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Crypto.com CEO Kris Marszalek was in Washington, D.C. Friday to appear at President Trump’s inaugural White House Crypto Summit. But while he was jet-setting to the nation’s capital to help bring crypto to the mainstream, his stakeholders were feeling forgotten.
Crypto.com首席執行官Kris Marszalek週五在華盛頓特區舉行,在特朗普總統的首屆白宮加密峰會上亮相。但是,儘管他正在飛往國家首都以將加密貨幣帶入主流,但他的利益相關者感到被遺忘了。
On March 2nd, the same day that President Trump announced plans for a national strategic crypto reserve, Cronos Labs, a subsidiary of Crypto.com and the main development team behind the Cronos blockchain, unveiled a governance proposal to reissue 70 billion CRO tokens, or 70% of the original supply, for its own “Strategic Reserve.” The re-minted tokens would restore the original supply of CRO to its original 100 billion tokens. The rationale is that Cronos Labs wants a new treasury to promote adoption of CRO, with the prime method being not only the creation of the first CRO exchange traded fund (ETF), but the first ETF ever launched by a token issuer.
3月2日,即特朗普總統宣布計劃為國家戰略加密保護區計劃的計劃,Cronos Labs,Crypto.com的子公司,Cronos區塊鏈背後的主要開發團隊,宣布了一項統治建議,以重新發行700億個CRO代幣,或者是原始供應的70%,即其“戰略儲備”。重新制定的令牌將使CRO的原始供應恢復到其最初的1000億個令牌。理由是Cronos Labs希望新的財政部促進CRO的採用,主要方法不僅是創建第一個CRO交易所交易基金(ETF),而且是有史以來第一個由代幣發行者推出的ETF。
As one might expect from token holders suddenly facing massive dilution—the circulating supply of CRO is now only 27 billion tokens—this proposal was met with swift and ferocious backlash. “My first thoughts: massive dilution. Selfishness from the company as nobody from the community would benefit from it,” one large token holder who wished to remain anonymous told Unchained. But even more than the economic impact of massive dilution, the proposal risks breaking one of crypto’s cardinal rules: burning tokens means they are gone forever.
正如人們可能期望的那樣,從代幣的持有人突然面對大量稀釋的人(現在只有270億個代幣的循環供應),該提議遇到了迅速而兇猛的反彈。 “我的第一個想法:大量稀釋。公司的自私從社區中沒有受益。但是,該提案甚至超過了大量稀釋的經濟影響,可能會破壞加密貨幣的基本規則之一:燃燒代幣意味著它們永遠消失了。
For both reasons, this proposal has alienated a large and loud portion of the CRO community, whose token is down 41% in the last year and 91% from its all-time high in November 2021. Crypto.com and Cronos Labs have enough voting power in the proposal to make it pass and pursue some of its stated plans like launching an ETF. But if it mints these tokens, it risks harming its userbase and crypto’s perception of immutability, potentially withering away its intrinsic value just as it tries to sell the token to a new wave of investors.
由於這兩種原因,該提議都疏遠了CRO社區的很大一部分,其代幣在去年下降了41%,比2021年11月的歷史最高點下降了91%。Crypto.com和Cronos Labs在該提案中具有足夠的投票權,可以通過它通過並採取一些既定的計劃,例如啟動ETF。但是,如果它鑄造了這些令牌,它可能會損害其用戶群和加密貨幣對不變性的看法,可能會消除其內在價值,就像它試圖將代幣賣給新的投資者一樣。
Representatives for both Crypto.com and Cronos Labs did not respond to Unchained’s request for comment.
Crypto.com和Cronos Labs的代表都沒有回應Unchained的置評請求。
There is no way to simply delete crypto assets on a blockchain. After all, they are immutable. Instead, if someone wants to take tokens out of circulation, they get burned. This process involves sending tokens to an unrecoverable address. It is the equivalent of gifting tokens to a friend, who then forgets his or her private key. You can see the transaction, you can see the assets on the blockchain, but they may as well not exist.
The most common reason to burn tokens is to shrink the supply to boost the price of a token. Binance, the world’s largest crypto exchange by trading volume, has an automatic burning process in which it takes a percentage of profits, buys a corresponding portion of its native token BNB on the open market, and then sends it to a burn address. In total the company has burned 254,315 units of BNB worth $141 million. In September 2021, the Ethereum network started a burning program with EIP-1559, in which fees paid by users to the network would be burned instead of being given to validators. During times of high usage the amount burned, which totals 5,173,383 ETH worth over $10 billion, outstrips rewards paid to stakers and makes the network deflationary.
燃燒令牌的最常見原因是縮小供應以提高令牌的價格。 Binance是世界上最大的加密貨幣交易所,具有自動燃燒過程,其中佔用一定比例的利潤,在公開市場上購買了其原始令牌BNB的相應部分,然後將其發送到燒傷地址。該公司總共燒毀了254,315輛BNB,價值1.41億美元。 2021年9月,以太坊網絡啟動了EIP-1559的燃燒計劃,其中用戶向網絡支付的費用將被燒毀,而不是將其交給驗證者。在使用量高的時期,燃燒的金額總計為5173,383,價值超過100億美元,超過了向Stakers支付的獎勵,並使網絡放氣。
But each of these programs affects only a small portion of their respective supplies of 145 million BNB and 120 million ETH. Crypto.com’s burn eliminated 70% of its supply. As far as major tokens go, this was likely the biggest burn in history—especially in terms of market capitalization percentage.
但是,這些程序中的每一個僅影響其各自的1.45億BNB和1.2億ETH的一小部分。 Crypto.com的燒傷消除了其70%的供應。就主要令牌而言,這可能是歷史上最大的燃燒,尤其是在市值百分比方面。
Its token holders were largely happy with the burn at the time. “I thought that was a fantastic catalyst to drive speculation to the chain,” said one CRO holder who goes by the pseudonym Blacksea. “A lot of people in the cryptocurrency space don’ गरजों के लिए एकत्रित हो रहा है, जहाँ उसका मान 0.08 $ से 0.96 $ तक बढ़ गया। (यह अब 0.08 $ तक पहुँच गया है।)
它的令牌持有人當時與當時合作。一位憑藉化名Blacksea的Cro Holder說:“我認為這是向連鎖店推動演講的絕妙催化劑。” “加密貨幣空間中的許多人都在聚集雷暴,其價值從0.08 $增加到0.96美元。 (現在已達到0.08 $。)
जितना महत्वपূর্ণ, উপरोক্ত উल्লিখিত BNB, ETH, এবং অন্যান্য বড় টোকেনের সম্পূর্ણ পরিমাণ, যिनका संबंध है। टोकन को उजागर करने वाले आंकड़ों के अनुसार, सभी को एकत्रित किया गया है या फिर से बनाया गया है। उद्योग के अधिकांश के लिए, यह एक घटना है जो सामूहिक रूप से "rollback" के रूप में जानी जाती है और जिसके लिए कोई भी आध्यात्मिक रूप से तैयार
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