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新聞稿發佈於 2024 年 3 月 28 日Globe PR Wire
Bitcoin is on a bearish trend and keeps struggling under significant pressure after steep losses on March 19. This downturn seems to mirror its historical performance patterns, particularly as the network gears up for a critical halving event in April 2024. However, if the halving goes as anticipated, analysts predict that Bitcoin may reach the coveted $100,000 mark and trigger a widespread rally in the altcoin sector along the way.
比特幣目前處於看跌趨勢,並在3 月19 日大幅下跌後繼續承受巨大壓力。這種低迷似乎反映了其歷史表現模式,特別是在網路為2024 年4 月的關鍵減半事件做好準備的情況下。然而,如果減半繼續下去正如預期的那樣,分析師預測比特幣可能會達到令人垂涎的 10 萬美元大關,並在此過程中引發山寨幣領域的廣泛反彈。
Currently, the crypto market waits in anticipation, with keen eyes on the influential crypto giants, following the recent Federal Reserve meeting. Amid this tense waiting period, seven emerging cryptocurrencies, each with a market capitalization under $100 million, are making remarkable strides.
目前,在最近的聯準會會議之後,加密市場正在等待,密切關注有影響力的加密巨頭。在這段緊張的等待期內,七種市值低於 1 億美元的新興加密貨幣正在取得顯著進展。
Demonstrating impressive growth in early 2024, these selected tokens have already secured three-digit gains year-to-date. Moving through the year, they pave the way for investors to harvest even heftier returns in the market bracing for Bitcoin's coming monumental shift.
這些選定的代幣在 2024 年初表現出了令人印象深刻的成長,今年迄今已經實現了三位數的收益。在這一年裡,它們為投資者在市場上獲得更高的回報鋪平了道路,為比特幣即將到來的巨大轉變做好了準備。
1. Choise.com (CHO)
1.Choose.com (CHO)
CoinGecko: CHO token's year-to-date growth is over 275%
CoinGecko:CHO 代幣今年迄今的成長超過 275%
The CHO token is making headlines with its astonishing rise in early 2024. According to recent news, CHO gained more than 300% in March alone amidst circulating rumors about the supposed overhaul in tokenomics at Choise.com.
CHO 代幣因其在2024 年初的驚人上漲而成為頭條新聞。根據最近的消息,僅在3 月份,CHO 代幣的漲幅就超過300%,在Choise.com 上流傳著有關代幣經濟改革的謠言。
The community's interest was further fueled by an early-bird airdrop taking place on an enigmatic stub site.
The plot became even more exciting once the Choise.com founder subtly indicated that CHO holders would be able to take advantage of the company's grand entrance into the B2B space. He stressed that the work on creating viable use cases for the token in the institutional sector, holding the potential to produce $180 million in revenue, was already in progress.
當 Choise.com 創辦人巧妙地表示 CHO 持有者將能夠利用該公司進入 B2B 領域的機會時,情節變得更加激動人心。他強調,在機構領域為代幣創建可行的用例的工作已經在進行中,該代幣有可能產生 1.8 億美元的收入。
So, given that the CHO token, a robust product backed by seven-year industry expertise, has historically diverged its paths with Bitcoin's collapses due to the unstoppable innovation of Choise.com, we can expect its latest rally to continue as soon as any of its cryptic updates see daylight.
因此,鑑於 CHO 代幣是一種以七年行業專業知識為後盾的強大產品,由於 Choise.com 不可阻擋的創新,歷史上與比特幣的崩潰分道揚鑣,我們可以預期,只要它的神秘更新已經見光。
2. pSTAKE Finance (PSTAKE)
CoinGecko: PSTAKE token's year-to-date growth is nearly 267%
CoinGecko:PSTAKE 代幣年初至今成長近 267%
The 200% growth in the PSTAKE token came on the heels of pSTAKE Finance's foray into DYDX liquid staking.
在 pSTAKE Finance 進軍 DYDX 流動質押之後,PSTAKE 代幣增加了 200%。
Recently, it was reported that dYdX, a prominent DEX powered by the DYDX token, migrated to its own app chain within the Cosmos network with the goal of making the platform more secure and decentralized. As the liquid staking protocol focused on Cosmos, pSTAKE seized the moment to cater to a vast audience of DYDX holders, enabling them to stake their tokens for USDC rewards. The best part is that it canceled traditional 30-day lock-up periods to ensure that staked assets remain liquid.
