從 Charles Hoskinson 在 X 上的主要貼文來看,Terra Luna Classic 生態系統可能很快就會將卡爾達諾納入其合作夥伴之一。
Cardano founder Charles Hoskinson has expressed interest in exploring a partnership between Cardano (ADA) and Terra Luna Classic (LUNC). In a recent X post, Hoskinson outlined his plans for Cardano this year, which include three main focus areas:
Cardano 創辦人 Charles Hoskinson 表示有興趣探索 Cardano (ADA) 和 Terra Luna Classic (LUNC) 之間的合作夥伴關係。在最近的 X 帖子中,霍斯金森概述了他今年對卡爾達諾的計劃,其中包括三個主要重點領域:
Bitcoin DeFi on Cardano: According to Hoskinson, this is a significant opportunity as Bitcoin has four times the liquidity of Ethereum and Solana combined.24/7 scalability, including Leios: This will involve exploring new integration possibilities to "make Cardano a peninsula, not an island." This will include a meeting with the Chainlink team and a definitive push for stablecoins afterward.
Cardano 上的比特幣DeFi:根據Hoskinson 的說法,這是一個重大機會,因為比特幣的流動性是以太坊和Solana 總和的四倍。整合可能性,以“使Cardano 成為一個半島,而不是一個半島”。這將包括與 Chainlink 團隊的會議以及隨後對穩定幣的明確推動。
Highlighting the importance of stablecoins, Hoskinson previously commended the RLUSD stablecoin upon its launch, hinting at potential integration possibilities. This has caught the attention of Terra Luna Classic validators, who are keen on exploring how Cardano can contribute to the LUNC ecosystem, particularly in the realm of algorithmic stablecoins.
Hoskinson 強調了穩定幣的重要性,此前在 RLUSD 穩定幣推出時就對其進行了讚揚,暗示了潛在的整合可能性。這引起了 Terra Luna Classic 驗證者的注意,他們熱衷於探索 Cardano 如何為 LUNC 生態系統做出貢獻,特別是在演算法穩定幣領域。
Terra Luna Classic validators have been working on the USTC algorithmic stablecoin since 2022, and any potential partnership with Cardano could revolve around integrating USTC into the Cardano ecosystem. This would align with Hoskinson's focus on stablecoins and his desire to expand Cardano's interoperability capabilities.
Terra Luna Classic 驗證者自 2022 年以來一直致力於 USTC 演算法穩定幣的開發,與 Cardano 的任何潛在合作都可能圍繞著將 USTC 融入 Cardano 生態系統。這符合霍斯金森對穩定幣的關注以及他擴展卡爾達諾互通能力的願望。
As the conversations are still confined to social media, it remains to be seen how these discussions will unfold and whether any formal partnership will be established between Cardano and Terra Luna Classic.
由於對話仍然僅限於社交媒體,這些討論將如何展開以及卡爾達諾和 Terra Luna Classic 之間是否會建立任何正式合作夥伴關係還有待觀察。