據比特幣歷史學家 Pete Rizzo 稱,目前官方公佈的待開採比特幣數量不到 120 萬枚。

Bitcoin historian Pete Rizzo has revealed that less than 1.2 million BTC now remains to be mined. This observation underscores Bitcoin's defining characteristic - its scarcity, which plays a crucial role in its value proposition. As the supply diminishes, the potential for increasing demand could propel its price to greater heights.
比特幣歷史學家皮特·里佐 (Pete Rizzo) 透露,目前尚待開採的比特幣不到 120 萬枚。這一觀察強調了比特幣的決定性特徵——其稀缺性,這在其價值主張中發揮著至關重要的作用。隨著供應減少,要求增加的潛力可能會將其價格推向更高的高度。
Bitcoin's total supply is limited to 21 million coins, a design implemented by its pseudonymous creator, Satoshi Nakamoto. With 19.8 million BTC already mined, the remaining 1.2 million accounts for less than 6% of the total supply.
比特幣的總供應量限制為 2,100 萬枚,這是由其化名創建者中本聰實施的設計。目前已開採 1,980 萬枚 BTC,剩餘 120 萬枚僅佔總供應量的不到 6%。
The Bitcoin halving event, which occurs every four years, further reduces the already limited supply. During a halving, the reward for mining new blocks is slashed by half, slowing the rate at which new Bitcoins enter circulation.
The next Bitcoin halving is projected to take place on April 17, 2028, at a block height of 1,050,000. At this point, the Bitcoin block reward will be reduced to 1.5625. The last Bitcoin halving occurred on April 20, 2024, at block height 840,000, with the Bitcoin block reward halving from 6.25 to 3.125.
下一次比特幣減半預計將於 2028 年 4 月 17 日發生,區塊高度為 1,050,000。此時,比特幣區塊獎勵將減少至1.5625。上一次比特幣減半發生在 2024 年 4 月 20 日,區塊高度為 840,000,比特幣區塊獎勵從 6.25 減半至 3.125。
Given the remaining less than 1.2 million BTC to be mined, at the current rate of block production and the halving schedule, experts estimate that the last Bitcoin will be mined around 2140. This long-term horizon ensures that Bitcoin's scarcity will continue to be a defining characteristic for decades to come.
鑑於剩餘的待開採比特幣不足120 萬個,按照目前的區塊生產速度和減半時間表,專家估計最後一個比特幣將在2140 年左右被開採。將繼續成為一個問題。