最近,據報道,由 DYDX 代幣支援的著名 DEX dYdX 已遷移到 Cosmos 網路內自己的應用程式鏈,目標是使平台更加安全和去中心化。由於流動性質押協議主要關注 Cosmos,pSTAKE 抓住時機迎合了廣大 DYDX 持有者的需求,使他們能夠質押自己的代幣以獲得 USDC 獎勵。最棒的是,它取消了傳統的 30 天鎖定期,以確保質押資產保持流動性。
Considering that the market size of DYDX liquid staking is measured in millions of dollars, pSTAKE and its native token can flourish quite well. But PSTAKE's path to success is overshadowed by its extremely high volatility and yearly inflation rates. Not to mention that early investors in the token are yet to see any profits, as highlighted by major crypto aggregators.
考慮到 DYDX 流動性質押的市場規模達到數百萬美元,pSTAKE 及其原生代幣可以蓬勃發展。但 PSTAKE 的成功之路因其極高的波動性和年度通膨率而黯然失色。更不用說,正如主要加密貨幣聚合商所強調的那樣,該代幣的早期投資者尚未看到任何利潤。
3. 霍普(HOPR)
CoinGecko: HOPR token's year-to-date growth is roughly 225%
CoinGecko:HOPR 代幣今年迄今的成長約為 225%
HOPR soared 140%, probably spurred by Bitcoin's renewal of its all-time high in early March. As there were no significant updates from the company during the subsequent market turmoil, it would be fair to assume that the token's price dynamics were driven by general market movements rather than any product upgrades.
HOPR 飆升 140%,可能是受到 3 月初比特幣刷新歷史高點的刺激。由於該公司在隨後的市場動盪期間沒有發布重大更新,因此可以公平地假設該代幣的價格動態是由整體市場走勢而非任何產品升級所驅動的。
In this context, it's worth noting that the HOPR protocol doesn't have its own blockchain, which implies that its node runners use Gnosis Chain and Ethereum mainnet for earning.
在這種情況下,值得注意的是 HOPR 協定沒有自己的區塊鏈,這意味著其節點運行者使用 Gnosis Chain 和以太坊主網來賺錢。
The dependence on speculative market trends is then reaffirmed by the token's weekly retracement, which mirrored Bitcoin's plunge. Surprisingly, the HOPR community remains enthusiastic, as evidenced by the "fear and greed" index showing "greed."
隨後,該代幣的每週回檔再次證實了對投機市場趨勢的依賴,這反映了比特幣的暴跌。令人驚訝的是,HOPR 社區仍然熱情高漲,「恐懼和貪婪」指數顯示「貪婪」就證明了這一點。
However, despite the token's year-to-date performance adding a degree of hope to its medium-term trajectory, one should pay attention to HOPR's undisclosed circulating supply and declining trading volumes. Usually, diminishing trading activity that contrasts sharply with the token's surging value indicates suspicious activity aimed at creating an artificial investor demand.
然而,儘管該代幣今年迄今的表現為其中期軌跡增添了一定程度的希望,但人們應該注意 HOPR 未公開的流通供應量和交易量下降。通常,交易活動的減少與代幣價值的飆升形成鮮明對比,顯示旨在創造人為投資者需求的可疑活動。
4. Boson Protocol (BOSON)
4. 玻色子協議(BOSON)
CoinGecko: BOSON token's year-to-date growth is almost 199%
Earlier in March, the team behind Boson Protocol published its updated roadmap, based on the idea of intensified crypto adoption in the dCommerce domain. Its fresh view seemed to resonate with the project's community, as reflected by the following 70% increase in BOSON, the token used to govern the protocol.
3 月初,Boson Protocol 背後的團隊基於在 dCommerce 領域加強加密貨幣採用的想法發布了更新的路線圖。它的新觀點似乎與專案社群產生了共鳴,用於管理協議的代幣 BOSON 上漲了 70% 就反映了這一點。
This monthly growth contributed significantly to BOSON's year-to-date performance, marked by a persuasive 199% rally.
這個月度成長對 BOSON 年初至今的表現做出了重大貢獻,其表現是令人信服的 199% 的上漲。
Right now, Boson is subject to increased market attention as its technological innovation allows for the transformation of actual goods and services into virtual items with the help of so-called "redeemable NFTs." In this way, the protocol facilitates your digital shopping experience while making crypto more applicable in the real world.
