
Lake Michigan, August 17, 2024 / Photo: Ray Pride Get Chicago & Midwest culture news sent to your inbox every weekday morning. Subscribe to Newcity Today here. ART “Insert Coin,” A History Of Midway Games, Coming To Cleve Carney The exhibit “Insert Coin” “will feature fifteen playable arcade games that help tell the story of Midway, allowing visitors to learn about this iconic company while enjoying some of their most celebrated creations,” relays the Cleve Carney Museum Of Art. The exhibition “chronicles the stories behind these games and features behind-the-scenes video, art and ephemera from the making of these games, interviews with former Midway game designers, and the playable games themselves. Notable Williams, Bally Midway, and Midway artists and developers whose work is featured in the exhibition include Bill Adams, Ed Boon, Brian Colin, Warren Davis, Larry DeMar, Sal Divita, George Gomez, Eugene Jarvis, Jack Haeger, George Petro, Jeff Nauman, John Newcomer, John Tobias and Mark Turmell.” Opens October 26. DESIGN Developer Interested In Consumers And Century Buildings “Quintin Primo III of Capri Investment Group said he will respond when the federal government publishes a call for lease ideas for the buildings,” reports David Roeder at the Sun-Times. “He favors preservationists’ suggestion that the buildings become an archives center for nonprofit and religious groups but said that other uses should be considered.” Goettsch Partners’ Paramount Will Be Nashville’s Tallest Building Paramount, a sixty-story tower designed by Chicago-based Goettsch Partners, is planned as Nashville’s tallest, reports The Architect’s Newspaper. “Paramount will measure 750 feet. Goettsch Partners envisions 360 apartments, 140 condominiums, amenities and a 517-space parking garage inside the tower.” Wicker Park’s Ascension St. Elizabeth Hospital Will Be Closed “Amid Ascension Illinois’ deal to sell off several local hospitals to Prime Healthcare, the health care systems are seeking to close one of the facilities on Chicago’s West Side,” reports Crain’s. “Ascension St. Elizabeth, which offers mental health inpatient services, would shut down within six months.” A Visit To The Busy Beaver Button Museum Logan Square’s Busy Beaver Button Company and Museum has archived 60,000 pin-back buttons, reports WBEZ. “One of the things that’s so cool about buttons is that they tell… a people’s history,” Busy Beaver founder Christen Carter says. “There are really large things that are well documented in buttons and there are smaller things I never learned about in history class.” Chicago “Digester” Can Consume Tons Of Food Waste A “climate change-fighting machine is being used to divert thousands of pounds of food waste from landfills, as well as feed people and heat city homes in a clean and sustainable way,” reports WLS-TV. “Green Era’s anaerobic digester is now fully operational. And it’s creating two biproducts: Biogas and nutrient rich compost. Trucks [arrive] daily, carrying hundreds of tons of food waste, some still in its packaging. It all gets dumped into a giant pit…” The liquid food waste “lives in there for about twenty days. Little microorganisms are eating it, just like our digestive systems are doing the same exact