亞伯拉罕·艾森伯格在紐約聯邦法院被判有罪。檢察官堅稱,艾森伯格操縱了交易平台 Mango Markets 上永續期貨合約的價格。美國檢察官辦公室聲稱,艾森伯格精心策劃了一項涉及兩個帳戶的計劃,根據 Mango 的 MNGO 代幣和 USD Coin 的比較價值同時進行買賣。

In a significant legal victory for the prosecution, Avraham Eisenberg stands convicted in a federal court in New York, following a meticulous investigation into his alleged manipulation of cryptocurrency markets. Armed with irrefutable evidence, prosecutors presented a compelling case against Eisenberg, establishing his involvement in a sophisticated scheme that exploited the delicate balance of financial markets.
According to the prosecution, Eisenberg's fraudulent activities involved a simultaneous buying and selling strategy, exploiting the price discrepancy between Mango Markets' native token, MNGO, and the stablecoin USD Coin. This calculated manipulation artificially inflated the value of MNGO, enabling Eisenberg to extract illicit profits at the expense of the exchange and its unsuspecting investors.
根據檢方的說法,艾森伯格的詐欺活動涉及同時買賣策略,利用 Mango Markets 的原生代幣 MNGO 和穩定幣 USD Coin 之間的價格差異。這種精心策劃的操縱人為地抬高了 MNGO 的價值,使艾森伯格能夠以犧牲交易所及其毫無戒心的投資者的利益為代價來獲取非法利潤。
The court's verdict, a resounding affirmation of the prosecution's case, found Eisenberg guilty of commodities fraud, commodities market manipulation, and wire fraud. The gravity of these offenses carries severe consequences, with the potential for decades of imprisonment when Eisenberg faces sentencing in July.
In a statement following the verdict, Assistant Attorney General Nicole Argentieri denounced Eisenberg's actions as a blatant act of financial deception. "Avraham Eisenberg carried out a manipulative trading scheme on a cryptocurrency exchange, defrauding the exchange and its investors of $110 million," Argentieri asserted.
在判決後的聲明中,助理司法部長妮可·阿根蒂耶里(Nicole Argentieri)譴責艾森伯格的行為是公然的財務欺騙行為。 Argentieri 斷言:“Avraham Eisenberg 在一家加密貨幣交易所實施了操縱性交易計劃,詐騙了該交易所及其投資者 1.1 億美元。”
This landmark conviction sends a clear message that the fraudulent manipulation of cryptocurrency markets will not be tolerated. It serves as a warning to those who seek to exploit financial systems for personal gain, reminding them that their actions will be met with the full force of the law. The prosecution's relentless pursuit of justice and the court's unwavering commitment to upholding financial integrity have ensured that Eisenberg will face the consequences of his fraudulent behavior.