持有少於 1 BTC 的比特幣地址數量一直在穩步增長。 CryptoQuant 分析師 Axel Adler Jr. 表示,目前這類地址有 323,000 個,比特幣價格為 101,000 美元。

The number of Bitcoin addresses holding less than 1 BTC has been steadily growing. According to analyst Axel Adler Jr., CryptoQuant analyst, there are currently 323,000 such addresses, with Bitcoin priced at $101,000. This represents an improvement from 265k addresses when Bitcoin was at $61k. This growth means there is an increase of 21.9 percent in the so-called ‘shrimps’ holders.
持有少於 1 BTC 的比特幣地址數量一直在穩步增長。 CryptoQuant 分析師 Axel Adler Jr. 表示,目前這類地址有 323,000 個,比特幣價格為 101,000 美元。這比比特幣價格為 6.1 萬美元時的 26.5 萬個地址有所改善。這一增長意味著所謂的「蝦」持有者增加了 21.9%。
It is interesting to note that while the term ‘shrimps’ means small investors, these holders are extremely bullish on Bitcoin. They have continued to buy Bitcoin, even as prices increase. According to Axel Adler Jr., such behavior demonstrates that people see big potential in Bitcoin in the long run.
有趣的是,雖然「蝦子」一詞指的是小投資者,但這些持有者非常看好比特幣。即使價格上漲,他們仍繼續購買比特幣。小阿克塞爾·阿德勒 (Axel Adler Jr.) 表示,這種行為表明,從長遠來看,人們看到了比特幣的巨大潛力。
Other analysts estimate that there will be as many as 351,000 addresses containing less than 1 BTC in the near future. This suggests that there are more people buying it and adopting the currency regardless of the prices as they surge.
其他分析師估計,在不久的將來,包含少於 1 BTC 的地址將多達 351,000 個。這表明無論價格如何飆升,都有更多的人購買並採用這種貨幣。
Finally, the fact that there are more Bitcoin address containing less than 1 BTC now is a positive indicator for Bitcoin. As per analyst, such a trend proves that Bitcoin is still backed by small investors who are expected to drive the market forward in the future.
最後,現在有更多的比特幣地址包含少於 1 BTC,這一事實對比特幣來說是一個積極的指標。分析師認為,這種趨勢證明比特幣仍然受到小投資者的支持,他們預計將在未來推動市場向前發展。