目前,Boson 受到越來越多的市場關注,因為其技術創新允許借助所謂的「可兌換 NFT」將實際商品和服務轉變為虛擬物品。透過這種方式,該協議可以促進您的數位購物體驗,同時使加密技術更適用於現實世界。
But investment in BOSON comes with its own set of challenges. Namely, the token is not available on any reputable crypto exchange and cannot be purchased with fiat currencies. These are favorable conditions for those willing to pump the asset for the sake of their own interests.
但對 BOSON 的投資也面臨一系列挑戰。也就是說,該代幣在任何信譽良好的加密貨幣交易所均不可用,也不能用法定貨幣購買。對於那些願意為了自身利益而拋售資產的人來說,這些都是有利的條件。
5. Goldfinch (GFI)
CoinGecko: GFI token's year-to-date growth exceeds 160%
CoinGecko:GFI 代幣年初至今成長超過 160%
Since Blackrock announced the launch of its first tokenized fund on Ethereum, Goldfinch and its governance token, GFI, seem to be riding the wave of overall excitement.
自從 Blackrock 宣佈在以太坊上推出首個代幣化基金以來,Goldfinch 及其治理代幣 GFI 似乎正乘著整體興奮的浪潮。
The project has even emerged as one of the most standout performers in the DeFi realm, having together amassed over $326 million in active loans.
該項目甚至已成為 DeFi 領域表現最出色的項目之一,總共累積了超過 3.26 億美元的活躍貸款。
Meanwhile, GFI has more than doubled in value since the start of the year as investors rushed to explore assets that were relative to the growing trend of tokenizing Real-World Assets (RWAs).
同時,隨著投資者爭先恐後地探索與現實世界資產(RWA)代幣化趨勢相關的資產,自今年年初以來,GFI 的價值已增加了一倍多。
But there is a catch. Currently, only a quarter of GFI tokens are introduced to the market. For seasoned investors, this serves as a signal of limited liquidity that typically triggers unexpected volatility. These fluctuations are actually a double-edged sword, meaning that you can count on quick profits, but you can lose them just as fast, too.
但是有一個問題!目前,只有四分之一的 GFI 代幣被引入市場。對於經驗豐富的投資者來說,這是流動性有限的訊號,通常會引發意外的波動。這些波動實際上是一把雙面刃,這意味著您可以指望快速獲利,但也可能很快失去利潤。
6. Cere Network (CERE)
6. Cere網路(CERE)
CoinGecko: CERE token's year-to-date growth is more than 150%
CoinGecko:CERE 代幣今年迄今的成長超過 150%
On March 8, the General Assembly (GA) of the Cere DAO went live and allegedly encouraged the price of the CERE token to cement its 30% monthly gains.
3 月 8 日,Cere DAO 大會 (GA) 上線,據稱鼓勵 CERE 代幣的價格鞏固其 30% 的月度漲幅。
By giving more power and control over the project's development to CERE holders through the GA, Cere Network laid a solid foundation for the future prosperity of its governance token.
透過GA賦予CERE持有者更多的專案開發權力和控制權,Cere Network為其治理代幣的未來繁榮奠定了堅實的基礎。
The company operates in the business sector, ensuring the privacy and safety of all corporate data. This is exactly what makes Cere Network appealing right now, as more and more institutional clients are tapping into the bursting world of blockchain and cryptocurrency.
該公司在商業領域運營,確保所有企業資料的隱私和安全。這正是 Cere Network 目前有吸引力的原因,因為越來越多的機構客戶正在進入區塊鏈和加密貨幣的爆炸性世界。
But as with BOSON, the absence of CERE on prominent trading platforms raises concerns about its fair market value and supply-demand ratio. Moreover, regardless of its impressive year-to-date ROI, the token demonstrates negative performance compared to its ICO offering - a problem that we have already identified in the case of PSTAKE.
但與 BOSON 一樣,CERE 在知名交易平台上的缺席引發了人們對其公平市場價值和供需比的擔憂。此外,儘管今年迄今的投資回報率令人印象深刻,但與 ICO 產品相比,該代幣的表現卻不佳——我們已經在 PSTAKE 的案例中發現了這個問題。
7. Sipher (SIPHER)
7. 西弗
CoinGecko: SIPHER token's year-to-date growth surpasses 110%
CoinGecko:SIPHER 代幣今年迄今的成長超過 110%
The year-to-date rise of SIPHER is likely a delayed testament to the much-anticipated arrival of the closed alpha phase of its underlying blockchain-based game, Sipher, in September 2023.
