加密貨幣市場的成功通常取決於時機和可靠的計劃。卡爾達諾 (ADA) 未平倉合約增加 9,000 萬美元,顯示市場活動強勁

Cardano (ADA) price analysis reveals a surge of $90 million in open interest, indicating heightened interest in the cryptocurrency. Open interest, a measure of outstanding derivative contracts, serves as a crucial indicator of market sentiment and potential volatility. The substantial increase in open interest suggests that traders anticipate significant price movements in the upcoming sessions.
Cardano (ADA) 價格分析顯示,未平倉合約激增 9,000 萬美元,顯示人們對加密貨幣的興趣增強。未平倉合約是衡量未平倉衍生性合約的指標,是市場情緒和潛在波動性的重要指標。未平倉合約大幅增加表示交易者預計未來幾個交易日價格將大幅波動。
This surge in open interest is accompanied by higher trading volumes, further suggesting the possibility of increased market activity. Historically, such trends often precede sharp price changes, as market participants prepare for major upward or downward shifts.
Tron (TRX) price analysis reveals a continuous struggle to break past the $0.25 resistance level. After reaching a peak of $0.44 on December 4, 2024, TRX price quickly declined to $0.33, triggered by a bearish engulfing candle. Since then, TRX has consolidated between $0.22 and $0.34.
Tron (TRX) 價格分析顯示,其持續努力突破 0.25 美元的阻力位。在 2024 年 12 月 4 日達到 0.44 美元的峰值後,TRX 價格在看跌吞噬蠟燭的觸發下迅速下跌至 0.33 美元。此後,TRX 一直在 0.22 美元至 0.34 美元之間盤整。
Technical analysis on the 12-hour chart shows TRX trading below a descending trendline, indicating persistent selling pressure. The Relative Strength Index (RSI) is also trading below the neutral 50 level, further highlighting the bearish sentiment.
12小時圖的技術分析顯示,TRX交投於下降趨勢線下方,顯示拋售壓力持續存在。相對強弱指數 (RSI) 也低於中性 50 水平,進一步凸顯看跌情緒。
Furthermore, the In/Out of Money Around Price (IOMAP) metric shows a strong resistance zone at $0.25, where 1.43 million addresses hold over 800 million TRX. This concentration of holdings could act as a significant sell-wall, hindering any upward momentum for the token.
此外,價格周圍資金/資金外流 (IOMAP) 指標顯示 0.25 美元的強勁阻力區域,其中 143 萬個地址持有超過 8 億個 TRX。這種持有量的集中可能會成為一個重要的拋售牆,阻礙代幣的任何上漲動力。