who is suspected to be the presumed-dead Abigail Deveraux. It’s a role previously played by Kate Mansi, Marci Miller, and now possibly McCord.
本週,《孔雀的日子》中由安娜琳·麥考德飾演的馬林意外回歸,粉絲們紛紛議論紛紛,她被懷疑是假定已故的阿比蓋爾·德弗羅。這個角色之前由凱特·曼西(Kate Mansi)、馬西·米勒(Marci Miller)扮演,現在可能由麥考德(McCord)扮演。
Chad DiMera, portrayed by Billy Flynn, is overjoyed to have his wife Abby back. But the DNA results given by Dr. Kayla Brady, played by Mary Beth Evans, might suggest a different twist. So, Abby, who was believed to be killed by Clyde Weston, played by James Read, seems to have miraculously returned to Salem. Some say they didn’t see this twist coming on Days of Our Lives.
比利弗林 (Billy Flynn) 飾演的查德迪梅拉 (Chad DiMera) 為妻子艾比的回歸而欣喜若狂。但瑪麗貝絲埃文斯 (Mary Beth Evans) 飾演的凱拉布雷迪 (Kayla Brady) 博士給出的 DNA 結果可能表明了不同的情況。於是,被認為被詹姆斯·里德飾演的克萊德·韋斯頓殺害的艾比似乎奇蹟般地回到了塞勒姆。有些人說他們沒有看到《我們的日子》中會出現這種轉折。
However, there are other theories. One suggests that the DNA test results could point to Gwen Rizczech, played by Emily O’Brien. She might be the mystery woman. Or maybe a secret twin. Or another unknown child of Jack Deveraux (Matthew Ashford). Fans are eagerly awaiting the truth to be revealed in the upcoming episodes of this ever-twisting soap opera.
然而,還有其他理論。有人認為 DNA 測試結果可能指向艾米麗·奧布萊恩 (Emily O’Brien) 飾演的 Gwen Rizczech。她或許就是那個神祕的女人。或者也許是個秘密雙胞胎。或是傑克·德弗羅(馬修·阿什福德飾)的另一個不知名的孩子。粉絲們熱切等待這部不斷扭曲的肥皂劇即將播出的劇集中揭曉真相。
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