thing,” Erika Allen, CEO of the Urban Growers Collective tells the station. As the food is digested, “it’s releasing methane and that rises to the top of the tank. It’s siphoned off and then goes through filter filtration and then gets injected into the gas pipeline.” First Demolition Begins For Bally’s Casino “The first demolition to make way for Bally’s Chicago casino has begun along the Chicago River in West Town,” reports Chicago YIMBY. The city “issued a demo permit for 700 West Erie, with Brandenburg Industrial Service Company serving as the demolition contractor. A long, single-story metal building that was most recently the home of a U-Haul rental facility, it sits on the southwest corner of the development site, at the intersection of Erie and Halsted.” Demolition Of Hoffman Estates Sears Campus Begins “Demolition has begun on the 2.4 million square feet of office space that once served as Sears’ worldwide headquarters in Hoffman Estates,” reports the Daily Herald. “The campus served as the retail giant’s headquarters between the move from Chicago’s Sears Tower in the early 1990s until the company put the sprawling 273 acres up for sale in 2021. At its peak, the campus was home to about 9,000 employees. But after the last of them were sent home due to the COVID-19 pandemic in March 2020, none ever returned.” Historic Lake Forest Compound With Acres Of Gardens Yours For $15 Million “One of the grandest estates in Lake Forest, a sumptuous mansion that has been
密西根湖,2024 年 8 月 17 日 / 照片:Ray Pride 每個工作日早上將芝加哥和中西部文化新聞發送到您的收件匣。在這裡訂閱《今日新城》。藝術“插入硬幣”,中途島遊戲的歷史,來到克利夫卡尼展覽“插入硬幣”“將展示十五個可玩的街機遊戲,幫助講述中途島的故事,讓參觀者了解這家標誌性的公司,同時享受他們的一些最著名的創作,」克利夫卡尼藝術博物館轉述道。展覽「記錄了這些遊戲背後的故事,並展示了這些遊戲製作過程中的幕後影片、藝術和蜉蝣、對前中途島遊戲設計師的採訪以及可玩的遊戲本身。展覽中展出作品的著名 Williams、Bally Midway 和 Midway 藝術家和開發商包括 Bill Adams、Ed Boon、Brian Colin、Warren Davis、Larry DeMar、Sal Divita、George Gomez、Eugene Jarvis、Jack Haeger、George Petro、Jeff瑙曼、約翰·紐科默、約翰·托比亞斯和馬克·特梅爾。 10 月26 日開幕。 ,”《太陽時報》的大衛·羅德(David Roeder) 報導。 “他贊成保護主義者的建議,即這些建築應成為非營利組織和宗教團體的檔案中心,但表示應考慮其他用途。” Goettsch Partners 的派拉蒙建築將成為納許維爾最高的建築 據建築師報紙報道,由芝加哥 Goettsch Partners 設計的 60 層塔樓派拉蒙計劃成為納許維爾最高的建築。 「派拉蒙的高度為 750 英尺。 Goettsch Partners 設想在塔內建造 360 套公寓、140 套公寓、便利設施和一個 517 個停車位的車庫。柳條公園的阿森松聖伊麗莎白醫院將關閉 “在伊利諾伊州阿森松將幾家當地醫院出售給 Prime Healthcare 的交易中,醫療保健系統正在尋求關閉芝加哥西區的一所醫院,”克雷恩報導。 “提供心理健康住院服務的阿森松聖伊麗莎白醫院將在六個月內關閉。”參觀 Busy Beaver Button 博物館 據 WBEZ 報道,洛根廣場的 Busy Beaver Button 公司和博物館收藏了 60,000 個別針紐扣。 「按鈕最酷的一點是,它們講述了…一個人的歷史,」Busy Beaver 創始人 Christen Carter 說。 “確實有一些大的事情在按鈕中得到了很好的記錄,還有一些較小的事情我在歷史課上從未學過。”芝加哥「消化器」可以消耗大量食物垃圾WLS 報導稱,一台「應對氣候變遷的機器正在被用來將數千磅的食物垃圾從垃圾掩埋場轉移出來,並以清潔和可持續的方式為人們提供食物並為城市房屋供暖」。- 電視。 「Green Era 的厭氧消化器現已全面投入運作。它產生兩種副產品:沼氣和營養豐富的堆肥。每天都有卡車[抵達],運載著數百噸食物垃圾,其中一些仍在包裝中。所有這些都被傾倒到一個巨大的坑裡…「液體食物垃圾」在那裡生活了大約二十天。小微生物正在吃它,就像我們的消化系統正在做同樣的事情一樣,」城市種植者集體首席執行官埃里卡·艾倫告訴電視台。當食物被消化時,「它會釋放甲烷並上升到水箱的頂部。它被吸走,然後經過過濾器過濾,然後注入天然氣管道。巴利賭場的首次拆除工作開始 “為巴利芝加哥賭場騰出空間的首次拆除工作已在西城芝加哥河沿岸開始,”Chicago YIMBY 報道。該市「為 700 West Erie 頒發了演示許可證,勃蘭登堡工業服務公司作為拆除承包商。它是一棟長長的單層金屬建築,最近是 U-Haul 租賃設施的所在地,位於開發場地的西南角,伊利和霍爾斯特德的交叉口。霍夫曼莊園西爾斯園區開始拆除 “霍夫曼莊園曾經是西爾斯全球總部的 240 萬平方英尺辦公空間已經開始拆除,”《每日先驅報》報道。 「從1990 年代初從芝加哥西爾斯大廈搬遷到該公司於2021 年將這片佔地273 英畝的土地出售之前,該園區一直是這家零售巨頭的總部。在鼎盛時期,該園區擁有約9,000名員工。但在 2020 年 3 月,最後一批人因 COVID-19 大流行而被送回家後,就再也沒有人回來過。歷史悠久的森林湖大院,擁有數英畝花園,只需 1500 萬美元“森林湖最宏偉的莊園之一,一座豪華宅邸,