SIPHER 今年迄今為止的崛起很可能是其基於區塊鏈的遊戲 Sipher 將於 2023 年 9 月備受期待的封閉 alpha 階段到來的延遲證明。
Since then, select owners of in-game NFTs who have stayed loyal to the project throughout its development have been eligible to playtest the Sipher environment and share their feedback with the creators.
從那時起,在整個開發過程中一直忠於該專案的遊戲內 NFT 的精選所有者就有資格對 Sipher 環境進行遊戲測試,並與創作者分享他們的反饋。
SIPHER probably followed the market upturn, winning from Bitcoin's record-breaking rally. Though the token has turned bearish since then, it is still possible that SIPHER will enter bullish territory again should the OG-crypto explode post-halving.
SIPHER 可能會跟隨市場的好轉,從比特幣破紀錄的上漲中獲勝。儘管此後該代幣已轉為看跌,但如果 OG 加密貨幣在減半後爆炸,SIPHER 仍有可能再次進入看漲區域。
Yet, if you consider adding this token to your portfolio, remember that SIPHER lacks all three crucial components we have discussed talking about other tokens from the list: transparent information about the circulating supply, a solid presence on crypto exchanges, and fiat-to-crypto infrastructure.
然而,如果您考慮將此代幣添加到您的投資組合中,請記住,SIPHER 缺乏我們討論過的清單中其他代幣的所有三個關鍵組成部分:有關流通供應的透明資訊、在加密貨幣交易所的穩固存在以及法幣到 -加密基礎設施。
FAQ: What Every Investor Needs to Know About Small-Cap Tokens with High Potential
Too long to read? Embark on all the necessary information in this FAQ section, providing short but informative answers to the most common questions.
What is a small-cap cryptocurrency?
A small-cap cryptocurrency is an umbrella term for all crypto assets whose market capitalization is less than $100,000.
小型加密貨幣是所有市值低於 10 萬美元的加密資產的總稱。
Which small-cap cryptocurrencies boast the potential to achieve three-digit gains in the 2024 market?
哪些小型加密貨幣有潛力在 2024 年市場達到三位數漲幅?
Based on their spectacular year-to-date performances, Choise.com (CHO), pSTAKE Finance (PSTAKE), HOPR (HOPR), Boson Protocol (BOSON), Goldfinch (GFI), Cere Network (CERE), and Sipher (SIPHER) hold the highest potential for substantial returns in the ever-changing crypto market.
基於今年迄今為止的出色表現,Choise.com (CHO)、pSTAKE Finance (PSTAKE)、HOPR (HOPR)、Boson Protocol (BOSON)、Goldfinch (GFI)、Cere Network (CERE) 和 Sipher (SIPHER) )正在不斷在變化的加密貨幣市場中擁有獲得豐厚回報的最高潛力。
Are the price dynamics of these reviewed tokens closely tied to Bitcoin's market moves?
The analysis of the media landscape shows that the performance of tokens like HOPR and SIPHER depends more on the latest market trends than on fundamental changes in the development of their parent companies. PSTAKE, BOSON, GFI, and CERE get a necessary impetus from product updates, but there are significant external factors that pose threats to their trajectories. In this context, CHO stands out as the token that repeatedly defeats market adversities, thanks to the global improvements within its underlying ecosystem.
對媒體格局的分析表明,HOPR和SIPHER等代幣的表現更多地取決於最新的市場趨勢,而不是其母公司發展的根本變化。 PSTAKE、BOSON、GFI 和 CERE 從產品更新中獲得了必要的推動力,但也存在一些重大的外部因素對其發展軌跡構成威脅。在此背景下,由於其底層生態系統的全球改進,CHO 成為屢次戰勝市場逆境的代幣。
How can I make the most of my investment in high-potential, small-cap tokens?
It's always a good idea to participate in marketing activities initiated by such projects. For example, through airdrops, you can grab a share of valuable tokens for free. As such, you automatically maximize potential returns, projected to enrich your wallet as early as the next market cycle.
Globe PR Wire
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