巴克萊分析師 Benjamin Budish 將 Coinbase Global (COIN) 的目標股價從 358 美元下調至 334 美元,並維持該股的跑贏大盤評級。

opco lowered its price target on Coinbase Global (NASDAQ:COIN) to $334 from $358, and maintained an Outperform rating on the shares.
Opco 將 Coinbase Global(納斯達克股票代碼:COIN)的目標股價從 358 美元下調至 334 美元,並維持該股優於大盤的評級。
The firm noted that the selloff in Coinbase shares since late December presents a buying opportunity. It predicts Q4 will be a “very good” quarter, and sees upward earnings-estimate revisions for the out years, and potential for S&P 500 inclusion in 2025.
該公司指出,自 12 月底以來 Coinbase 股票的拋售提供了買入機會。它預測第四季度將是一個「非常好的」季度,並預計未來幾年的獲利預測將上調,並有可能在 2025 年納入標準普爾 500 指數。
In addition, the analyst expects regulatory clarity under a “pro-crypto” President Trump. As a leading, focused crypto player with “optionality” in Web3 payment use case, Coinbase shares are a “bargain,” trading at a discount to Robinhood (NASDAQ:HOOD). Opco believes both core earnings growth and multiple expansion can drive alpha for Coinbase.
此外,分析師預計,在「支持加密貨幣」的川普總統領導下,監管將會更加清晰。作為在 Web3 支付用例中具有“選擇性”的領先、專注的加密貨幣玩家,Coinbase 的股票很“便宜”,其交易價格低於 Robinhood(納斯達克股票代碼:HOOD)。 Opco 認為核心獲利成長和倍數擴張都可以推動 Coinbase 的阿爾法收益。
While it reduced estimates, the firm believes higher trading volume, increased token prices, and regulatory clarity will drive higher Street estimates for 2025 and 2026.
儘管降低了預期,但該公司認為交易量的增加、代幣價格的上漲以及監管的明確性將推動華爾街對 2025 年和 2026 年的預期更高。
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