原始CNT和M-PCL嵌入陰極在167.5 mA G-1處的表現,E/S比為4.5μlmg-1。 B以167.5 mA G-1為167.5 mA G-1的Fe-PCL和CO-PCL嵌入陰極的B循環性能,E/S比為4.5μlmg-1。 c原始CNT和M-PCL嵌入陰極的速率能力。 D在83.8 mA G-1的CO-PCL嵌入陰極的長期循環性能,E/S比為4.5μlmg-1。分別為5.0 mg cm -2和4.5μlmg -1固定面積的載荷和E/S比。輸出:標題:金屬電催化劑在金屬電催化劑上的構造

mA h g−1 at 200 and 300 cycles, respectively, with a capacity retention ratio of 87.1 and 74.6%. Fe-PCL showed a discharge capacity of 957 and 807 mA h g−1 at 200 and 300 cycles, respectively, with a capacity retention ratio of 91.0 and 76.7%. The CE of Fe-PCL and Co-PCL was maintained at ~100% during the initial 100 cycles and gradually decreased to ~99% at 200 cycles (Fig. 5c). The CE of Fe-PCL and Co-PCL was maintained at ~99% during the initial 100 cycles and gradually decreased to ~99% at 200 cycles (Fig. 5c). The voltage profiles of Fe-PCL and Co-PCL during the initial five cycles at 167.5 mA g−1 are shown in Fig. 5d. The voltage profiles of Fe-PCL and Co-PCL showed two voltage plateaus at ~2.3 and ~2.0 V during the discharge process, which correspond to the reduction of sulfur to soluble LiPS and the subsequent conversion of LiPS to solid-phase Li2S, respectively. During the charge process, two voltage plateaus at ~2.3 and ~2.5 V were observed, which correspond to the oxidation of solid-phase Li2S to LiPS and the subsequent oxidation of LiPS to sulfur, respectively. The voltage gap between the charge and discharge voltage profiles was 0.25 and 0.22 V for Fe-PCL and Co-PCL, respectively, which indicates the lower polarization of Co-PCL than that of Fe-PCL.
MA Hg -1分別為200和300個週期,其容量保留率為87.1和74.6%。 Fe-PCL在200和300個週期分別顯示出957和807 MA Hg-1的排放能力為91.0和76.7%。在最初的100個週期中,Fe-PCL和CO-PCL的CE保持在〜100%,並在200個週期時逐漸降至〜99%(圖5C)。在最初的100個週期中,Fe-PCL和CO-PCL的CE保持在〜99%,並在200個週期時逐漸降至〜99%(圖5C)。在167.5 mA G-1的最初五個週期中,Fe-PCL和Co-PCL的電壓輪廓如圖5D所示。在放電過程中,Fe-PCL和Co-PCL的電壓曲線在〜2.3和〜2.0 V時顯示了兩個電壓,這對應於將硫的減少到可溶性嘴唇的減少以及隨後將Lips轉化為固相LI2的轉化。在充電過程中,觀察到〜2.3和〜2.5 V時的兩個電壓高原,這對應於固相LI2S向LIPS的氧化以及隨後將LIPS氧化與硫的氧化。對於Fe-PCL和COPCL,電荷和放電電壓曲線之間的電壓間隙分別為0.25和0.22 V,這表明CO-PCL的極化低於FE-PCL。
Coin-cell performance of pristine CNT, Ni-PCL, Fe-PCL, and Co-PCL. a Discharge capacity and b capacity retention ratio of pristine CNT, Ni-PCL, Fe-PCL, and Co-PCL at 167.5 mA g−1 with an E/S ratio of 4.5 μL mg-1. c Coulombic efficiency of pristine CNT, Ni-PCL, Fe-PCL, and Co-PCL at 167.5 mA g−1 with an E/S ratio of 4.5 μL mg-1. d Voltage profiles of Fe-PCL and Co-PCL during the initial five cycles at 167.5 mA g−1 with an E/S ratio of 4.5 μL mg-1.output
原始CNT,Ni-PCL,FE-PCL和Co-PCL的硬幣性能。原始CNT,Ni-PCL,FE-PCL和CO-PCL的排放能力和B容量的保留率為167.5 mA G-1,E/S比為4.5μlmg-1。 c原始CNT,Ni-PCL,Fe-PCL和CO-PCL的庫侖效率為167.5 mA G-1,E/S比為4.5μlmg-1。 Fe-PCL和Co-PCL的D電壓輪廓在最初的五個週期中以167.5 mA G-1為4.5μlmg-1。
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